350 research outputs found

    Strategies for estimating human exposure to mycotoxins via food

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    In this review, five strategies to estimate mycotoxin exposure of a (sub-) population via food, including data collection, are discussed with the aim to identify the added values and limitations of each strategy for risk assessment of these chemicals. The well-established point estimate, observed individual mean, probabilistic and duplicate diet strategies are addressed, as well as the emerging human biomonitoring strategy. All five exposure assessment strategies allow the estimation of chronic (long-term) exposure to mycotoxins, and, with the exception of the observed individual mean strategy, also acute (short-term) exposure. Methods for data collection, i.e. food consumption surveys, food monitoring studies and total diet studies are discussed. In food monitoring studies, the driving force is often enforcement of legal limits, and, consequently, data are often generated with relatively high limits of quantification and targeted at products suspected to contain mycotoxin levels above these legal limits. Total diet studies provide a solid base for chronic exposure assessments since they provide mycotoxin levels in food based on well-defined samples and including the effect of food preparation. Duplicate diet studies and human biomonitoring studies reveal the actual exposure but often involve a restricted group of human volunteers and a limited time period. Human biomonitoring studies may also include exposure to mycotoxins from other sources than food, and exposure to modified mycotoxins that may not be detected with current analytical methods. Low limits of quantification are required for analytical methods applied for data collection to avoid large uncertainties in the exposure due to high numbers of left censored data, i.e. with levels below the limit of quantification

    Field theory aspects of non-Abelian T-duality and N = 2 linear quivers

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    In this paper we propose a linear quiver with gauge groups of increasing rank as field theory dual to the AdS 5 background constructed by Sfetsos and Thompson through non-Abelian T-duality. The formalism to study 4d N = 2 SUSY CFTs developed by Gaiotto and Maldacena is essential for our proposal. We point out an interesting relation between (Hopf) Abelian and non-Abelian T-dual backgrounds that allows to see both backgrounds as different limits of a solution constructed by Maldacena and Núñez. This suggests different completions of the long quiver describing the CFT dual to the nonAbelian T-dual background that match different observables

    TSPY potentiates cell proliferation and tumorigenesis by promoting cell cycle progression in HeLa and NIH3T3 cells

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    BACKGROUND: TSPY is a repeated gene mapped to the critical region harboring the gonadoblastoma locus on the Y chromosome (GBY), the only oncogenic locus on this male-specific chromosome. Elevated levels of TSPY have been observed in gonadoblastoma specimens and a variety of other tumor tissues, including testicular germ cell tumors, prostate cancer, melanoma, and liver cancer. TSPY contains a SET/NAP domain that is present in a family of cyclin B and/or histone binding proteins represented by the oncoprotein SET and the nucleosome assembly protein 1 (NAP1), involved in cell cycle regulation and replication. METHODS: To determine a possible cellular function for TSPY, we manipulated the TSPY expression in HeLa and NIH3T3 cells using the Tet-off system. Cell proliferation, colony formation assays and tumor growth in nude mice were utilized to determine the TSPY effects on cell growth and tumorigenesis. Cell cycle analysis and cell synchronization techniques were used to determine cell cycle profiles. Microarray and RT-PCR were used to investigate gene expression in TSPY expressing cells. RESULTS: Our findings suggest that TSPY expression increases cell proliferation in vitro and tumorigenesis in vivo. Ectopic expression of TSPY results in a smaller population of the host cells in the G(2)/M phase of the cell cycle. Using cell synchronization techniques, we show that TSPY is capable of mediating a rapid transition of the cells through the G(2)/M phase. Microarray analysis demonstrates that numerous genes involved in the cell cycle and apoptosis are affected by TSPY expression in the HeLa cells. CONCLUSION: These data, taken together, have provided important insights on the probable functions of TSPY in cell cycle progression, cell proliferation, and tumorigenesis

    Coarse graining ππ scattering

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    We carry out an analysis of ππ scattering in the I J = 00, 11 and 20 channels in configuration space up to a maximal center-of-mass energy √ s = 1.4 GeV. We separate the interaction into two regions marked by an elementarity radius of the system; namely, a long distance region above which pions can be assumed to interact as elementary particles and a short distance region where many physical effects cannot be disentangled. The long distance interaction is described by chiral dynamics, where a two-pionexchange potential is identified, computed and compared to lattice calculations. The short distance piece corresponds to a coarse grained description exemplified by a superposition of delta-shell potentials sampling the interaction with the minimal wavelength. We show how the so constructed nonperturbative scattering amplitude complies with the proper analytic structure, allowing for an explicit N/D type decomposition in terms of the corresponding Jost functions and fulfilling dispersion relations without subtractions. We also address renormalization issues in coordinate space and investigate the role of crossing when fitting the scattering amplitudes above and below threshold to Roy-equation results. At higher energies, we show how inelasticities can be described by one single complex and energy dependent parameter. A successful description of the data can be achieved with a minimal number of fitting parameters, suggesting that coarse graining is a viable approach to analyze hadronic processes.Work partially supported by Spanish MINEICO and European FEDER funds (grants FIS2014-59386-P, FIS2017-85053-C2-1-P and FPA2015- 64041-C2-1-P), Junta de Andalucía (grant FQM-225) and the Swiss National Science Foundation

    Pharmacological Properties and Physiological Function of a P2X-Like Current in Single Proximal Tubule Cells Isolated from Frog Kidney

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    Although previous studies have provided evidence for the expression of P2X receptors in renal proximal tubule, only one cell line study has provided functional evidence. The current study investigated the pharmacological properties and physiological role of native P2X-like currents in single frog proximal tubule cells using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Extracellular ATP activated a cation conductance (P2Xf) that was also Ca2+-permeable. The agonist sequence for activation was ATP = αβ-MeATP > BzATP = 2-MeSATP, and P2Xf was inhibited by suramin, PPADS and TNP-ATP. Activation of P2Xf attenuated the rundown of a quinidine-sensitive K+ conductance, suggesting that P2Xf plays a role in K+ channel regulation. In addition, ATP/ADP apyrase and inhibitors of P2Xf inhibited regulatory volume decrease (RVD). These data are consistent with the presence of a P2X receptor that plays a role in the regulation of cell volume and K+ channels in frog renal proximal tubule cells