1,405 research outputs found

    An Observational Cohort Study on Delayed-Onset Infections after Mandibular Third-Molar Extractions.

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the occurrence and clinical features of delayed-onset infections after mandibular third-molar extractions. METHOD AND MATERIALS: An observational cohort study was conducted on 179 patients undergoing mandibular third-molar extraction between January 2013 and December 2015, for a total of 217 extractions. Data were recorded at the time of extraction (T0), on suture removal seven days later (T1), and 30 days after the extraction, when patients were contacted and asked about their healing process (T2). The statistical analysis was performed with nonparametric tests. A p value lower than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: Eight delayed-onset infections were recorded, amounting to 3.7% of all extractions. The median time elapsing from the extraction to the delayed-onset infection was 35 days (IQR 28-40; min 24-max 49). Younger age and longer surgical procedures seemed to be more often associated with this complication. CONCLUSION: Delayed-onset infections after third-molar extractions are relatively rare postoperative complications characterized by a swelling, usually with a purulent discharge. Patients should be informed of this possibility, which might develop even several weeks after the extraction

    An Efficient Reliability-based Design Approach to Reduce Rockfall Risk Below a Target Threshold

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    Rockfalls are expected to increase due to global warming and extreme events induced by climate change. An accurate quantification of the risk is fundamental for Administrations to predispose effective risk mitigation plans. Risk value should account for all the possible events that can occur in a specific time, i.e. for a magnitude (block volume) frequency relationship. Among structural protective measures, rockfall barriers are widely selected. Despite their design method has been almost defined, even not standardized, the widely adopted safety factors approach with fixed factors does not allow obtaining a specific probability of failure. Moreover, the event magnitude-frequency relationship is not accounted. A novel time- independent reliability-based approach has been recently conceived by the Authors, allowing obtaining the design values for a specific failure probability. The method accounts for all the possible events, integrating them in time with their probability. In this way, an increase of rockfall events can been accurately considered. The obtained barrier failure probability can be used to compute the risk reduction in a given time or, conversely, to define the maximum failure probability of a barrier that could be accepted

    The modelling of reverse defrosting cycles of air-to-water heat pumps with TRNSYS

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    The most widespread defrosting technique adopted by Air-Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) during the heating season is Reverse Cycle Defrosting (RCD). In this paper a dynamic model of RCD, based on performance data provided by the heat pump manufacturer, designed for TRNSYS and with a core-structure suitable for commercial units, is presented. A defrost cycle is divided in three phases. First, the unit heating capacity is reduced as a linear function of the ice layer thickness (Pre-Defrost phase). Subsequently, the reverse cycle operating mode is modelled on the basis of the performance data given by the manufacturer (Defrost phase) and, finally, the heat pump performances are altered taking into account the higher surface temperature of the external coil after the reverse mode (Post-Defrost phase). Then, the influence of defrosting energy losses on the heat pump seasonal performance factor in sites characterized by different climatic conditions has been assessed. Results point out that the ASHP seasonal efficiency decreases of about 5% taking into account defrost energy losses; in addition, the influence of defrost cycles on the internal air temperature is studied by assessing under which conditions the indoor thermal comfort can be guaranteed even in presence of frequent defrost cycles

    A mixed quantitative approach to evaluate rockfall risk and the maximum allowable traffic on road infrastructure

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    Rockfall events constitute one of the most dangerous phenomena in mountainous areas, which can affect transportation routes. In a risk mitigation perspective, the quantification of the risk for pedestrians and vehicles represents a crucial aspect for authorities. A method tailored to these elements at risk is herein presented. The proposed method is based on a mixed formulation of the Quantitative Risk Assessment and the Event Tree Analysis approaches. According to these procedures, an accurate evaluation of the annual probability of adverse outcomes can be computed considering all the scenarios which can lead to a fatality or to an injury. Vice versa, the method lets to evaluate the allowable traffic condition, given an acceptable threshold for the risk. Furthermore, it serves to quantify the risk reduction in case of installed passive mitigation measures and, thus, to plan the priority of intervention works. An application on a study case in the Italian Alps illustrates the potentialities of the methodology

    A simplified method for assessing the response of RC frame structures to sudden column removal

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    Column loss is a type of damage that can occur in frame structures subjected to explosions or impacts. The response of such structures largely depends on the capacity of the assembly of elements and on the inertia effects due to the sudden nature of the phenomenon. Frame structures are able to develop various resisting mechanisms that prevent the collapse to progress. The assessment of the robustness often requires complex and detailed numerical modelling. For the preliminary design of a robust frame, simplified methods to assess the effectiveness of the redistribution of the loads after the removal of a member are welcome. In the present paper, an approach based on the idealisation of the damaged structure into a single degree-of-freedom system with an elastic-plastic compliance law is proposed. The output of the method is the dynamic response of a target point, which can serve for assessing the residual safety of the structure. Comparing the obtained results with the outputs of a more sophisticated FE (Finite Elements) analysis, a satisfying accuracy is found

    Progressive collapse of structures: A discussion on annotated nomenclature

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    The study of progressive collapse and structural robustness has advanced significantly after 9/11 event. There is a growing interest in the phenomenon, as well as in the development of numerical and experimental techniques that have led to great progress in understanding the structural robustness and integrity. However, the general ideas, concepts and definitions have been merely changed over the past twenty years. These concepts and definitions are first developed in the framework of a threat-independent methodology, implicitly focused on blast-induced progressive collapse (or other short-term extreme events) in framed structures, and then, generalized to other structural types, mechanisms and triggering events, without scrutinization. In this paper, the current definitions of the terms progressive collapse, initial (local) damage and progressive collapse analysis are challenged, their insufficiency is discussed and possible improvements are provided. The suggested definitions and discussions provide a deeper and more general nomenclature for progressive collapse and related topics

    Snow Avalanche Impact Measurements at the Seehore Test Site in Aosta Valley (NW Italian Alps)

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    In full-scale snow avalanche test sites, structures such as pylons, plates, or dams have been used to measure impact forces and pressures from avalanches. Impact pressures are of extreme importance when dealing with issues such as hazard mapping and the design of buildings exposed to avalanches. In this paper, we present the force measurements recorded for five selected avalanches that occurred at the Seehore test site in Aosta Valley (NW Italian Alps). The five avalanches were small to medium-sized and cover a wide range in terms of snow characteristics and flow dynamics. Our aim was to analyze the force and pressure measurements with respect to the avalanche characteristics. We measured pressures in the range of 2 to 30 kPa. Though without exhaustive measurements of the avalanche flows, we found indications of different flow regimes. For example, we could appreciate some differences in the vertical profile of the pressures recorded for wet dense avalanches and powder ones. Being aware of the fact that more complete measurements are necessary to fully describe the avalanche flows, we think that the data of the five avalanches triggered at the Seehore test site might add some useful information to the ongoing scientific discussion on avalanche flow regimes and impact pressure

    Modelagem matemática da secagem de bagaço de laranja associado ao método convectivo e radiação infravermelha

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    Sem informaçãoMathematical modeling enables dimensioning of dryers, optimization of drying conditions and the evaluation of process performance. The aim of this research was to describe the behavior of orange bagasse drying using Page's and Fick's second law models, and to assess activation energy (using Arrhenius equation), moisture content, water activity and bulk density of product at the end of the process. The drying experimental assays were performed in 2011 with convective air temperature between 36 and 64 degrees C and infrared radiation application time in the range from 23 to 277 s in accordance with the experimental central composite rotatable design. Analysis of variance and F-test were applied to results. At the end of the drying process, moisture content was about 0.09 to 0.87 db and water activity was between 0.25 and 0.87. Bulk density did not vary under studied conditions. Empirical Page's model demonstrated better representation of experimental data than the Fick's model for spheres. Activation energy values were about 18.491; 14.975 and 11.421 kJ mol(-1) for infrared application times of 60; 150 e 244 s, respectively.Mathematical modeling enables dimensioning of dryers, optimization of drying conditions and the evaluation of process performance. The aim of this research was to describe the behavior of orange bagasse drying using Page's and Fick's second law models, an191211781184Sem informaçãoSem informaçãosem informaçãoA modelagem matemática permite o dimensionamento de secadores, otimização das condições de secagem e avaliação do desempenho do processo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever o comportamento da secagem de bagaço de laranja utilizando-se os modelos de

    Quarries in Harappa

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    Chert was a material of major importance to the Bronze Age inhabitants of the Indus Civilizatio, The paper updates our knowledge of teh chert mines currently known in Sindh: the Rohri Hills, Ongar and Jhimpi
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