5,192 research outputs found

    Very Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Models

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    We consider very constrained versions of the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (VCMSSMs) which, in addition to constraining the scalar masses m_0 and gaugino masses m_{1/2} to be universal at some input scale, impose relations between the trilinear and bilinear soft supersymmetry breaking parameters A_0 and B_0. These relations may be linear, as in simple minimal supergravity models, or nonlinear, as in the Giudice-Masiero mechanism for generating the Higgs-mixing mu term. We discuss the application of the electroweak vacuum conditions in VCMSSMs, which may be used to make a prediction for tan beta as a function of m_0 and m_{1/2} that is usually unique. We baseline the discussion of the parameter spaces allowed in VCMSSMs by updating the parameter space allowed in the CMSSM for fixed values of tan beta with no relation between A_0 and B_0 assumed {\it a priori}, displaying contours of B_0 for a fixed input value of A_0, incorporating the latest CDF/D0 measurement of m_t and the latest BNL measurement of g_mu - 2. We emphasize that phenomenological studies of the CMSSM are frequently not applicable to specific VCMSSMs, notably those based on minimal supergravity, which require m_0 = m_{3/2} as well as A_0 = B_0 + m_0. We then display (m_{1/2}, m_0) planes for selected VCMSSMs, treating in a unified way the parameter regions where either a neutralino or the gravitino is the LSP. In particular, we examine in detail the allowed parameter space for the Giudice-Masiero model.Comment: 26 pages, 32 eps figure

    Probing F-theory With Multiple Branes

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    We study multiple 3-branes on an F theory orientifold. The world-volume theory of the 3-branes is d=4, N=2 Sp(2k) gauge theory with an antisymmetric tensor and four flavors of matter in the fundamental. The solution of this gauge theory is found for vanishing bare mass of the antisymmetric tensor matter, and massive fundamental matter. The integrable system underlying this theory is constructed.Comment: 9 pages, harvma

    Type IIA Superstrings, Chiral Symmetry, and N=1 4D Gauge Theory Dualities

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    We study N=1 four dimensional gauge theories as the world volume theory of D4-branes between NS 5-branes. We find constructions for a number of known field theory dualities involving SU(Nc)×SU(Ncâ€Č)SU(N_c)\times SU(N_c') groups, coupled by matter fields F in the (Nc,Nˉc)(N_c, \bar N_c) representation, in terms of branes of type IIA string theory. The dual gauge group follows from simply reversing the ordering of the NS 5-branes and the D6-branes while conserving magnetic charge on the world volume of the branes. We interpret many field theory phenomena such as deformation of the superpotential W = \Tr (F\tilde F)^{k+1} in terms of the position of branes. By looking to D-branes for guidance, we find new N=1 dualities involving arbitrary numbers of gauge groups. We propose a mechanism for enhanced chiral symmetry in the brane construction which, we conjecture, is associated with tensionless threebranes in six dimensions.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures, uses harvmac, tables, and eps

    Modeling Networks of Coupled Enzymatic Reactions Using the Total Quasi-Steady State Approximation

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    In metabolic networks, metabolites are usually present in great excess over the enzymes that catalyze their interconversion, and describing the rates of these reactions by using the Michaelis–Menten rate law is perfectly valid. This rate law assumes that the concentration of enzyme–substrate complex (C) is much less than the free substrate concentration (S (0)). However, in protein interaction networks, the enzymes and substrates are all proteins in comparable concentrations, and neglecting C with respect to S (0) is not valid. Borghans, DeBoer, and Segel developed an alternative description of enzyme kinetics that is valid when C is comparable to S (0). We extend this description, which Borghans et al. call the total quasi-steady state approximation, to networks of coupled enzymatic reactions. First, we analyze an isolated Goldbeter–Koshland switch when enzymes and substrates are present in comparable concentrations. Then, on the basis of a real example of the molecular network governing cell cycle progression, we couple two and three Goldbeter–Koshland switches together to study the effects of feedback in networks of protein kinases and phosphatases. Our analysis shows that the total quasi-steady state approximation provides an excellent kinetic formalism for protein interaction networks, because (1) it unveils the modular structure of the enzymatic reactions, (2) it suggests a simple algorithm to formulate correct kinetic equations, and (3) contrary to classical Michaelis–Menten kinetics, it succeeds in faithfully reproducing the dynamics of the network both qualitatively and quantitatively

