46 research outputs found

    Adaptación Transcultural y Validación del TRAQ (Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire) al Castellano-Mexicano

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    Un momento fundamental en la vida de todos los pacientes adolescentes con enfermedades crónicas es la etapa de la transición, la cual representa el proceso de adaptación de las clínicas de pediatría hacia las clínicas del adulto. Durante este proceso intervienen diversos factores y es necesario preparar al adolescente para culminar con éxito la transferencia. Contar con un programa de transición de calidad representa un reto para los diferentes servicios de pediatría que atienden a pacientes con enfermedades crónicas y acompañar al paciente y su familia durante este proceso puede parecer complicado. El instrumento TRAQ (Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire, por sus siglas en inglés) es un cuestionario validado en inglés que se utiliza para conocer el estado actual del paciente en cuanto a sus habilidades de autocuidado y su grado de preparación para la transición. Sin embargo, en México no contamos con ningún instrumento validado en español que cumpla con estas características por lo que se decidió llevar a cabo la traducción y validación de este. El objetivo de este estudio fue llevar a cabo la traducción y validación del instrumento TRAQ (Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire) al castellano- mexicano y su aplicación en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes con enfermedades crónicas. Para llevar a cabo este estudio, primero se realizó la traducción y adaptación transcultural del instrumento TRAQ por medio de un comité de expertos que incluyó a traductores, lingüistas, investigadores, pediatras de las diferentes subespecialidades y pacientes. Una vez que se llegó a la versión final del instrumento adaptado al castellano- mexicano, se aplicó el instrumento al número recomendado de pacientes para realizar la validación de este, utilizando el Alpha de Chronbach para la evaluación de la homogeneidad y consistencia interna, así como matrices de correlación para cada dominio para evaluar la redundancia del cuestionario. En total se analizaron los resultados de 141 participantes del Hospital Universitario “José E. González” en Monterrey, Nuevo León, a quienes se les aplicó la versión final adaptada del TRAQ y que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Dentro de las variables demográficas se encontró que, de los pacientes, 60 fueron masculinos (42.55 %) y 81 femeninos (57.45 %). La edad media de los pacientes fue de 13.9 años (D.E. 1.75). En cuanto a su cobertura en salud, los pacientes con cobertura total fueron 43 pacientes (30.5 %), cobertura parcial 28 pacientes (19.8 %) y sin cobertura 70 pacientes (49.6 %). Dentro de los diagnósticos más frecuentes estuvieron la Artritis Idiopática Juvenil (10 %), Asma (9.22 %), Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 (10.64 %), Hipotiroidismo (5.67 %), y Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda (19.86 %). La evaluación global del Alfa de Chronbach fue de 0.76 y los resultados por dominios fueron: Manejo de Medicamentos (0.60), Citas Médicas (0.58), Monitoreo de Problemas de Salud (0.50), Comunicación con el personal de Salud (0.57) y Manejo de Actividades Diarias (0.47). No se encontraron redundancias importantes al analizar las matrices de correlación. Al finalizar este estudio, se encontró que la versión traducida al castellano-mexicano del instrumento TRAQ presenta una buena consistencia interna por lo que se recomienda su uso en los pacientes adolescentes con enfermedades crónicas

