13,101 research outputs found

    Household income as a determinant of child labor and school enrollment in Brazil: Evidence from a social security reform

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    This paper studies the effects of household income on labor participation and school enrollment of children aged 10 to 14 in Brazil using a social security reform as a source of exogenous variation in household income. We find that increased benefits are associated with increases in school enrollment for girls, as well as a smaller reduction in their labor participation, but find no effects for boys. We also uncover evidence that the gender of the benefit receiver matters for girls’ labor variables: only benefits received by females reduce girls’ work.social security reform, child labor, family, school enrollment, old-age benefits, Brazil

    Three-dimensional quantum electrodynamics as an effective interaction

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    We obtain a Quantum Electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions by applying a Kaluza--Klein type method of dimensional reduction to Quantum Electrodynamics in 3+1 dimensions rendering the model more realistic to application in solid-state systems, invariant under translations in one direction. We show that the model obtained leads to an effective action exhibiting an interesting phase structure and that the generated Chern--Simons term survives only in the broken phase.Comment: 10 pages in Plain Te

    Immigration and the origins of regional inequality: Government-sponsored European migration to Southern Brazil before World War I

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    This paper studies the long-term consequences of the government-sponsored programs of European immigration to Southern Brazil before the Great War. We find that the municipalities closer to the original sites of nineteenth century government sponsored settlements (colônias) have higher per capita income, less poverty and dependence on Bolsa Família cash transfers, better health and education outcomes; and for the areas close to German colonies, also less inequality of income and educational outcomes than otherwise. Since that is a reduced form relationship, we then attempt to identify the relative importance of more egalitarian landholdings and higher initial human capital in determining those outcomes. Our findings are suggestive that more egalitarian land distribution played a more important role than higher initial human capital in achieving the good outcomes associated with closeness to a colônia.Brazil; Migration; Rio Grande do Sul; German migration; Italian migration; New World; Land distribution; Human capital; Economic history of Latin America

    Planilhas para cálculos analíticos e avaliação de parâmetros utilizados na classificação de solos no Brasil.

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    28 Months Later: How Inflation Targeters Outperformed Their Peers in the Great Recession

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    Twenty-eight months after the onset of the global financial crisis of August 2008, the evidence on post-crisis GDP growth emerging from a sample of 51 advanced and emerging countries is flattering for inflation targeting countries relative to their peers. The positive effect of IT is not explained away by plausible pre-crisis determinants of post-crisis performance, such as growth in private credit, ratios of short-term debt to GDP, reserves to short-term debt and reserves to GDP, capital account restrictions, total capital inflows, trade openness, current account balance and exchange rate flexibility, or post-crisis drivers such as the growth performance of trading partners and changes in terms of trade. We find that inflation targeting countries lowered nominal and real interest rates more sharply than other countries; were less likely to face deflation scares; and had sharp real depreciations without a relative deterioration in their risk assessment by markets. While the task of establishing causal relationships from cross-sectional macroeconomics series is daunting, our reading of this evidence is consistent with the resilience of IT countries being related to their ability to loosen their monetary policy when most needed, thereby avoiding deflation scares and the zero lower bound on interest rates.Inflation targeting; economic crisis; monetary policy; Great Recession

    Decoherence, pointer engineering and quantum state protection

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    We present a proposal for protecting states against decoherence, based on the engineering of pointer states. We apply this procedure to the vibrational motion of a trapped ion, and show how to protect qubits, squeezed states, approximate phase eigenstates and superpositions of coherent states.Comment: 1 figur

    As Relações Da Família Com Os Pediatras: As Visões Maternais

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)To analyze the perception of pediatric guidelines by mothers at the time of consultation in private offices, in order to know how they assimilate, process and use the information received from the pediatricians. Methods Data collection was carried out by a questionnaire sent to participants by a total of 200 mothers from a virtual community in social networks participated in the research. The answers were transcribed using the Discourse of the Collective Subject method. The analyses were supported by the research qualitative perspective, from the viewpoint of the social representation theory. Results Three categories were obtained through data analysis: (1) assessing the pediatric guidelines, (2) confronting theory and practice and (3) developing a critical view of the pediatric guidelines. These categories have elucidated that the level of knowledge of pediatric issues by mothers and their ability to use them when making decisions about the care of their babies, have a direct association between following or not the pediatric guidelines. Conclusions The mother's decision on following the pediatrician's recommendations depends on two main factors: (a) certification of the updated and proven recommendations, according to the official health agencies; (b) support and recognition by the pediatrician of the maternal empowerment during the follow-up process. The mothers’ practice of accessing knowledge through social networks hinders the pediatric monitoring. © 2015 Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo343330335CAPES, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Stroke in children

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    OBJECTIVES: To summarize 1) the definitions and epidemiological features of stroke in children; 2) the main risk factors that can lead to stroke in pediatrics and neonatology; 3) the main pathophysiological features involved in the genesis of brain injury in stroke; 4) the clinical manifestations and imaging diagnosis; and 5) the latest recommendations concerning the support measures, treatment, and prophylaxis of stroke in children. SOURCES: A review of the literature published in PubMed, EMBASE, and SciELO databases using the search terms stroke, pediatrics, and neonatology was performed, including relevant references from the chosen texts. SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS: Stroke in children are rare conditions, with incidence rates among two and eight per 100,000 children up to 14 years, and most cases show an underlying disease such as heart diseases, prothrombotic conditions, sickle-cell disease, and vascular malformations. There are no specific guidelines currently in place for the treatment of stroke in children, although central elements include support treatment, monitoring, and anticoagulation as secondary prevention in certain cases. Prognosis depends on the extent of brain damage and the underlying disease but recurrence rates are high in most cases. CONCLUSIONS: Early diagnosis of stroke in children is very important and pediatricians should be aware of the lack of specificity of the symptoms to avoid late sequelae and improve life quality.OBJETIVOS: Listar 1) as definições e características epidemiológicas de acidentes vasculares encefálicos (AVE) em crianças; 2) os principais fatores de risco para a ocorrência de AVE em pediatria e neonatologia; 3) as principais características fisiopatológicas para a ocorrência de lesão cerebral no AVE; 4) as manifestações clínicas e o diagnóstico por imagem; e 5) as recomendações atualizadas para as medidas de suporte, tratamento e profilaxia dos AVE em pediatria. FONTES DOS DADOS: Realizou-se revisão da literatura nas bases de dados PubMed, EMBASE e SciELO utilizando-se como palavras-chave stroke, pediatrics e neonatology, além da utilização de referências bibliográficas importantes dos textos escolhidos. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A ocorrência de AVE em pediatria é incomum, com a incidência variando entre duas e oito por 100.000 crianças abaixo de 14 anos, tendo a maioria como denominador comum a ocorrência de doenças de base como cardiopatias congênitas, anemia falciforme e malformações vasculares. Não há padronização nas recomendações de tratamento para o AVE em crianças, embora as medidas fundamentais incluam monitoração, tratamento de suporte e anticoagulação em casos selecionados. O prognóstico depende da extensão de área cerebral acometida e da doença de base, mas as taxas de recorrência são altas na maioria dos casos. CONCLUSÕES: O diagnóstico precoce dos AVE em pediatria é fundamental, e é importante que os pediatras estejam atentos à falta de especificidade dos sintomas para evitar sequelas e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes acometidos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaHospital Santa Catarina Unidade de Terapia Intensiva PediátricaHospital Pronto-Socorro Infantil Sabará Unidade de Terapia Intensiva PediátricaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de PediatriaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL