1,735 research outputs found

    Essential elements of treatment: a comparative study between European and American therapeutic communities for addiction

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether European and American therapeutic communities (TCs) for addiction, both traditional and modified, share a common perspective on what is essential in treatment using the Survey of Essential Elements Questionnaire (SEEQ). The European sample (N = 19) was gathered in 2009. For the American sample (N = 19) we used previously published research data. Despite comparable perspectives, European traditional TCs (N = 11) scored significantly higher than their American predecessors (N = 11) on 4 SEEQ domains. Cluster differences were more pronounced in Europe than in America

    Modeling and Optimal Design of Machining-Induced Residual Stresses in Aluminium Alloys Using a Fast Hierarchical Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm

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    The residual stresses induced during shaping and machining play an important role in determining the integrity and durability of metal components. An important issue of producing safety critical components is to find the machining parameters that create compressive surface stresses or minimise tensile surface stresses. In this paper, a systematic data-driven fuzzy modelling methodology is proposed, which allows constructing transparent fuzzy models considering both accuracy and interpretability attributes of fuzzy systems. The new method employs a hierarchical optimisation structure to improve the modelling efficiency, where two learning mechanisms cooperate together: NSGA-II is used to improve the model’s structure while the gradient descent method is used to optimise the numerical parameters. This hybrid approach is then successfully applied to the problem that concerns the prediction of machining induced residual stresses in aerospace aluminium alloys. Based on the developed reliable prediction models, NSGA-II is further applied to the multi-objective optimal design of aluminium alloys in a ‘reverse-engineering’ fashion. It is revealed that the optimal machining regimes to minimise the residual stress and the machining cost simultaneously can be successfully located

    Photosynthetic Response of Soybean to Twospotted Spider Mite (Acari: Tetranychydae) Injury

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    The twospotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch is a common pest on soybean plants. To clarify plantarthropod interaction on mite-soybean system, leaf fluorescence, photosynthetic responses to variable carbon dioxide levels, and chlorophyll content were evaluated. Significant photosynthetic rate reduction was observed due to stomatal limitation. Stomatal closure was the major plant physiological response. As a consequence, there was reduction in photosynthetic rates. Surprisingly, plants did not show chlorophyll content reduction associated with photosynthetic impairment. No differences in fluorescence data indicate that T. urticae injury did not impair the function of light harvesting and photoelectron transport. These results showed that T. urticae could be a serious pest of soybean even on lower infestation, at least when photosynthesis was determinant to yield

    Identification of a common HLA-DP4-restricted T-cell epitope in the conserved region of the respiratory syncytial virus G protein

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    The cellular immune response to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is important in both protection and immunopathogenesis. In contrast to HLA class I, HLA class II-restricted RSV-specific T-cell epitopes have not been identified. Here, we describe the generation and characterization of two human RSV-specific CD4(+)-T-cell clones (TCCs) associated with type 0-like cytokine profiles. TCC 1 was specific for the matrix protein and restricted over HLA-DPB1*1601, while TCC 2 was specific for the attachment protein G and restricted over either HLA-DPB1*0401 or -0402. Interestingly, the latter epitope is conserved in both RSV type A and B viruses. Given the high allele frequencies of HLA-DPB1*0401 and -0402 worldwide, this epitope could be widely recognized and boosted by recurrent RSV infections. Indeed, peptide stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy adults resulted in the detection of specific responses in 8 of 13 donors. Additional G-specific TCCs were generated from three of these cultures, which recognized the identical (n = 2) or almost identical (n = 1) HLA-DP4-restricted epitope as TCC 2. No significant differences were found between the capacities of cell lines obtained from infants with severe (n = 41) or mild (n = 46) RSV lower respiratory tract infections to function as antigen-presenting cells to the G-specific TCCs, suggesting that the severity of RSV disease is not linked to the allelic frequency of HLA-DP4. In conclusion, we have identified an RSV G-specific human T helper cell epitope restricted by the widely expressed HLA class II alleles DPB1*0401 and -0402. Its putative role in protection and/or immunopathogenesis remains to be determined