    Teachers experiencies in ICT implementation at multigrade rural school

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    La presente investigación presenta un estudio de carácter exploratorio del trabajo docente en la implementación de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) en tres escuelas multigrado de una misma institución educativa en el área rural de Valledupar. Se discute el uso de las TIC en el proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje de cursos multigrado. El diseño de investigación fue de corte cualitativo, los sujetos estudiados fueron las maestras a cargo de cada una de las escuelas, a las cuales se aplicaron encuestas y entrevistas. La información obtenida fue analizada de acuerdo con 4 categorías (Arancibia y Carrasco, 2006): discurso informático, tipo de interacción con los computadores, recursos informáticos utilizados e innovación. Como resultados se confirma una percepción positiva de las maestras y estudiantes respecto a la presencia de los computadores en el aula de clases, estos se perciben como un elemento agradable, motivador y facilitador de todo tipo de actividades. Se concluye que la inclusión de los computadores en la cotidianidad de las escuelas rurales permite entornos más dinámicos y motivadores, facilita el manejo de cursos multigrado por parte del docente y promueve el trabajo colaborativo.This research shows an exploratory study about teachers experiencies in ICT implementation at three multigrade schools in the rural area of Valledupar. The use of ICT in the multigrade teaching and learning courses process is discussed. The research design was qualitative, the subjects studied were the teachers in charge of each of the schools, which surveys and interviews were applied. The information obtained was analyzed according to 4 categories (Arancibia y Carrasco, 2006): computer speech, type of interaction with computers, used computer resources and innovation. As a result a positive perception of teachers and students regarding the presence of computers in the classroom is confirmed, they are perceived as a positive element, motivator and facilitator for all sorts of activities. It is concluded that the inclusion of computers in the daily lives of students allows for more dynamic and motivating environment and it facilitates handling multi-grade classes by teachers and promotes collaborative work

    Mycoplasma genitalium promotes epithelial crossing and peripheral blood mononuclear cell infection by HIV-1

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    Background Mycoplasma genitalium co-infection in HIV-infected individuals has been reported to increase the shedding of HIV in the urogenital region of females. To better understand this relationship, we investigated the influence of M. genitalium on the transmission and replication of HIV using an in vitro model. Methods The Transwell co-culture system was employed to assess the crossing of an endocervical cell barrier by HIV-1. Immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy were used to assess the distribution of the nectin-1 molecule on M. genitalium -infected epithelial cells of the End1/E6E7 endocervical cell line, grown as monolayers in the insert wells. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were cultured in the bottom wells to assess the effects of M. genitalium , passing through the semipermeable culturing membrane, on subsequent HIV infection of susceptible target cells. Results Infection of the endocervical cells with the adhesion-positive M. genitalium G37 strain (wild-type) significantly elevated the passage of HIV across the epithelial cell barrier relative to HIV transfer across endocervical cells infected with the adhesion-negative M. genitalium JB1 strain. Immunostaining of the M. genitalium -G37-infected epithelial cells disclosed capping and internalization of the junctional regulatory protein nectin-1, in association with reduced transepithelial resistance (TER) in the cell monolayer. When PBMC were cultured beneath insert wells containing M. genitalium -G37-infected epithelial cell monolayers, we observed significantly enhanced infectivity and replication of HIV added afterward to the cultures. Conclusions M. genitalium influences events on both sides of a cultured mucosal epithelial monolayer: (1) by infecting the epithelial cells and reducing the integrity of the barrier itself, and (2) by activating HIV target cells below it, thereby promoting HIV infection and progeny virus production

    Uso de bibliotecas digitales solares para la enseñanza del cambio climático en comunidades rurales

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    This article presents an educational research carried out with the aim of generating information on the use of the SolarSPELL Digital Library, as an educational innovation strategy for teaching climate change in rural communities of the Fiji Islands. SolarSPELL works with the energy generated by an integrated solar panel and provides access through its own wifi network. It offers a variety of open educational resources, selected for their potential to strengthen educational practices and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. Based on the research question, a case study was selected, as it allows intensive study a complex phenomenon in a short period of time and analyzes the object of study in a specific context. The DIAPASON instrument was applied in the community or school libraries that participate in the pilot program. The results show that SolarSPELL contributes to the digital transformation of educational practices and the value of the librarians being able to have a greater number of bibliographic resources on climate change. Currently, the project "Schools that Learn Post COVID-19" took up these results to carry out a pilot in rural communities in Chiapas, Mexico. The results emphasize the need for the librarian of the future to incorporate into their work, actions focused on improving the quality of education that allow potentiating the sustainable development of their communities, improving collective knowledge and raising awareness about this phenomenon

    An Exploratory Study of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and SCCmec Elements Obtained from a Community Setting Along the Texas Border with Mexico

