5 research outputs found
El índice Ka: un nuevo algoritmo para analizar los componentes de la superficie terrestre en imágenes de satélite
El cambio del paisaje de la superficie terrestre, su composición y estructura, ocurrido por causas di- versas, ha estado en la mira de toda la humanidad. Se han desarrollado diversas formas para entender- los y la sensoría remota es lo más reciente y nove- doso para tener un conocimiento rápido de gran- des extensiones. En este estudio se ha desarrollado un nuevo algoritmo para medir estos cambios, así como para identificar valores espectrales de espe- cies de coníferas, utilizando imágenes del satélite Landsat7 ETM+. Los resultados muestran un gran potencial del índice Ka para detectar los diferentes componentes superficiales y su variabilidad debi- do a efectos naturales o antropológicos, etc.
The change in the landscape of the terrestrial surface, its composition, and its structure, caused by many factors, has been in the aim of all humanity. Diverse forms have been developed in order to understand them, the sensory remote being the most recent and novel thing in acquiring fast knowledge of large extensions. In this study a new algorithm has been developed to measure these changes, as well as to identify ghastly values of coniferous species using images of the satellite Landsat7 ETM+. The results show a great potential of the Ka index in detecting the different superfi- cial components and its variability due to natural effects or due to man
Construcción de un picosatélite cansat.
Los cansat son conocidos en casi todo el mundo. Su
principal objetivo es transmitir a los estudiantes universitarios
los conceptos básicos de diseño y construcción
de satélites artificiales. La mayoría de las universidades
más importantes de diversos países que cuentan con
una facultad de ingeniería y ciencias exactas han
construido al menos uno de estos dispositivos como
actividad extraescolar para sus alumnos, mediante
cursos, talleres o a través de los programas de capacitación
que las agencias espaciales ofrecen para captar
las futuras generaciones de ingenieros y científicos en
el área espacial (Walker et al., 2010)
500 años de la fundación del Primer Ayuntamiento Continental de las Américas
Entre el primer tercio y la mitad del año 2019, diversas dependencias y organismos públicos mexicanos celebraron el quincuagésimo aniversario de la fundación del ayuntamiento de la Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz. Con la afirmada trascendencia del suceso aludido, el Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, fiel a su misión de difundir el conocimiento disciplinar, fue el primero en celebrar su quincuagésimo aniversario. El Seminario 500 años de la fundación del primer ayuntamiento continental de las Américas, realizado los días 9 y 10 de abril de 2019, propuso para los gobiernos municipales mexicanos una nueva visión para su organización y para su progreso. Se desarrolló en cinco mesas: 1) origen, 2) siglo XIX y Revolución Mexicana, 3) municipio urbano, 4) futuro del municipio 1, y 5) futuro del municipio 2. El primer capítulo de este libro reproduce las palabras del discurso inaugurar el seminario. Los restantes 18 capítulos corresponden a contribuciones escritas de aquellos participantes distinguidos del evento
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Spatial and seasonal variations along the US-Mexico border: An analysis with Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery
Research in global ecology has been concerned with the effect of vegetation removal in semi-arid regions including aspects such as plant succession and desertification and its impact on global change, specifically global warming. In addition, conditions along international borders often are presented as discontinuities in terms of vegetation and soil status. To better document these discontinuities in a semi-arid region, a multi-temporal study along the U.S.-Mexico border was conducted with a series of six Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images acquired over the 1992 growing season. Spatial and temporal variations across the border were analyzed with reflectance data. Spatial data was obtained from three different sampling size areas which included: the Parker Canyon grassland; the San Rafael Valley, a grassland combined with riparian areas and croplands; and the regional area along the Arizona-Sonora border including valleys and mountains, and diverse vegetation communities and soil conditions. These areas consisted of about 106 ha, 5,800 ha, and 738,000 ha, respectively, at each side of the border. Temporal data were obtained from the six TM images which were acquired in days of the year 162, 178, 194, 274, 306, and 322. Four remote sensing applications were considered for comparison studies on both sides of the border. These techniques included: (a) band comparisons, (b) albedo, derived from the discrete sensor band information, (c) vegetation indices, and (d) application of a linear mixing model. When comparing both sides of the border, significant differences were observed in most of the remote sensing techniques applied at the Parker Canyon area. Higher differences were found during the wet season with all of the applied techniques with the exception of albedo. The red band and albedo were the most important discriminants during the dry season. At the intermediate size, San Rafael Valley area, U.S.-Mexico differences followed the same pattern as Parker Canyon, but statistically, these differences were deemed insignificant. At the regional area, no differences were observed between the U.S. and Mexican side. The effect of pixel aggregation using the different remote sensing techniques and ground data from field campaigns in 1995 were also analyzed
Compilación de Proyectos de Investigacion de 1984-2002
Instituto Politecnico Nacional. UPIICS