154 research outputs found

    Excellentissimo principi D. Ioanni Alfonso Pimentel Fernandez... Controversiarum theologicarum inter S. Thomam & Scotum prima pars consecrata

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    Colofón.Sign.: []\p\s1, ¶\p\s8, A-Z\p\s8, 2A-2E\p\s8, 2F\p\s6, 2G\p\s8.Texto a dos col.Port. con esc. xil

    Allergens of the urushiol family promote mitochondrial dysfunction by inhibiting the electron transport at the level of cytochromes b and chemically modify cytochrome c1

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    BACKGROUND: Urushiols are pro-electrophilic haptens that cause severe contact dermatitis mediated by CD8+ effector T-cells and downregulated by CD4+ T-cells. However, the molecular mechanism by which urushiols stimulate innate immunity in the initial stages of this allergic reaction is poorly understood. Here we explore the sub-cellular mechanisms by which urushiols initiate the allergic response. RESULTS: Electron microscopy observations of mouse ears exposed to litreol (3-n-pentadecyl-10-enyl-catechol]) showed keratinocytes containing swollen mitochondria with round electron-dense inclusion bodies in the matrix. Biochemical analyses of sub-mitochondrial fractions revealed an inhibitory effect of urushiols on electron flow through the mitochondrial respiratory chain, which requires both the aliphatic and catecholic moieties of these allergens. Moreover, urushiols extracted from poison ivy/oak (mixtures of 3-n-pentadecyl-8,11,13 enyl/3-n-heptadecyl-8,11 enyl catechol) exerted a higher inhibitory effect on mitochondrial respiration than did pentadecyl catechol or litreol, indicating that the higher number of unsaturations in the aliphatic chain, stronger the allergenicity of urushiols. Furthermore, the analysis of radioactive proteins isolated from mitochondria incubated with 3H-litreol, indicated that this urushiol was bound to cytochrome c1. According to the proximity of cytochromes c1 and b, functional evidence indicated the site of electron flow inhibition was within complex III, in between cytochromes bL (cyt b566) and bH (cyt b562). CONCLUSION: Our data provide functional and molecular evidence indicating that the interruption of the mitochondrial electron transport chain constitutes an important mechanism by which urushiols initiates the allergic response. Thus, mitochondria may constitute a source of cellular targets for generating neoantigens involved in the T-cell mediated allergy induced by urushiols

    The endoxylanases from family 11: Computer analysis of protein sequences reveals important structural and phylogenetic relationships

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    Indexación: Scopus.Eighty-two amino acid sequences of the catalytic domains of mature endoxylanases belonging to family 11 have been aligned using the programs MATCHBOX and CLUSTAL. The sequences range in length from 175 to 233 residues. The two glutamates acting as catalytic residues are conserved in all sequences. A very good correlation is found between the presence (at position 100) of an asparagine in the so-called 'alkaline' xylanases, or an aspartic acid in those with a more acidic pH optimum. Four boxes defining segments of highest similarity were detected; they correspond to regions of defined secondary structure: B5, B6, B8 and the carboxyl end of the alpha helix, respectively. Cysteine residues are not common in these sequences (0.7% of all residues), and disulfide bridges are not important in explaining the stability of several thermophilic xylanases. The alignment allows the classification of the enzymes in groups according to sequence similarity. Fungal and bacterial enzymes were found to form mostly separate clusters of higher similarity.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168165602000020?via%3Dihu

    Título: Opus de sacramentis

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    Colofón.Marca tip. en port. de Terranova y v. del colofón.Sign.: §\p8\s, [cruz latina]\p10\s, A-Z\p8\s, 2A-2N\p8\s.Texto a dos col

    Structures of apo IRF-3 and IRF-7 DNA binding domains: effect of loop L1 on DNA binding

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    Interferon regulatory factors IRF-3 and IRF-7 are transcription factors essential in the activation of interferon-β (IFN-β) gene in response to viral infections. Although, both proteins recognize the same consensus IRF binding site AANNGAAA, they have distinct DNA binding preferences for sites in vivo. The X-ray structures of IRF-3 and IRF-7 DNA binding domains (DBDs) bound to IFN-β promoter elements revealed flexibility in the loops (L1–L3) and the residues that make contacts with the target sequence. To characterize the conformational changes that occur on DNA binding and how they differ between IRF family members, we have solved the X-ray structures of IRF-3 and IRF-7 DBDs in the absence of DNA. We found that loop L1, carrying the conserved histidine that interacts with the DNA minor groove, is disordered in apo IRF-3 but is ordered in apo IRF-7. This is reflected in differences in DNA binding affinities when the conserved histidine in loop L1 is mutated to alanine in the two proteins. The stability of loop L1 in IRF-7 derives from a unique combination of hydrophobic residues that pack against the protein core. Together, our data show that differences in flexibility of loop L1 are an important determinant of differential IRF-DNA binding

    Sperm antigens relevant to human fertility

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    Sperm antigens relevant to human fertility : final report

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    Ad potentissimum atque invictissimum heroum heroem cuius immortalis gloria per totum reboat orben D. Philippum V ad hesperias dominandas simulque nostratum virtutem eviviscendam coelitus missum : epigramma ...

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    Precede al tít.: [Cruz griega]Precede ó tít.: [Cruz grega]Probablemente impreso en el S. XVIIIProbablemente impreso no S. XVIIISign.: []\p1\sTexto con orla tip[]\p1\