2,241 research outputs found

    Influência de alguns agentes floculadores na melhoria da qualidade da água de irrigação.

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    A otimização do uso de água disponível, quer seja água armazenada quer seja a que se perde por escoamento superficial, permitiria estabilizar a produção agrícola nas pequenas e médias propriedades, através de métodos não convencionais de irrigação "Irrigação por cápsulas porosas e Irrigação por potes de barro", entre outros.bitstream/item/178160/1/FL-01343.pd

    Avaliação das características físico-química e bacteriológicas das águas de cisternas da comunidade de Atalho, Petrolina-PE.

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    Avaliaram-se aspectos gerais e de qualidade física, química e bacteriológica das águas destinadas ao consumo umano, armazenadas em cisternas na comunidade de Atalho, Petrolina-PE. Os resultados indicam que com a cisterna, as famílias disponibilizam de uma a duas horas por dia para realizar outras atividades. Foi detectado que a quantidade de água armazenada nas cisternas não é suficiente para atender ao consumo da família, havendo necessidade de serem reabastecidas com água de carro-pipa (65%), cuja água é proveniente de açudes (58%). Também, foi afirmado por 100% das famílias que a água é retirada das cisternas com latas, baldes, panelas etc., podendo comprometer sua qualidade. A partir dos resultados das variáveis físico-químicas analisadas, observou-se que a água das cisternas atende aos padrões de qualidade; porém, os resultados das análises bacteriológicas indicam que 73% das amostras analisadas apresentam-se contaminadas por coliformes fecais, estando, portanto, em desacordo com os padrões de potabilidade estabelecidos pelo Ministério da Saúde, embora tenha sido identificado que as famílias realizam tratamento da água com cloro. Estes resultados evidenciam riscos à saúde das famílias que consome essas águas sem ou com tratamento inadequado da água, tendo em vista que a água é responsável pela transmissão de doenças como febre tifóide, desinteria bacilar e cólera, entre outras

    Linearization of the Bradford protein assay to application in cow milk proteins quantification by UV-Vis spectrophotometry method.

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    Reliable methods for determination and quantification of total protein in food are essential information to ensure quality and safety of food trade. The objective of this study was to evaluate the linearity of calibration curves obtained from different proteins (blood serum albumin-BSA, α-LA, β-LG, caseins (CN): αs, β and κ-CAS) with the reagent of Bradford. Comercial UHT skimmed bovine milk was analyzed for the determination of total protein using the Bradford method by reading at 595 nm. The determination of the concentrations of total milk protein was achieved by linear regression. The Bradford method showed a high sensitivity for the determination of total proteins in bovine milk dilution 1:25 to values closer to those obtained by the Kjeldahl method. The results showed that the calibration curve of standard proteins β-CN and BSA obtained better linearity with less variation in the absorbance measurements for the determination of total protein of milk

    Diagnosis and treatment of acute myocarditis in Portugal. Data from the national multicenter registry on myocarditis

