32 research outputs found

    The role of non-manual expressions in the boundary marking of prosodic constituents in Brazilian Sign Language

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    O artigo investiga expressões não manuais (ENMs) conjugadas a expressões manuais (EMs) da Librasna marcação de fronteira dos constituintes prosódicos frase fonológica (ɸ) e frase entoacional (I). A análise baseia-se na concepção de estrutura prosódica de línguas de sinais de Brentari (2011), Nespor e Sandler (1999) e Sandler (2010, 2012). ENMs e EMs conjugadas a ENMs são examinadas em dois enunciadosde Libras do corpusde Souza(2020), produzidos por instrutores de Libras em sala de aula. A análise revela alterações recorrentes nas EMs em fronteira de ɸ. Na ausência de alterações nas EMs, verificam-se ENMs como movimento de sobrancelhas, mudança na posição da boca, semicerramento e piscar de olhos. Em fronteira de I, observam-se ENMs como levantamento de sobrancelhas, mudanças na posição de cabeça e corpo, semicerramento e piscar de olhos, e reconfiguração de todas as expressões faciais.The paper investigates non-manual expressions (NMEs) in the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and their combination with manual expressions (MEs) in signaling the border of prosodicconstituentsphonological phrase (ɸ) and intonational phrase (I). The analysis is based on the concept of prosodic structure of sign languages by Brentari (2011), Nespor and Sandler (1999) and Sandler (2010, 2012). ENMs and EMs combined withENMs are examined intwo utterances in the corpusof Souza(2020), both produced by teachers of Libras. The analysis reveals recurring changes in MEs at the border ofɸ.When they are absent, the border ofɸis signaled by NMEs such as eyebrow movement, change in mouth position, eyes squinting and blinking. At the border of I, NMEs are observed such as eyebrow raise, changes in the position of the head and body, eyes squinting and blinking, and reconfiguration of all facial expressions

    Adverse event reporting and patient safety at a University Hospital: Mapping, correlating and associating events for a data-based patient risk management

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    BACKGROUND: Reporting adverse events (AE) with a bearing on patient safety is fundamentally important to the identification and mitigation of potential clinical risks. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the AE reporting systems adopted at a university hospital for the purpose of enhancing the learning potential afforded by these systems. RESEARCH DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study METHODS: Data were collected from different information flows (reports of incidents and falls, patients' claims and complaints, and cases of hospital-acquired infection [HAI]) at an university hospital. A composite risk indicator was developed to combine the data from the different flows. Spearman's nonparametric test was applied to investigate the correlation between the AE rates and a Poisson regression analysis to verify the association among characteristics of the wards and AE rates. SUBJECTS: Sixty-four wards at a University Hospital. RESULTS: There was a marked variability among wards AE rates. Correlations emerged between patients' claims with complaints and the number of incidents reported. Falls were positively associated with average length of hospital stay, number of beds, patients' mean age, and type of ward, and they were negatively associated with the average Cost Weight of the Diagnosis-related group (DRG) of patients on a given ward. Claims and complaints were associated directly with the average DRG weight of a ward's patient admissions. CONCLUSIONS: This study attempted to learn something useful from an analysis of the mandatory (but often little used) data flows generated on adverse events occurring at an university hospital with a view to managing the associated clinical risk to patients

    The interplay between phonological processing and principles of alphabetical writing : a case of orthographic inadequacy in the university context and forms of approaching phonology in the classroom