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    An exploratory study of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and SCCmec elements in bacteria along the Mexican border of south Texas was performed. Between September and December of 2008, 375 swabs of anterior nares were self-collected by students attending the University of Texas-Pan American (UTPA) and cultured for MRSA. Fifty seven bacterial isolates were kept for further analysis that included suspected MRSA and other SCCmec-containing bacteria. Isolates were examined for the presence of nuc, mecA, lukS-PV, and spa genes using PCR. SCCmec and spa typing were also performed. Seven S. aureus isolates were found of which six were classified as MRSA. SCCmec typing showed five of the six MRSA strains to be type IV, while one MRSA strain, and most of the non-S. aureus strains, were untypeable, producing results that were indicative of mixed SCCmec types. Five of the six MRSA strains contained known spa types (two of which corresponded to USA300 and one to USA600), while one strain had a novel spa type. Only one isolate, a USA300 MRSA, was positive for lukS-PV. Easy access by the Texas border community to antibiotics in Mexico without a prescription, and the strong partition in SCCmec types between MRSA and non-S. aureus bacteria suggest that this border region of Texas may be uniquely suited for the study of emerging SCCmec types, their horizontal transfer, and perhaps other aspects of antibiotic resistance in bacteria

    Atypical Lemierre’s syndrome caused by Prevotella oris

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    Lemierre’s syndrome is a rare form of severe sepsis secondary to oropharyngeal infection characterized by septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein with disseminated infections, with the lungs being the most frequent target. We report the case of a previously healthy 15-year-old admitted to the intensive care unit because of septic shock, brain and lung abscesses, and a positive blood culture for Prevotella oris with a clinical presentation compatible with the diagnosis of Lemierre’s syndrome. Conclusion: This is an atypical presentation of Lemierre’s syndrome because of the isolated microorganism

    Qualidade no ensino superior virtual do ponto de vista da análise do discurso: O caso das políticas colombianas

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    This research paper outlines the results from a case study on public policies in Colombia and their relationship with the conceptualization of quality in virtual higher education. Through the discourse analysis of a selected corpus of official documents, this study seeks to formulate a response to the following question: What has quality meant for the Ministry of National Education of Colombia in virtual higher education? When assessing the methods through which the conceptualization, management, and evaluation processes may be strengthened regarding quality in virtual higher education at the national level, the results reveal that although the concept of quality in virtual higher education is not explicitly provisioned in public policies, certain implicit concept definitions may be perceived, along with some quality assessment and management mechanisms, understanding quality from the standpoints of accreditation and certification, technological development, and educational content.Este artículo de investigación expone los resultados de un estudio de caso sobre las políticas públicas en Colombia y su relación con la conceptualización de la calidad en la educación superior virtual. A través del análisis del discurso de un corpus seleccionado de documentos oficiales, el estudio busca responder a la pregunta: ¿qué ha significado la calidad de la educación superior virtual para el Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia? En el análisis de cómo se pueden fortalecer los procesos de conceptualización, gestión y evaluación de la calidad de la educación superior virtual en el país, los resultados revelan que, si bien el concepto de calidad de la educación superior virtual no existe de forma explícita en las políticas públicas, sí se perciben ciertos significados implícitos del concepto, así como algunos mecanismos de evaluación y gestión de la calidad, entendida esta a partir de la acreditación y la certificación, el desarrollo tecnológico y los contenidos educativos.Este artigo de pesquisa descreve os resultados de um estudo de caso sobre políticas públicas na Colômbia e sua relação com a conceituação de qualidade no ensino superior virtual. Através da análise do discurso de um corpus selecionado de documentos oficiais, este estudo busca formular uma resposta à seguinte questão: Qual é o significado de qualidade da educação superior virtual para o Ministério da Educação Nacional da Colômbia? Ao avaliar os métodos pelos quais os processos de conceituação, gestão e avaliação podem ser fortalecidos em relação à qualidade no ensino superior virtual em nível nacional, os resultados revelam que, embora o conceito de qualidade no ensino superior virtual não esteja explicitamente previsto nas políticas públicas, certas definições de conceitos implícitos podem ser percebidas, juntamente com alguns mecanismos de avaliação e gestão da qualidade, compreendendo a qualidade sob os pontos de credenciamento e certificação, desenvolvimento tecnológico e conteúdo educacional

