299 research outputs found

    Comparative birth weights of singletons born after assisted reproduction and natural conception in previously infertile women

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    BACKGROUND: The possible interference of assisted reproduction techniques (ART) with epigenetic reprogramming during early embryo development has recently sparked renewed interest about the reported lower birth weight among infants born as a consequence of infertility treatments. However, the latter finding so far has relied on the comparison of the birth weight of infants conceived with ART to general population data. A more appropriate comparison group should involve pregnancies in infertile women after natural conception. Therefore, we compared neonatal birth weight data of infants born after various ART treatments, including intrauterine insemination (IUI), with those of previously infertile women achieving pregnancy after sexual intercourse. METHODS: Between August 1996 and March 2004 the data of all infertile women presenting in the infertility unit of the University Women's Hospital of Basel, Switzerland, were collected prospectively, adding up to 995 intact pregnancies and deliveries. The birth weight of all infants resulting from 741 singleton pregnancies were analysed with regard to the patients' characteristics, the occurrence of complications during pregnancy and the type of infertility treatment with which the pregnancies were achieved. RESULTS: Comparison of duration of pregnancy and birth weight of infants born after infertility treatment confirms a shorter pregnancy span and a lower mean birth weight in infants born after IVF and ICSI. If women with pregnancies after ART deliver before term, neonatal birth weight is significantly lower. CONCLUSIONS: There is a specific effect of ART, mainly IVF and ICSI, on both shortening the duration of pregnancy and lowering neonatal birth weight. Both these parameters seem to be interrelated consequences of some modification in the gestational process induced by the infertility treatment. Freezing and thawing of oocytes in the pronucleate stage had a lesser impact on pregnancy span and on neonatal birth weigh

    The Shape of Dark Matter Haloes IV. The Structure of Stellar Discs in Edge-on Galaxies

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    We present optical and near-infrared archival observations of eight edge-on galaxies. These observations are used to model the stellar content of each galaxy using the FitSKIRT software package. Using FitSKIRT, we can self-consistently model a galaxy in each band simultaneously while treating for dust. This allows us to accurately measure both the scale length and scale height of the stellar disc, plus the shape parameters of the bulge. By combining this data with the previously reported integrated magnitudes of each galaxy, we can infer their true luminosities. We have successfully modelled seven out of the eight galaxies in our sample. We find that stellar discs can be modelled correctly, but have not been able to model the stellar bulge reliably. Our sample consists for the most part of slow rotating galaxies, and we find that the average dust layer is much thicker than what is reported for faster rotating galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication by Monthly Notices RAS. Hi-res. version available at www.astro.rug.nl/~vdkruit/Petersetal-IV.pd

    Ja zu einer zeitgemässen Fortpflanzungsmedizin

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    Am 14. Juni 2015 wird über die Änderung des Artikels 119 der Bundesverfassung (BV) abgestimmt. Die Annahme dieser Änderung ist nicht nur für die Zulassung der Präimplantationsdiagnostik (PID) unabdingbar, sondern schafft ganz grundsätzlich den gesetzlichen Rahmen für die Durchführung einer zeitgemässen Reproduktionsmedizin. Letztere wird nicht nur eine effizientere Behandlung ermöglichen, sondern auch Komplikationen für Mutter und Kind vermeiden helfen

    Three-dimensional dynamic MR-hysterosalpingography; a new, low invasive, radiation-free and less painful radiological approach to female infertility

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to propose a new method for imaging the uterine cavity and Fallopian tube patency by three-dimensional dynamic magnetic resonance hysterosalpingography (3D dMR-HSG) and to analyse if, by using a higher viscosity contrast solution, direct visualization of the Fallopian tubes may be achieved by this new technique. METHODS: 10 consecutive infertile women underwent 3D dMR-HSG and conventional HSG as gold standard. 3D dMR-HSG consisted of injection of 20 ml of a gadolinium-polyvidone solution into the uterine cavity while acquiring five consecutive three-dimensional (3D) T1-weighted MR-sequences. RESULTS: In three patients the catheter became dislodged during 3D dMR-HSG. However, in one of these patients the examination was still partially diagnostic. Imaging findings of 3D dMR-HSG showed good correlation with conventional hysterosalpingography and allowed 3D imaging of the uterine cavity and of Fallopian tube patency in 8/10 patients and direct visualization of the Fallopian tubes in 5/7 patients. CONCLUSION: 3D dMR-HSG represents a new and promising imaging approach to female infertility causing less pain and avoiding exposure of the ovaries to ionizing radiation. By using a higher viscosity MR-contrast agent it allows not only visualization of uterine cavity and Fallopian tube patency but also direct visualization of Fallopian tube

    Using cerium oxides as catalysts for the abatement of trichloroethylene by plasma-catalysis route

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    In this study, the abatement of trichloroethylene was examined with a negative DC corona/glow discharge with CeO2 catalyst downstream. The abatement with the plasma alone system showed a poor COx selectivity. However, by combining the plasma source with CeO2 catalyst the COx selectivity was greatly improved, proving that this plasma-catalysis route shows great potential as air pollution control technology for low concentrated VOC air streams

    Recommendations for raloxifene use in daily clinical practice in the Swiss setting

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    Background/aim: Raloxifene is the first selective estrogen receptor modulator that has been approved for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women in Europe and in the US. Although raloxifene reduces the risk of invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis and in postmenopausal women at high risk for invasive breast cancer, it is approved in that indication in the US but not in the EU. The aim was to characterize the clinical profiles of postmenopausal women expected to benefit most from therapy with raloxifene based on published scientific evidence to date. Methods: Key individual patient characteristics relevant to the prescription of raloxifene in daily practice were defined by a board of Swiss experts in the fields of menopause and metabolic bone diseases and linked to published scientific evidence. Consensus was reached about translating these insights into daily practice. Results: Through estrogen agonistic effects on bone, raloxifene reduces biochemical markers of bone turnover to premenopausal levels, increases bone mineral density (BMD) at the lumbar spine, proximal femur, and total body, and reduces vertebral fracture risk in women with osteopenia or osteoporosis with and without prevalent vertebral fracture. Through estrogen antagonistic effects on breast tissue, raloxifene reduces the risk of invasive estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis and in postmenopausal women at high risk for invasive breast cancer. Finally, raloxifene increases the incidence of hot flushes, the risk of venous thromboembolic events, and the risk of fatal stroke in postmenopausal women at increased risk for coronary heart disease. Postmenopausal women in whom the use of raloxifene is considered can be categorized in a 2Ă—2 matrix reflecting their bone status (osteopenic or osteoporotic based on their BMD T-score by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) and their breast cancer risk (low or high based on the modified Gail model). Women at high risk of breast cancer should be considered for treatment with raloxifene. Conclusion: Postmenopausal women between 50 and 70years of age without climacteric symptoms with either osteopenia or osteoporosis should be evaluated with regard to their breast cancer risk and considered for treatment with raloxifene within the framework of its contraindications and precaution

    The shape of dark matter haloes - IV. The structure of stellar discs in edge-on galaxies

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    We present optical and near-infrared archival observations of eight edge-on galaxies. These observations are used to model the stellar content of each galaxy using the FITSKIRT software package. Using FITSKIRT, we can self-consistently model a galaxy in each band simultaneously while treating for dust. This allows us to measure accurately both the scalelength and scaleheight of the stellar disc, plus the shape parameters of the bulge. By combining these data with the previously reported integrated magnitudes of each galaxy, we can infer their true luminosities.We have successfully modelled seven out of the eight galaxies in our sample.We find that stellar discs can be modelled correctly, but we have not been able to model the stellar bulge reliably. Our sample consists for the most part of slowly rotating galaxies and we find that the average dust layer is much thicker than is reported for faster rotating galaxie

    The dust energy balance in the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4565

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    We combine new dust continuum observations of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4565 in all Herschel/SPIRE (250, 350, 500 micron) wavebands, obtained as part of the Herschel Reference Survey, and a large set of ancillary data (Spitzer, SDSS, GALEX) to analyze its dust energy balance. We fit a radiative transfer model for the stars and dust to the optical maps with the fitting algorithm FitSKIRT. To account for the observed UV and mid-infrared emission, this initial model was supplemented with both obscured and unobscured star-forming regions. Even though these star-forming complexes provide an additional heating source for the dust, the far-infrared/submillimeter emission long wards of 100 micron is underestimated by a factor of 3-4. This inconsistency in the dust energy budget of NGC 4565 suggests that a sizable fraction (two-thirds) of the total dust reservoir (Mdust ~ 2.9e+8 Msun) consists of a clumpy distribution with no associated young stellar sources. The distribution of those dense dust clouds would be in such a way that they remain unresolved in current far-infrared/submillimeter observations and hardly comtribute to the attenuation at optical wavelengths. More than two-thirds of the dust heating in NGC 4565 is powered by the old stellar population, with localized embedded sources supplying the remaining dust heating in NGC 4565. The results from this detailed dust energy balance study in NGC 4565 is consistent with that of similar analyses of other edge-on spirals.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Germ-free sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax larval model : a valuable tool in the study of host-microbe interactions

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    A thorough understanding of host-microbe interactions is crucial for more efficient disease management in the marine larviculture industry. As demonstrated in terrestrial animal research, gnotobiotic systems (involving animals cultured in germ-free conditions or inoculated with known microorganisms) are excellent tools to extend our understanding of the mechanisms involved in host-microbe interactions and allow the evaluation of new treatments for diseases. In this study, we introduce a germ-free European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax larval model, independent of the continuous addition of antimicrobial agents. This model has an experimental set-up that allows addition of live feed to the larvae without compromising the germ-free status. This model will facilitate and render aquaculture research more effective in terms of mitigation fish larval diseases
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