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    Este artigo investiga a motivação para inadequações ortográficas no registro escrito de dados de fala no contexto universitário, a partir da análise do par “inculcar x encucar”. Trata-se de um dado singular, conforme a metodologia adotada, o Paradigma Indiciário (GINZBURG, 1989). Nossa análise mostra que o mapeamento entre produção e percepção é afetado por processos fonológicos de aplicação variável e categórica no Português Brasileiro (PB), como também pelo mapeamento grafêmico a itens lexicais familiares ao ouvinte. Sugerimos atividades aos professores de Língua Portuguesa para explorar a relação entre ortografia e fonologia e, assim, oportunizar aos estudantes uma participação efetiva em práticas sociais variadas por meio da linguagem.This paper investigates the motivations for orthographic inadequacies in the written register of spoken data by university students, based on the pair “inculcar x encucar”. In line with the Evidential Paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989), this pair is analyzed as a “singular datum” in the adopted methodology. Our analysis demonstrates that the mapping between production and perception is affected by phonological processes that apply variably and categorically to Brazilian Portuguese data and by the mapping of phonemes to graphemes in relation to certain lexical items. We suggest activities to Portuguese teachers to explore the relation between orthography and phonology to guarantee the effective participation of students in varied social practices through language

    Multimorbidity and Hospital Admissions in High-Need, High-Cost Elderly Patients

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    Objective: The aim was to clarify which pairs or clusters of diseases predict the hospital-related events and death in a population of patients with complex health care needs (PCHCN). Method: Subjects classified in 2012 as PCHCN in a local health unit by ACG\uae (Adjusted Clinical Groups) System were linked with hospital discharge records in 2013 to identify those who experienced any of a series of hospital admission events and death. Number of comorbidities, comorbidities dyads, and latent classes were used as exposure variable. Regression analyses were applied to examine the associations between dependent and exposure variables. Results: Besides the fact that larger number of chronic conditions is associated with higher odds of hospital admission or death, we showed that certain dyads and classes of diseases have a particularly strong association with these outcomes. Discussion: Unlike morbidity counts, analyzing morbidity clusters and dyads reveals which combinations of morbidities are associated with the highest hospitalization rates or death


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    Na noite do dia 19 de março de 2018 foi realizado com os acadêmicos da 7ª fase do curso de Pedagogia no Componente Curricular ESTUDOS TEÓRICO-PRÁTICOS DO ENSINO DE ARTES uma atividade com material alternativo (cola liquida branca).Os acadêmicos da 7ª fase vivenciaram essa experiência utilizando material alternativo  na ampliação da criatividade no ato de desenhar.Durante a noite enquanto vivenciavam a nova experiência eram feitos questionamentos sobre: você se lembra de como é enxergar o mundo pelos olhos de uma criança? Difícil, não é mesmo, pois nos adultos, acostumamos não demonstrar nossa criatividade e ate mesmo não queremos aprender coisas novas. Portando, desenhar seja com lápis, pincel, giz de cera ou até mesmo com cola, auxiliará no desenvolvimento da criatividade

    Petrochronology of the Dom Feliciano Belt foreland in southernmost Brazil reveals two distinct tectonometamorphic events in the western central Kaoko–Dom Feliciano–Gariep orogen

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    The Dom Feliciano Belt is the South American part of an extensive Neoproterozoic orogenic system that developed during the late Cryogenian–early Cambrian close to the margin of southwest Gondwana. The link of its evolution with the tectonic processes in its African counterpart is still not well understood. P–T estimates, Lu–Hf garnet–whole-rock ages, U–Pb monazite SIMS ages and REE garnet and monazite data from samples of the Porongos and Passo Feio complexes indicate diachronous tectonic evolution of the central Dom Feliciano Belt foreland. Metasedimentary rocks of the eastern Porongos Complex reached previously estimated metamorphic peak conditions of ~ 560–580 °C and 5.8–6.3 kbar at 654 ± 2 Ma, based on Lu–Hf isochron garnet–whole-rock age data. This episode represents an early orogenic thickening in the foreland as a response to the beginning of the transpressive convergent evolution of the belt. The monazite age of 614 ± 6 Ma (U–Pb SIMS) is interpreted as associated with post-exhumation magmatic activity in the foreland and suggests that the eastern Porongos Complex was exhumed sometime between ca. 660 and 615 Ma. The main metamorphic and deformation event in the Porongos Complex’s western region occurred at ~ 545–565 °C and 4.3–5.3 kbar at 563 ± 1 Ma (garnet–whole-rock Lu–Hf isochron age). The exhumation of this part of the foreland is dated using monazite crystallising during garnet breakdown and suggests retrograde metamorphism at 541 ± 7 Ma (U–Pb SIMS). The main metamorphic fabric in the Passo Feio Complex further to the west developed at 571 ± 2 Ma (garnet–whole-rock Lu–Hf isochron age) at 560–580 °C and 4.7–6.4 kbar. The western part of the Porongos Complex and the Passo Feio Complex have deformed at similar P–T conditions and apparent geothermal gradients at ca. 570–565 Ma. These regions record a second crustal thickening event in the Dom Feliciano Belt foreland and the orogenic front migration towards the west as a response to the onset of crustal thickening on the African side of this long-lived transpressive orogenic syste

