24 research outputs found

    Actitudes y prácticas en actividad física: situación en España respecto al conjunto europeo

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    Objetivo. Identificar las actitudes y prácticas de la población española respecto a la actividad física, comparando la situación española con la del resto de los estados miembro de la Unión Europea (UE). Diseño. Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Emplazamiento. Unión Europea (muestras representativas de los 15 estados miembro). Participantes. De cada estado miembro se obtuvo una muestra representativa de aproximadamente 1.000 sujetos mayores de 15 años, hasta un total de 15.239 individuos, para completar un cuestionario sobre actitudes hacia la actividad física, el peso corporal y la salud. Mediciones principales. Se clasificó a los participantes en 6 posibles estados de cambio hacia la actividad física, reagrupándolos posteriormente en estados estáticos («precontemplación» y «recaída») y estados dinámicos («contemplación», «decisión», «acción» y «mantenimiento»). Se llevó a cabo un análisis multivariante de regresión logística no condicional, para determinar las variables sociodemográficas relacionadas con encontrarse en un estado estático. Resultados. Los estados de cambio estáticos fueron más prevalentes en España que en el resto de la UE. En ambos sexos, los participantes españoles con estudios primarios, casados, fumadores y obesos presentaron mayor probabilidad de hallarse en un estado estático respecto a la actividad física. Conclusiones. La proporción de españoles que presenta una mala actitud de cambio hacia la actividad física es superior a la del resto de la UE, y son además menos perseverantes en los cambios positivos

    Percepción de la imagen corporal como aproximación cualitativa al estado de nutrición Body image perception as an approach to assess nutritional status

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar la percepción de la imagen corporal con el índice de masa corporal (IMC) calculado a partir del peso y la talla declarados por los sujetos y valorar su capacidad para clasificar el estado de nutrición. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se eligió una muestra representativa de la población de España, integrada por 517 hombres y 483 mujeres mayores de 15 años. Las variables fueron sexo, edad, nivel educativo, IMC e imagen corporal percibida. Las diferencias entre grupos se estimaron con la prueba de ji². La capacidad de clasificación de la imagen corporal se comparó con el IMC empleando la sensibilidad y la especificidad. RESULTADOS: El estado nutricional para ambos indicadores mostró mayor sobrepeso en hombres y mayor obesidad en mujeres. Se observó que el sobrepeso y la obesidad se incrementan conforme aumenta la edad, y con mayor educación disminuyen. La percepción de la imagen corporal fue distinta entre sexos, así como por edad y nivel educativo (pOBJECTIVE: To compare body image perception with body mass index (BMI) calculated from the weight and size declared by subjects, and to evaluate its usefulness in classifying the nutritional status. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A representative sample of the Spanish population was selected consisting of 517 males and 483 females older than 15 years of age. Variables were sex, age, educational level, BMI and perceived body image. Differences between groups were estimated with the chi² test. Specificity and sensitivity of the agreement between body mass and image were assessed. RESULTS: The nutritional status for both indicators revealed higher overweight prevalence in males and obesity in females, which increase with age and decrease with greater educational level. Perceived body image differed between sexes, and among ages and educational levels (p<0.01). Sensitivity and specificity as well as positive and negative predictive values were higher than 0.90 in subjects belonging to extreme cases. Precision was higher for sensitivity than for specificity. In all groups, categorization was better in females than in males and so was Spearman&#146;s correlation (p<0.001). The Kendall W coefficient ranked high for both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Body image allowed the identification of individuals with normal, excessive or lean nutrition. This indicator can therefore be useful in epidemiological surveys, considering some limitations for individualized diagnoses

    Impact of Educational Level on Study Attrition and Evaluation of Web-Based Computer-Tailored Interventions: Results From Seven Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Background: Web-based computer-tailored interventions have shown to be effective in improving health behavior; however, high dropout attrition is a major issue in these interventions. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess whether people with a lower educational level drop out from studies more frequently compared to people with a higher educational level and to what extent this depends on evaluation of these interventions. Methods: Data from 7 randomized controlled trials of Web-based computer-tailored interventions were used to investigate dropout rates among participants with different educational levels. To be able to compare higher and lower educated participants, intervention evaluation was assessed by pooling data from these studies. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess whether intervention evaluation predicted dropout at follow-up measurements. Results: In 3 studies, we found a higher study dropout attrition rate among participants with a lower educational level, whereas in 2 studies we found that middle educated participants had a higher dropout attrition rate compared to highly educated participants. In 4 studies, no such significant difference was found. Three of 7 studies showed that participants with a lower or middle educational level evaluated the interventions significantly better than highly educated participants ("Alcohol-Everything within the Limit": F-2,F-376=5.97, P=.003; "My Healthy Behavior": F-2,F-359=5.52, P=.004; "Master Your Breath": F-2,F-317=3.17, P=.04). One study found lower intervention evaluation by lower educated participants compared to participants with a middle educational level ("Weight in Balance": F-2,F-37=3.17, P=.05). Low evaluation of the interventions was not a significant predictor of dropout at a later follow-up measurement in any of the studies. Conclusions: Dropout attrition rates were higher among participants with a lower or middle educational level compared with highly educated participants. Although lower educated participants evaluated the interventions better in approximately half of the studies, evaluation did not predict dropout attrition. Further research is needed to find other explanations for high dropout rates among lower educated participants