    Sodium content as a predictor of the advanced evolution of globular cluster stars

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    The asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase is the final stage of nuclear burning for low-mass stars. Although Milky Way globular clusters are now known to harbour (at least) two generations of stars they still provide relatively homogeneous samples of stars that are used to constrain stellar evolution theory. It is predicted by stellar models that the majority of cluster stars with masses around the current turn-off mass (that is, the mass of the stars that are currently leaving the main sequence phase) will evolve through the AGB phase. Here we report that all of the second-generation stars in the globular cluster NGC 6752 -- 70 per cent of the cluster population -- fail to reach the AGB phase. Through spectroscopic abundance measurements, we found that every AGB star in our sample has a low sodium abundance, indicating that they are exclusively first-generation stars. This implies that many clusters cannot reliably be used for star counts to test stellar evolution timescales if the AGB population is included. We have no clear explanation for this observation.Comment: Published in Nature (online 29 May 2013, hard copy 13 June), 12 pages, 3 figures + supplementary information sectio

    Probing The Multiphase Interstellar Medium Of The Dwarf Starburst Galaxy NGC 625 With FUSE Spectroscopy

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    We present new FUSE spectroscopy of the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 625. These observations probe multiple phases of the interstellar medium, including the coronal, ionized, neutral and molecular gas. This nearby (D = 3.9 +/- 0.2 Mpc) system shows a clear detection of outflowing coronal gas as traced by OVI 1032 Angstrom absorption. The centroid of the OVI profile is blueshifted with respect to the galaxy systemic velocity by ~ 30 km/sec, suggesting a low-velocity outflow. The implied OVI velocity extent is found to be 100 +/- 20 km/sec, which is fully consistent with the detected HI outflow velocity found in radio synthesis observations. We detect multiple lines of diffuse H2 absorption from the ISM of NGC 625; this is one of only a few extragalactic systems with FUSE detections of H2 lines in the Lyman and Werner bands. We find a potential abundance offset between the neutral and nebular gas that exceeds the errors on the derived column densities. Since such an offset has been found in multiple dwarf galaxies, we discuss the implications of a lower-metallicity halo surrounding the central star forming regions of dwarf galaxies. The apparent offset may be due to saturation of the observed OI line, and higher S/N observations are required to resolve this issue.Comment: ApJ, in press; full-resolution version may be obtained at http://www.astro.umn.edu/~cannon/n625.fuse.p

    Optimal use of tandem biotin and V5 tags in ChIP assays

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    Background: Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays coupled to genome arrays (Chip-on-chip) or massive parallel sequencing (ChIP-seq) lead to the genome wide identification of binding sites of chromatin associated proteins. However, the highly variable quality of antibodies and the availability of epitopes in crosslinked chromatin can compromise genomic ChIP outcomes. Epitope tags have often been used as more reliable alternatives. In addition, we have employed protein in vivo biotinylation tagging as a very high affinity alternative to antibodies. In this paper we describe the optimization of biotinylation tagging for ChIP and its coupling to a known epitope tag in providing a reliable and efficient alternative to antibodies. Results: Using the biotin tagged erythroid transcription factor GATA-1 as example, we describe several optimization steps for the application of the high affinity biotin streptavidin system in ChIP. We find that the omission of SDS during sonication, the use of fish skin gelatin as blocking agent and choice of streptavidin beads can lead to significantly improved ChIP enrichments and lower background compared to antibodies. We also show that the V5 epitope tag performs equally well under the conditions worked out for streptavidin ChIP and that it may suffer less from the effects of formaldehyde crosslinking. Conclusion: The combined use of the very high affinity biotin tag with the less sensitive to crosslinking V5 tag provides for a flexible ChIP platform with potential implications in ChIP sequencing outcomes