    Desafios da gestão de dados linguísticos e a Ciência Aberta

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    The symposium Linguistic description: management of linguistic data aimed to discuss issues regarding the management of linguistic data in its many formats: oral or written, contemporaneous or historical. Such symposium had its central motivation in the latent demands, especially those imposed by the Open Science movement. The participants’ plenaries centred on four main questions: i) How to fulfil the principles of open science concerning the storage, reuse and authorship of linguistic data sets? ii) How to deal with the tension between transparency and confidentiality of language data? iii) Which formats and tools are best suited to make linguistic data sets viable? iv) Which would be best systems and interfaces for storing and accessing language data? In this article, we answered these questions with the aim of motivating the discussion and good practices with the scientific community. As an outcome, the participants proposed that some collective measures to ways to promote good practices regarding data use management: i) developing specific protocols in the area, encouraging studies’ replicability; ii) engaging graduate programs and scientific journals in such protocols; and iii) creating and maintaining data repositories.O simpósio Descrição linguística: gestão de dados linguísticos teve como proposta retomar questões específicas ao gerenciamento de dados linguísticos, quer de fala quer de textos escritos, da atualidade ou históricos, em função das demandas latentes, especialmente face a exigências como as da Ciência Aberta: i) Como atender aos princípios de ciência aberta quanto ao armazenamento, reuso e autoria de conjuntos de dados linguísticos? ii) Como lidar com a tensão entre a transparência e o sigilo de dados de fala? iii) Quais os formatos e as ferramentas mais adequados para a vitalidade dos conjuntos de dados linguísticos? iv) Quais ferramentas permitem o melhor armazenamento e sistemas de interface para consulta e pesquisa? Neste artigo, respondemos a estas a questões com o objetivo de motivar a discussão e o compartilhamento de boas práticas com a comunidade científica e sinalizamos as ações propositivas de natureza coletiva: i) a criação de políticas específicas da área para a replicabilidade dos estudos; ii) a adoção dessas políticas por programas de pós-graduação e periódicos; e iii) a criação e manutenção de repositórios de dados

    Gaia Early Data Release 3: Structure and properties of the Magellanic Clouds

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    We compare the Gaia DR2 and Gaia EDR3 performances in the study of the Magellanic Clouds and show the clear improvements in precision and accuracy in the new release. We also show that the systematics still present in the data make the determination of the 3D geometry of the LMC a difficult endeavour; this is at the very limit of the usefulness of the Gaia EDR3 astrometry, but it may become feasible with the use of additional external data. We derive radial and tangential velocity maps and global profiles for the LMC for the several subsamples we defined. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the two planar components of the ordered and random motions are derived for multiple stellar evolutionary phases in a galactic disc outside the Milky Way, showing the differences between younger and older phases. We also analyse the spatial structure and motions in the central region, the bar, and the disc, providing new insights into features and kinematics. Finally, we show that the Gaia EDR3 data allows clearly resolving the Magellanic Bridge, and we trace the density and velocity flow of the stars from the SMC towards the LMC not only globally, but also separately for young and evolved populations. This allows us to confirm an evolved population in the Bridge that is slightly shift from the younger population. Additionally, we were able to study the outskirts of both Magellanic Clouds, in which we detected some well-known features and indications of new ones