    Controle SanitĂĄrio de Filmes FlexĂ­veis de PVC Comercializados no Estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    n total, 37 samples of flexible PVC films were analyzed for specific migration of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and di-(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) from packaging to fatty foods, using simulant. The Resolution n. 17, of March 17, 2008, published by ANVISA, establishes specific migration limits for DEHP in 1.5 mg kg−1 of simulant and for DEHA in 18 mg kg−1 of simulant. The migration test was performed through contact between a 1-dm2 PVC film cutout and 100 mL of food simulant, ethanol 95% (v/v), for 48 h at 20ÂșC. The migrations of DEHP and DEHA were determined by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector and a fused silica column internally coated with a stationary phase consisting of 5% phenylmethylsilicone. The results from the samples showed specific migration of DEHP ranging between not detectable (< 0.35 mg kg−1) and 304 mg kg−1 of food simulant and between not detectable (< 2.23 mg kg−1) and 231 mg kg−1 of food simulant for DEHA. Among the tested samples, 95% had results above the limit established by legislation.Foram analisadas trinta e sete amostras de filme flexĂ­vel de PVC quanto Ă  migração especĂ­fica dos plastificantes ftalato de di-(2-etil-hexila) – DEHP (NÂș CAS 117-81-7) e adipato de di-(2-etil-hexila) – DEHA (NÂș CAS 103-23-1) da embalagem para alimentos gordurosos, utilizando-se simulante. A Resolução nÂș 17, de 17 de março de 2008, publicada pela ANVISA, estabelece limite de migração especĂ­fica para DEHP de 1,5 mg kg-1 do simulante e para o DEHA em 18 mg kg-1 do simulante. O teste de migração foi realizado por meio do contato entre 1 dm2 do filme de PVC e 100 mL de simulante de alimento, solução de etanol a 95% (v/v), por 48 h a 20ÂșC. As migraçÔes dos plastificantes DEHP e DEHA foram determinadas por cromatografia a gĂĄs com detecção por ionização em chama e coluna de sĂ­lica fundida recoberta internamente com fase estacionĂĄria constituĂ­da de 5% fenilmetilsilicone. As amostras apresentaram resultados para a migração especĂ­fica de DEHP entre nĂŁo detectĂĄvel (< 0,35 mg kg-1) e 304 mg kg-1 de simulante de alimentos e entre nĂŁo detectĂĄvel (< 2,23 mg kg-1) e 231 mg kg-1 de simulante de alimentos para o DEHA. Dentre as amostras ensaiadas, 95% apresentaram resultado insatisfatĂłrio para pelo menos um dos plastificantes

    A very brief description of LOFAR - the Low Frequency Array

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    LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) is an innovative radio telescope optimized for the frequency range 30-240 MHz. The telescope is realized as a phased aperture array without any moving parts. Digital beam forming allows the telescope to point to any part of the sky within a second. Transient buffering makes retrospective imaging of explosive short-term events possible. The scientific focus of LOFAR will initially be on four key science projects (KSPs): 1) detection of the formation of the very first stars and galaxies in the universe during the so-called epoch of reionization by measuring the power spectrum of the neutral hydrogen 21-cm line (Shaver et al. 1999) on the ~5' scale; 2) low-frequency surveys of the sky with of order 10810^8 expected new sources; 3) all-sky monitoring and detection of transient radio sources such as gamma-ray bursts, x-ray binaries, and exo-planets (Farrell et al. 2004); and 4) radio detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos (Falcke & Gorham 2003) allowing for the first time access to particles beyond 10^21 eV (Scholten et al. 2006). Apart from the KSPs open access for smaller projects is also planned. Here we give a brief description of the telescope.Comment: 2 pages, IAU GA 2006, Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 14, K.A. van der Hucht, e
