16,493 research outputs found

    A spectroscopic investigation of the O-type star population in four Cygnus OB associations. II. Determination of the fundamental parameters

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    Aims. Having established the binary status of nineteen O-type stars located in four Cygnus OB associations, we now determine their fundamental parameters to constrain their properties and their evolutionary status. We also investigate their surface nitrogen abundances, which we compare with other results from the literature obtained for galactic O-type stars. Methods. Using optical spectra collected for each object in our sample and some UV data from the archives, we apply the CMFGEN atmosphere code to determine their main properties. For the binary systems, we have disentangled the components to obtain their individual spectra and investigate them as if they were single stars. Results. We find that the distances of several presumably single O-type stars seem poorly constrained because their luminosities are not in agreement with the "standard" luminosities of stars with similar spectral types. The ages of these O-type stars are all less than 7 Myrs. Therefore, the ages of these stars agree with those, quoted in the literature, of the four associations, except for CygOB8 for which the stars seem older than the association itself. However, we point out that the distance of certain stars is debatable relative to values found in the literature. The N content of these stars put in perspective with N contents of several other galactic O-type stars seems to draw the same five groups as found in the "Hunter" diagram for the O and B-type stars in the LMC even though their locations are obviously different. We determine mass-loss rates for several objects from the Halpha line and UV spectra. Finally, we confirm the "mass discrepancy" especially for O stars with masses smaller than 30 Msun. .Comment: 11 pages, and 26 pages of Appendix. A&A in pres

    3D Digital techniques applied to new design products based on cultural heritage elements

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    The aim of this paper is to present the 3D digitalization and posterior treatment of complex heritage elements existing in the Alhambra Palace, so that they can be used as the starting point for the development of new products. Not only are the direct results of 3D digitalization exploitable and essential for the documentation, recording and research of heritage elements, but also these 3D files compiling the original elements are to be used as the blueprints for the future development of new products and designs, such as constructive elements regarding their application at interior design and architecture projects. The enrichment provided in new products is undeniable as they will depart from the same provenance as the heritage element, which allows the product to increase its market value, and the opening of new Market niches. It is very important to highlight that any new product creation process will be grounded in full respect and protection of cultural heritage. For this reason, under no circumstances will the original elements be completely reproduced, not even partial developments of them since this action could undergo the risk of a non-responsible reproduction of the heritage elements.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Star formation in low density HI gas around the Elliptical Galaxy NGC2865

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    Interacting galaxies surrounded by HI tidal debris are ideal sites for the study of young clusters and tidal galaxy formation. The process that triggers star formation in the low-density environments outside galaxies is still an open question. New clusters and galaxies of tidal origin are expected to have high metallicities for their luminosities. Spectroscopy of such objects is, however, at the limit of what can be done with existing 8-10m class telescopes, which has prevented statistical studies of these objects. NGC2865 is an UV-bright merging elliptical galaxy with shells and extended HI tails. The regions observed in this work were previously detected using multi-slit imaging spectroscopy. We obtain new multislit spectroscopy of six young star-forming regions around NGC2865, to determine their redshifts and metallicities. The six emission-line regions are located 16-40 kpc from NGC2865 and they have similar redshifts. They have ages of ~10Myears and an average metallicity of 12+log(O/H) ~ 8.6, suggesting a tidal origin for the regions. It is noted that they coincide with an extended HI tail, which has projected density of NHI_{HI} < 1019^{19} cm−2^{-2}, and displays a low surface brightness counterpart. These regions may represent the youngest of the three populations of star clusters already identified in NGC2865. The high, nearly-solar, oxygen abundances found for the six regions in the vicinity of NGC2865 suggest that they were formed by pre-enriched material from the parent galaxy, from gas removed during the last major merger. Given the mass and the location of the HII regions, we can speculate that these young star-forming regions are potential precursors of globular clusters that will be part of the halo of NGC2865 in the future. Our result supports the use of the multi-slit imaging spectroscopy as a useful tool for finding nearly-formed stellar systems around galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures accepted in A&

    GIRAFFE multiple integral field units at VLT: a unique tool to recover velocity fields of distant galaxies