    Teacher professional development and school leadership in Mexican Elementary schools

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    This paper presents a quantitative study aimed to inquire into professional conditions of school leaders and teachers in Mexico. Based on questionnaires for teachers and school principals, this study focused on teacher professional development and school leadership, considering indicators as teacher training, induction and mentoring, teacher appraisal, and school climate. Teachers and principals from 106 public elementary schools participated. Results highlight the need of attention at guidelines and policies indicated for Mexican educational system

    Interacciones en un curso en línea, abierto y masivo para docentes. Propuesta para un modelo de análisis

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are being offered more and more and they still are a phenomenon of interest. However, there are still questions about how learning takes placein this environments and about their learning quality. The relevance of this qualitative study lies in the identification of types of dialogical interactions tending to favor the formation of a learning community, social construction and knowledge network, in a MOOC case. Few recent research focuses on communicative interactions as a learning factor and for the evaluation of their quality. The objective of this article is to present the model of analysis that resulted from this research, which is a proposal of adoption, adaptation and extension of the community of inquiry model (Garrison and Anderson, 2005). The results indicate how it is expanded and contributes to the same, from the identification of interactions that arose in a MOOC environment. In the discussion, lines of reflection are proposed in order to contribute to the proposal of new experiences oriented to the achievement of learning and promotion of educational quality for a massive, open, online courseLos cursos en línea, masivos y abiertos o MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), se ofrecen cada vez en mayor cantidad y continúan siendo fenómenos de interés. No obstante, conllevan aún interrogantes respecto de cómo en estos entornos se aprende y sobre su calidad educativa. La relevancia de este estudio cualitativo radica en la identificación de tipos de interacciones dialógicas tendientes a favorecer la conformación de una comunidad de aprendizaje, la construcción social y en red de conocimientos, en un caso MOOC. Pocas y recientes investigaciones se centran en las interacciones comunicativas como factor de aprendizajes y para la evaluación de calidad de los mismos. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el modelo de análisis que resultó de dicha investigación, el cual constituye una propuesta de adopción, adaptación y extensión del modelo de comunidad de investigación de Garrison y Anderson (2005). Los resultados señalan cómo se amplía y contribuye al mismo, a partir de la identificación de interacciones que surgieron en un ambiente MOOC. En la discusión se proponen líneas de reflexión a fin de contribuir al planteo de nuevas experiencias orientadas al logro de aprendizajes y fomento de la calidad educativa para un curso en línea, abierto y masivo

    Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase A (MsrA) Deficient Mycoplasma genitalium Shows Decreased Interactions with Host Cells

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    Mycoplasma genitalium is an important sexually transmitted pathogen that affects both men and women. In genital-mucosal tissues, it initiates colonization of epithelial cells by attaching itself to host cells via several identified bacterial ligands and host cell surface receptors. We have previously shown that a mutant form of M. genitalium lacking methionine sulfoxide reductase A (MsrA), an antioxidant enzyme which converts oxidized methionine (Met(O)) into methionine (Met), shows decreased viability in infected animals. To gain more insights into the mechanisms by which MsrA controls M. genitalium virulence, we compared the wild-type M. genitalium strain (G37) with an msrA mutant (MS5) strain for their ability to interact with target cervical epithelial cell lines (HeLa and C33A) and THP-1 monocytic cells. Infection of epithelial cell lines with both strains revealed that MS5 was less cytotoxic to HeLa and C33A cell lines than the G37 strain. Also, the MS5 strain was more susceptible to phagocytosis by THP-1 cells than wild type strain (G37). Further, MS5 was less able to induce aggregation and differentiation in THP-1 cells than the wild type strain, as determined by carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) labeling of the cells, followed by counting of cells attached to the culture dish using image analysis. Finally, MS5 was observed to induce less proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α by THP-1 cells than wild type G37 strain. These results indicate that MsrA affects the virulence properties of M. genitalium by modulating its interaction with host cells