23 research outputs found

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    Measuring the added value in Corporate Real Estate alignment by using the Preference-based Accommodation Strategy design procedure

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    One of the long-standing issues in the field of corporate real estate corporate strategy. Extensive research into existing approaches brought valuable insights into steps, components and variables that are needed in the alignment process. Despite that, it is not clear if existing approaches had much uptake in practice and they fall short in a number of aspects. In most models little to no attention is given to the design and selection of the alternative portfolio that adds most value to the organisation. Furthermore, university campus managers have indicated that they need better information and tools to support campus decision making.The Preference-based Accommodation Strategy design (PAS) procedure is a tool to enhance CRE decision making and has been developed to remove these gaps. In the PAS design procedure decision makers define criteria and iteratively test and adjust these criteria by designing new real estate portfolios. The portfolio design that adds most value to the organisation, i.e. has the highest overall preference is suggested as the portfolio that optimally aligns real estate to corporate strategy. The PAS procedure is iteratively repeated with the participants in a series of interviews and workshops. Two pilot studies have been performed at the Delft University of Technology (DUT). The study into the portfolio of lecture halls showed that stakeholders were able to use the procedure successfully. This paper reports the pilot study for their portfolio of food facilities. The objective of this research is to test if participants are able to perform the PAS procedure. Therefore a mathematical model of the group decision making process is designed and tested.This pilot study also reveals that the participants by completing the steps in the PAS procedure are able to express their preferences accordingly. They designed an alternative portfolio with a higher overall preference score than their current real estate portfolio. In addition, the design method is evaluated positively. The positive results suggest that designing a strategy by using the PAS procedure is a suitable approach to alignment. The PAS design procedure enables CRE managers to determine the added value of a real estate strategy. Because the PAS design method is generic in nature it can be used for a wide range of real estate portfolios.Real Estate Managemen

    Leidraad Transformatiekader: Pilot Erfgoedfabriek Noord Brabant

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    Heritage & DesignHeritage & Technolog

    Evaluatie pilot Transformatiekader: Erfgoedfabriek Provincie Noord Brabant

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    Heritage & DesignHeritage & Technolog

    Education for Adaptive Reuse The TU Delft Heritage and Architecture Experience

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    The Section for Heritage and Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at the Delft University of Technology specializes in architectural education for adaptive reuse of heritage buildings, with a specific focus on the built heritage of the 20th century. Our approach combines architectural design and technological knowledge with an approach that places values as central informants. Here we present our approach, explore the past and project a future evolution of our educational methodology. Finally, we reflect on the lasting relevance of the tangible and intangible heritage of the recent past as aim and source of our educational practice.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Heritage & Desig

    Utiliteitsbouw en Economie

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    Vanaf 2000 is de economische groei afgenomen en inmiddels bevindt Nederland zich in 2003 op de rand van recessie. De opleving laat nog op zich wachten. De utiliteitsbouw is sterk afhankelijk van de economische ontwikkeling. Een dalende economische groei betekent een lagere uitbreidingsproductie en stagnatie van de vervangings- en vernieuwingsproductie. Daarbij komt dat er op het moment dat de economie ging haperen veel utiliteitsbouw in de pipeline zat of nog werd gebracht. In combinatie met vraaguitval betekent dit thans dat de leegstand, vooral voor kantoren en bedrijfsruimte, sterk oploopt. De utiliteitsbouw in zijn geheel nam in 2002 met 4% af, maar dreigt daarna terug te zakken naar het productieniveau van het midden van de jaren '90. Op korte termijn overheersen afzetstagnatie, overinvesteringen, kostenreductie en investeringsuitstel. Na een piek in 2001 en daling vanaf 2002, zal op termijn weer een opleving volgen. Deze opleving vanaf 2005 wordt gedragen door een combinatie van economisch herstel en modernisering van de gebouwenvoorraad. De algehele behoefte vanvernieuwing, modernisering en innovatie staat het niet toe om de investeringen langdurig te temporiseren.Real Estate & HousingArchitectur

    Training city developers, the Dutch way of education

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    Fundamental changes in economy, demography, climate and technology create tremendous challenges for city developers. City developers need to anticipate diverse transitions and increasing uncertainty associated with urban development processes but also need to balance societal forces. In order to equip urban managers with the most advanced but also practical knowledge to fulfill their tasks universities in The Netherlands had to design new educational programs. In this article, we will introduce an education system in the Netherlands that trains current and future city developers and urban managers. We use Delft University of Technology as an example to illustrate the design concepts behind Dutch education programs. Two different but interrelated education programs: bachelor-master education and post-experience master education are introduced. Finally, we summarise the characteristics of the system and the implications for the Chinese education of city developers.Real Estate and HousingArchitectur

    Developing knowledge cities: Aligning urban, corporate and university strategies

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    The successful development of knowledge cities increasingly depends on collaboration between urban and regional authorities, knowledge institutions and businesses. Policy makers and business strategists do acknowledge the interrelated objectives of these actors in the knowledge economy and their different roles in a common network. They also identify the physical settings as an important resource to achieve mutual goals. While a shift from awareness to active collaboration is taking place, the rapidly changing context demands a faster pace. Ultimately, alignment of urban, corporate and university strategies is required to develop knowledge cities that can compete internationally. Managing the university campus – as the basis of a knowledge city – is a task of many stakeholders within and outside universities and implies the integration of strategic, financial, functional and physical perspectives. Increasingly higher education institutions (HEI) acknowledge the role of the campus in attracting and retaining students and employees. More and more research – comparative analysis of international case studies - has shown that there is a clear relationship between the presence of a university and the appeal of a city as a location for businesses and institutions. At the same time more and more universities are showing a sense of responsibility to make a contribution to the solution of social and societal problems in their city. In this article we follow four main steps in strategy design for campus development and illustrate these steps with findings from literature, empirical data and case studies.Real Estate and HousingArchitectur

    Impact of real estate interventions on organisational performance

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    Background: Real estate is increasingly used as a source of improving the performance of organisations by an improved image, cost reductions, increased employee satisfaction and increased labour productivity. A clear conceptual framework and standardised Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are needed to understand and monitor the effects of real estate interventions.Purpose: This paper aims to explore the added value of real estate interventions to organisational performance, theoretically and empirically, including unforeseen positive and negative side-effects.Methodology: The conceptual framework was based on an extensive literature survey and empirically used in a survey among 47 Institues of Higher Professional Education (IoHPEs) in the Netherlands and additional in-depth interviews at nine Institutes. The effects of real estate interventions were studied by conducting time series analyses of changing organisational performance using several KPIs.Findings: The study has shown that real estate interventions actually improve organisational performance. However, the effects are not always as positive as expected, nor are they always clearly visible when using the present KPIs for organisational performance. In addition, some effects are temporary.Practical implications: The conceptual framework and the suggested KPIs can be used to support managers in effectively steering on organisational performance by means of real estate interventions, formulating targets in a SMART way, setting priorities with regard to their organisation’s main objectives, and monitoring the effects.Originality: The conceptual framework integrates know-how from various studies and fields and was empirically used in educational settingsAccepted Author ManuscriptReal Estate Managemen