69,470 research outputs found

    Rich, Sturmian, and trapezoidal words

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    In this paper we explore various interconnections between rich words, Sturmian words, and trapezoidal words. Rich words, first introduced in arXiv:0801.1656 by the second and third authors together with J. Justin and S. Widmer, constitute a new class of finite and infinite words characterized by having the maximal number of palindromic factors. Every finite Sturmian word is rich, but not conversely. Trapezoidal words were first introduced by the first author in studying the behavior of the subword complexity of finite Sturmian words. Unfortunately this property does not characterize finite Sturmian words. In this note we show that the only trapezoidal palindromes are Sturmian. More generally we show that Sturmian palindromes can be characterized either in terms of their subword complexity (the trapezoidal property) or in terms of their palindromic complexity. We also obtain a similar characterization of rich palindromes in terms of a relation between palindromic complexity and subword complexity.Comment: 7 page

    Enumeration and Structure of Trapezoidal Words

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    Trapezoidal words are words having at most n+1n+1 distinct factors of length nn for every n0n\ge 0. They therefore encompass finite Sturmian words. We give combinatorial characterizations of trapezoidal words and exhibit a formula for their enumeration. We then separate trapezoidal words into two disjoint classes: open and closed. A trapezoidal word is closed if it has a factor that occurs only as a prefix and as a suffix; otherwise it is open. We investigate open and closed trapezoidal words, in relation with their special factors. We prove that Sturmian palindromes are closed trapezoidal words and that a closed trapezoidal word is a Sturmian palindrome if and only if its longest repeated prefix is a palindrome. We also define a new class of words, \emph{semicentral words}, and show that they are characterized by the property that they can be written as uxyuuxyu, for a central word uu and two different letters x,yx,y. Finally, we investigate the prefixes of the Fibonacci word with respect to the property of being open or closed trapezoidal words, and show that the sequence of open and closed prefixes of the Fibonacci word follows the Fibonacci sequence.Comment: Accepted for publication in Theoretical Computer Scienc

    On prefixal factorizations of words

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    We consider the class P1{\cal P}_1 of all infinite words xAωx\in A^\omega over a finite alphabet AA admitting a prefixal factorization, i.e., a factorization x=U0U1U2x= U_0 U_1U_2 \cdots where each UiU_i is a non-empty prefix of x.x. With each xP1x\in {\cal P}_1 one naturally associates a "derived" infinite word δ(x)\delta(x) which may or may not admit a prefixal factorization. We are interested in the class P{\cal P}_{\infty} of all words xx of P1{\cal P}_1 such that δn(x)P1\delta^n(x) \in {\cal P}_1 for all n1n\geq 1. Our primary motivation for studying the class P{\cal P}_{\infty} stems from its connection to a coloring problem on infinite words independently posed by T. Brown in \cite{BTC} and by the second author in \cite{LQZ}. More precisely, let P{\bf P} be the class of all words xAωx\in A^\omega such that for every finite coloring φ:A+C\varphi : A^+ \rightarrow C there exist cCc\in C and a factorization x=V0V1V2x= V_0V_1V_2\cdots with φ(Vi)=c\varphi(V_i)=c for each i0.i\geq 0. In \cite{DPZ} we conjectured that a word xPx\in {\bf P} if and only if xx is purely periodic. In this paper we show that PP,{\bf P}\subseteq {\cal P}_{\infty}, so in other words, potential candidates to a counter-example to our conjecture are amongst the non-periodic elements of P.{\cal P}_{\infty}. We establish several results on the class P{\cal P}_{\infty}. In particular, we show that a Sturmian word xx belongs to P{\cal P}_{\infty} if and only if xx is nonsingular, i.e., no proper suffix of xx is a standard Sturmian word

    On Christoffel and standard words and their derivatives

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    We introduce and study natural derivatives for Christoffel and finite standard words, as well as for characteristic Sturmian words. These derivatives, which are realized as inverse images under suitable morphisms, preserve the aforementioned classes of words. In the case of Christoffel words, the morphisms involved map aa to ak+1ba^{k+1}b (resp.,~abkab^{k}) and bb to akba^{k}b (resp.,~abk+1ab^{k+1}) for a suitable k>0k>0. As long as derivatives are longer than one letter, higher-order derivatives are naturally obtained. We define the depth of a Christoffel or standard word as the smallest order for which the derivative is a single letter. We give several combinatorial and arithmetic descriptions of the depth, and (tight) lower and upper bounds for it.Comment: 28 pages. Final version, to appear in TC

    The sequence of open and closed prefixes of a Sturmian word

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    A finite word is closed if it contains a factor that occurs both as a prefix and as a suffix but does not have internal occurrences, otherwise it is open. We are interested in the {\it oc-sequence} of a word, which is the binary sequence whose nn-th element is 00 if the prefix of length nn of the word is open, or 11 if it is closed. We exhibit results showing that this sequence is deeply related to the combinatorial and periodic structure of a word. In the case of Sturmian words, we show that these are uniquely determined (up to renaming letters) by their oc-sequence. Moreover, we prove that the class of finite Sturmian words is a maximal element with this property in the class of binary factorial languages. We then discuss several aspects of Sturmian words that can be expressed through this sequence. Finally, we provide a linear-time algorithm that computes the oc-sequence of a finite word, and a linear-time algorithm that reconstructs a finite Sturmian word from its oc-sequence.Comment: Published in Advances in Applied Mathematics. Journal version of arXiv:1306.225

    Some characterizations of Sturmian words in terms of the lexicographic order

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    In this paper we present three new characterizations of Sturmian words based on the lexicographic ordering of their factors

    Hund's metals, explained

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    A possible practical definition for a Hund's metal is given, as a metallic phase - arising consistently in realistic simulations and experiments in Fe-based superconductors and other materials - with three features: large electron masses, high-spin local configurations dominating the paramagnetic fluctuations and orbital-selective correlations. These features are triggered by, and increase with the proximity to, a Hund's coupling-favored Mott insulator that is realized for half-filled conduction bands. A clear crossover line is found where these three features get enhanced, departing from the Mott transition at half filling and extending in the interaction/doping plane, between a normal (at weak interaction and large doping) and a Hund's metal (at strong interaction and small doping). This phenomenology is found identically in models with featureless bands, highlighting the generality of this physics and its robustness by respect to the details of the material band structures. Some analytical arguments are also given to gain insight into these defining features. Finally the attention is brought on the recent theoretical finding of enhanced/diverging electronic compressibility near the Hund's metal crossover, pointing to enhanced quasiparticle interactions that can cause or boost superconductivity or other instabilities.Comment: Lecture prepared for the Autumn School on Correlated Electrons, 25-29 September 2017, Juelich. To appear on: E. Pavarini, E. Koch, R. Scalettar, and R. Martin (eds.) The Physics of Correlated Insulators, Metals, and Superconductors Modeling and Simulation Vol. 7 Forschungszentrum Juelich, 2017, ISBN 978-3-95806-224-5 http://www.cond- mat.de/events/correl1