    Alongamento e ingliding de vogais em sílabas tônicas no português falado em Porto Alegre (RS)

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    No português falado em Porto Alegre (RS), vogais em sílabas tônicas podem ser alongadas e sofrer ingliding, realização ditongada que, em termos fonéticos, envolve duas zonas de estabilidade, a segunda das quais é centralizada (aqui~aqu[iɐ], tudo~t[uɐ]do, dedo~d[eɐ]do, novo~n[oɐ]vo, tela~t[ɛɐ]la, moda~m[ɔɐ]da, gosta~g[ɔɐ]sta, ainda~a[iɐ]nda). Os objetivos do estudo são (a) obter medidas acústicas de duração, F0 e F2 que caracterizem foneticamente as realizações; e (b) analisar as realizações integrando fonética e fonologia, de modo que a estrutura fonológica e fonética formem um sistema representacional único (CLEMENTS e HERTZ, 1996). Analisam-se dados de um falante prototípico (LABOV, 2010) com o PRAAT (BOERSMA, WEENINK, 2013). As informações acústicas recebem uma representação em tiers múltiplos, com que se mostra a intersecção dos planos fonético e fonológico.In Brazilian Portuguese as it is spoken in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), vowels in stressed syllables can be lengthened and diphthongized in an ingliding process. In phonetic terms, the ingliding results in a vocalic unit with two steady states, the second being centralized (aqui~aqu[iɐ] ‘here’, tudo~t[uɐ]do ‘everything’, dedo~d[eɐ]do ‘finger’, novo~n[oɐ]vo ‘new’, tela~t[ɛɐ]la ‘screen’, moda~m[ɔɐ]da ‘fashion’, gosta~g[ɔɐ]sta ‘like 3rd.p.s., ainda~a[iɐ]nda ‘still’). The study aims at (a) measuring the duration, F0 and F2 of the target-vowels and (b) analyzing the inglided vowels by the integration of phonetics and phonology according to Clements and Hertz (1996): acoustic information are represented in multiple tiers, by which one demonstrates the intersection of the phonetic and phonological planes


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    Abstract: This study approaches the raising of vowel /a/ in nasal context in Brazilian Portuguese. We discuss the phonological representation of nasal vowels, compare Portuguese and Spanish with regard to the production and perception of nasal vowels, and conduct a preliminary, qualitative acoustic inspection of realizations of vowel /a/ in nasal and oral contexts. When discussing the representation of nasal vowels in Portuguese, we justify the acceptance of the hypothesis of the sequence /vN/ in the base of nasal /a/ and support the interpretation of vowel nasalization and nasalized vowel raising as phonologically derived processes. The acoustic inspection of vowel /a/ in nasal context shows that the vowel may or may not have nasal acoustic cues. This fact is motivated both phonetically and phonologically. The different realizations of vowel /a/ in nasal context obscure their linking to the bisegmental sequence in the base.Resumo: Este estudo aborda a elevação da vogal /a/ em contexto nasal. Discute-se a representação fonológica das vogais nasais, compara-se português e espanhol no que diz respeito à produção e percepção de vogais nasais, realiza-se inspeção acústica preliminar, de cunho qualitativo, de realizações da vogal /a/ em contexto nasal e não nasal. Ao discutir a representação das vogais nasais no português, justifica-se a adesão à hipótese da sequência /vN/ na base da vogal /a/ nasal e sustenta-se a interpretação da nasalização vocálica e da elevação da vogal nasalizada como processos fonologicamente derivados. A inspeção acústica de /a/ em contexto nasal mostra que a vogal elevada pode realizar-se com e sem pistas acústicas de nasalidade. A existência de mais de uma realização de /a/ em contexto nasal, motivada tanto fonética quanto fonologicamente, obscurece o mapeamento das manifestações percebidas à sequência bissegmental de base