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    Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2017.Introduction: The diagnosis of acute myocarditis (aMyo) needs a high level of suspicion. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) may contribute to the diagnosis; but endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) is considered the gold standard, although used infrequently worldwide. Short-term course, albeit unpredictable is usually benign and treatment is mainly supportive. Objectives: To assess the usual care attitudes regarding hospitalized patients (pts) with a diagnosis of aMyo in Portugal, report patient's clinical profiles and current therapeutic approaches, and assess the relevance of CMR to eventual changes in management and/or therapeutic decisions. Methods: Prospective nationwide survey of admitted aMyo pts during a 2-year period (25.04.13–15). Electronic CRFs were completed with admission/discharge data, diagnostic tests, treatments and open-ended questions to evaluate physician's opinions and conclusions. Results: 248 pts from 18 centers were included, 98% caucasian, 35±14 (18–84) years old, 83% male. A recent infectious disease was detected in 57.5% (upper respiratory tract in 71.2%) and 23% had been previously treated with antibiotics. On admission, presentation included angina-like thoracic pain (96%), non-CV symptoms- 58.4% (fever-71%, respiratory- 52.8%, GI- 28.1%), heart failure (HF)- 5.4% and cardiogenic shock- 0.8%; abnormal ECG - 82% (mostly ST elevation-78.5%); increased troponin levels in 95%; echo (in 94%pts) showed left ventricular dilatation (LVD) - 5.7%, segmental LV wall abnormalities (segmAbn) - 34%, reduced LV ejection fraction (RLVEF) - 21% and pericardial effusion (PE) - 11.7%. CMR (in 57%pts), didn't change the management in 70% of cases. Coronary angiography (in 40%) revealed significant CAD in 7.4%. EMB was diagnostic in the 2 pts in which was performed (due to severe progressive HF). Multiple viral serologies (in 32.4% pts) were conclusive in only 0.5%. Most pts were treated with NSAIDs, 39% received ACEi or ARB, 36% a beta-blocker (BB) and 8.4% diuretics; 3.4% needed inotropes. Only 1 death occurred (shock). At discharge, an abnormal ECG persisted in 64.4% of pts; echo (in 50.4%) showed LVD in 6%, segmAbn in 24.6%, RLVEF in 14.6% and PE in 10.2%. Most pts (88.2%) were discharged on NSAIDs, 37.6% on ACEi or ARB, 30.36% on BB, and 6.47% on diuretics. Final diagnosis was aMyo in 54.4% (probable/possible in 96.9% and definitive in only 3.1%) and myopericarditis in 45.6%. Diagnostic criteria were “clinical” in 96.4%, supported by lab results in 87.7% and ECG in 68.8%. Echo or CMR contribution in supporting “clinical diagnosis”, was 38.3% and 48.6% respectively. Disease course was in most cases “mild” (87%). Conclusions: Echo and CMR were performed in most pts with aMyo but diagnosis remained mostly “clinical” according to treating physicians. EMB was very rarely performed. Treatment was largely empirical but an “overuse” of CV drugs and NSAIDs was observed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rainfall Prediction in the State of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil Using Generalized Additive Models

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    The state of Paraíba is part of the semi-arid region of Brazil, where severe droughts have occurred in recent years, resulting in significant socio-economic losses associated with climate variability. Thus, understanding to what extent precipitation can be influenced by sea surface temperature (SST) patterns in the tropical region can help, along with a monitoring system, to set up an early warning system, the first pillar in drought management. In this study, Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) were used to filter climatic indices with higher predictive efficiency and, as a result, to perform rainfall predictions. The results show the persistent influence of tropical SST patterns in Paraíba rainfall, the tropical Atlantic Ocean impacting the rainfall distribution more effectively than the tropical Pacific Ocean. The GAMLSS model showed predictive capability during summer and southern autumn in Paraíba, highlighting the JFM (January, February and March), FMA (February, March and April), MAM (March, April and May), and AMJ (April, May and June) trimesters as those with the highest predictive potential. The methodology demonstrates the ability to be integrated with regional forecasting models (ensemble). Such information has the potential to inform decisions in multiple sectors, such as agriculture and water resources, aiming at the sustainable management of water resources and resilience to climate risk

    Instituto Compartilhado: uma parceria IFRN e uma escola estadual para manutenção do projeto de inclusão digital Um Computador por Aluno (UCA)

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    O presente trabalho encontra-se sendo realizado como projeto deextensão de uma escola pública federal e tem como o objetivo principal darcontinuidade ao programa governamental Um Computador por Aluno (UCA),fazendo uma atualização e manutenção do mesmo numa escola estadual nomunicípio de Parnamirim/RN onde estão localizadas. Funcionando nasescolas públicas desde 2010, passou-se a existir necessidade de atualizar ossoftwares, treinar os usuários e realizar a manutenção das máquinas para queo uso seja satisfatório e que o programa possa trazer ainda mais benefícios.Nessa perspectiva, este trabalho visa a melhoria e a continuidade doprograma UCA

    Correção de fenda palatina traumática associada à fratura de mandíbula em felino: Relato de caso

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    Quando defeitos palatinos ocasionados por trauma interrompem a separação da cavidade oral e nasal, técnicas cirúrgicas adequadas são essenciais para a reconstrução anatômica. Relata-se um caso de fenda palatina secundária por trauma e fratura de mandíbula, sendo a primeira corrigida cirurgicamente utilizando a técnica de retalho bipediculado deslizante (técnica de Von Langebeck), consistindo no alívio com estafilorrafia e redução da fratura com a técnica de amarria interdental com resina acrílica. As técnicas mostraram-se eficazes no fechamento da fenda palatina e redução da fratura, aliadas aos cuidados adequados no pós-operatório