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    The GIRAFFE spectrograph is unique in providing the integral field spectroscopy of fifteen distant galaxies at the same time. It has been successfully implemented at the second VLT unit within the FLAMES facility. We present GIRAFFE observations acquired during the Guaranteed Time Observation of the Paris Observatory, using total exposure times ranging from 6 to 12 hours. The reduced 3D cube of each galaxy has been deconvolved using our new package DisGal3D. This software has been written using the only assumption that UV light traces the emission line regions. The comparison between GIRAFFE spectra and HST imagery allows us to recover details on velocity fields as small as 0.3-0.4 arcsec. It has been successfully tested using Fabry Perot observations of nearby galaxies purposely redshifted to large distances. We present here preliminary results for three distant galaxies at 0.45< z < 0.65, whose velocity fields have been derived with exquisite spectral (R=10000) and spatial resolutions. Observed velocity fields range from disturbed fields expected in major merger events to those of regular spiral with minor perturbations. For the latter, one could accurately derive the dynamical major axis and the maximal rotational velocity. We conclude that dynamical properties of a large number of distant galaxies can be routinely derived at VLT. This opens a new avenue towards the understanding of the galaxy formation and evolution during the last 8 Gyr.Comment: 4 pages, 3 jpeg figures. to appear in A&

    Time varying term premia and risK: The case of the spanish interbank money market.

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    En este trabajo se examinan algunos procedimientos estándar utilizados para evaluar la importancia del riesgo en la explicación del comportamiento de las primas por plazo dentro de la estructura temporal de tipos de interés. Se ponen de manifiesto sus limitaciones y se propone un procedimiento alternativo basado en la utilización de modelos VARMA. Este procedimiento se ilustra con una evaluación de la importancia del riesgo, medido como en Luce (1980), en el comportamiento de dos importantes primas por plazo dentro del mercado interbancario español

    Quantum capacitor with discrete charge-anticharge: spectrum and forces

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    The quantum capacitor with discrete charge is modeled by a Hamiltonian containing an inductive intrinsic term (tunnel effect between plates). The spectrum is obtained using a double Hilbert space. Fluctuations in the charge-anticharge pairs (zero total charge) give rise to an elementary attraction which is compared to the Casimir force. In this case, the field-fluctuations force could be also interpreted as charge-fluctuations force

    Testing theories of economic fluctuations and growth in early development. (The case of the Chesapeake tobacco economy)

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    This paper suggests a general econometric approach to the empirical testing of the staple theory. The methodology is based upon a multivariate stochastic time series analysis adjusted to accommodate the presence of co-integration. Consistent with the nature of the problem under consideration, the methodology does not require any a priori strucrural assumptions about the dynamic relations among relevant variables. The empirical part of the paper focuses on the dynamic relationships among tobacco prices in the colonial Chesapeake economy and tobacco demand and supply conditions. The empirical evidence gives strong support to the basic tenets of the staple theory: the central role of the exogenous British demand; the existence of fluctuations in the price of tobacco; and, the high responsiveness of tobacco production with respect to prices relative to tobacco demand

    The enzymes LSD1 and Set1A cooperate with the viral protein HBx to establish an active hepatitis B viral chromatin state

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    Indexación: Web of ScienceWith about 350 million people chronically infected around the world hepatitis B is a major health problem. Template for progeny HBV synthesis is the viral genome, organized as a minichromosome (cccDNA) inside the hepatocyte nucleus. How viral cccDNA gene expression is regulated by its chromatin structure; more importantly, how the modulation of this structure impacts on viral gene expression remains elusive. Here, we found that the enzyme SetDB1 contributes to setting up a repressed cccDNA chromatin state. This repressive state is activated by the histone lysine demethylase-1 (LSD1). Consistently, inhibiting or reducing LSD1 levels led to repression of viral gene expression. This correlates with the transcriptionally repressive mark H3K9 methylation and reduction on the activating marks H3 acetylation and H3K4 methylation on viral promoters. Investigating the importance of viral proteins we found that LSD1 recruitment to viral promoters was dependent on the viral transactivator protein HBx. Moreover, the histone methyltransferase Set1A and HBx are simultaneously bound to the core promoter, and Set1A expression correlates with cccDNA H3K4 methylation. Our results shed light on the mechanisms of HBV regulation mediated by the cccDNA chromatin structure, offering new therapeutic targets to develop drugs for the treatment of chronically infected HBV patients.http://www.nature.com/articles/srep2590

    Phase Splitting for Periodic Lie Systems

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    In the context of the Floquet theory, using a variation of parameter argument, we show that the logarithm of the monodromy of a real periodic Lie system with appropriate properties admits a splitting into two parts, called dynamic and geometric phases. The dynamic phase is intrinsic and linked to the Hamiltonian of a periodic linear Euler system on the co-algebra. The geometric phase is represented as a surface integral of the symplectic form of a co-adjoint orbit.Comment: (v1) 15 pages. (v2) 16 pages. Some typos corrected. References and further comments added. Final version to appear in J. Phys. A
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