595 research outputs found

    Uber use after alcohol consumption among car/motorcycle drivers in ten Brazilian capitals

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to measure the proportion of Uber use instead of drinking and driving in ten Brazilian capitals, in 2019. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was developed in ten Brazilian capitals. Data were collected in agglomeration points (AP) and sobriety checkpoints (SC). Based on responses to a standardized questionnaire, the proportion of drivers who used Uber instead of drinking and driving was measured for total sample of each methodology and stratified by municipality, age group, gender, education level, and type of vehicle. Fisher’s exact test was used to make comparisons between the strata. RESULTS: A total of 8,864 drivers were interviewed. The most used means of transport to replace driving after drinking alcohol was the Uber system (AP: 54.6%; 95%CI: 51.2–58.0. SC: 58.6%; 95%CI: 55.2–61.9). Most of these users were aged from 18 to 29 years, women, with at least one higher education degree. According to the AP methodology, the highest magnitude of this indicator was found in Vitória (ES) (71.0%; 95%CI: 63.5–77.5), whereas the lowest was observed in Teresina (PI) (33.1%; 95%CI: 22.7–45.5). According to the SC methodology, the highest magnitude of the indicator was also found in Vitória (ES) (78.3%; 95%CI: 68.8–85.5), whereas the lowest was observed in Boa Vista (RR) (36.6%; 95%CI: 26.8–47.7). CONCLUSION: In Brazilian capitals, the study showed higher proportions of Uber use instead of drinking and driving. This type of scientific evidence on factors associated with road traffic injuries presents the potential to guide public health interventions

    Indicadores Derivados de Agregados Monetários

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    This work has objective to verify, from causality and cointegration tests, if monetary aggregates can anticipate fluctuations in by products and prices in Brazil. Monthly data, for monetary aggregates, IPCA and real GDP, from jan/95 to mar/02 have been used. The broad money supply were evaluated in their original form in order to represent financial wealth, weighed by the Divisia index, as an attempt for estimating better measures of macroeconomic liquidity, and adjusted for gathering of the Net Domestic Credit in primary terms. The results do not indicate that the balance found using the Divisia index has contributed to improving the performance of primary aggregates for the purposes of the experiment. The broader concepts, stemming from the M3 and M4, mainly the Net Domestic Credit gathered from the M3, had shown time antecedence with the real product. Fluctuations in the prices, in turn, can be anticipated mostly the financial wealth and liquidity indicators.


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    The economic literature contains extensive discussions on relationship between foreign constraints and economic growth. Since the beginning of the 1990's one debate concentrates on the nature of macroeconomic policies to expand domestic demand in Brazil in an environment of capital flows liberalization. An important analysis on export-led growth hypothesis has followed. The validity of such approach depends on the response of the current account to the policy regime, as well as the impact on investment coming from demand, as indicated by the Verdoorn Law. We contribute to this line of enquiry in two ways. First, we provide an assessment on the Thirlwall Law and introduce some specifications applied, mainly, to developing countries. The reverse causality for the so-called twin deficits is also examined. Our second contribution is to apply time series methods - impulse-response function in vector auto-regression (VAR) and dynamic regressions - to test some assumptions. We argue that Brazil will nor succeed to attain the required demand for sustained growth without gains in international competitiveness and the opening of new markets. The results suggest that favourable interest and exchange rate depend on reductions, to a certain extent, of speculative capital movements, as recommended by a representative number of distinguished scholars and policy makers.


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    O artigo propõe-se a abordar se a norma jurídico-tributária adquire uma nova roupagem no contexto do Estado Democrático de Direito sob a ótica de uma teoria constitucional tributária. Neste sentido, o artigo pretende, como objetivo geral, identificar se o Estado Democrático de Direito influencia na essência da norma jurídico-tributária. Em seus objetivos específicos, o artigo procura apresentar uma noção acerca da natureza da norma jurídica na visão de alguns jusfilósofos para, em seguida, traçar duas manifestações da norma jurídica, uma essência arrecadadora e uma garantidora. Na metodologia, utiliza-se de método dedutivo e pesquisa bibliográfica

    Mortality by road traffic injuries in Brazil (2000–2016): capital cities versus non-capital cities

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar a magnitude e tendência da mortalidade por acidentes de transporte terrestre (ATT) nas capitais e demais municípios de cada estado brasileiro nos anos de 2000 a 2016. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada análise de séries temporais das taxas de mortalidade por ATT padronizadas por idade, comparando as capitais e o aglomerado de municípios não capitais em cada estado. Os dados sobre óbitos foram obtidos do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade. Foram considerados como óbitos por ATT aqueles cuja causa básica tenha sido designada pelos códigos V01 a V89 do CID-10, com redistribuição dos garbage codes. Para o cálculo das taxas de mortalidade, foram utilizadas as projeções populacionais do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística de 2000 a 2015 e a população calculada por interpolação polinomial para 2016. A análise de tendências foi realizada pelo método de Prais-Winsten, utilizando o programa Stata 14.0. RESULTADOS: Ocorreram 601.760 óbitos por ATT no período (114.483 de residentes em capitais). A mortalidade por ATT não apresentou tendência crescente em nenhuma das capitais no período em estudo. Já entre os municípios não capitais, a tendência foi crescente em 14 estados. O maior aumento foi observado no Piauí (TIA = 7,50%; IC95% 5,50 – 9,60). Ocorreu tendência decrescente da mortalidade por ATT em 14 capitais, dentre as quais Curitiba apresentou maior decréscimo (TIA = -4,82%; IC95% -6,61 – -2,92). Apenas São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul apresentaram tendência decrescente da mortalidade por ATT nos municípios não capitais (TIA = 2,32%; IC95% -3,32 – -1.3 e TIA = 1,2%, IC95% -2,41 – 0,00, respectivamente). CONCLUSÕES: É possível concluir que as taxas de mortalidade por ATT em municípios não capitais no Brasil apresentaram tendência alarmantes quando comparadas às observadas nas capitais. O desenvolvimento de ações eficazes de segurança no trânsito está quase sempre limitado às capitais e grandes cidades brasileiras. Os municípios com maior risco devem ser priorizados para o fortalecimento das políticas públicas de prevenção e controle.OBJECTIVES: To compare the magnitude and trend of mortality by road traffic injuries (RTI) in the capitals and other municipalities of each Brazilian state between 2000 and 2016. METHODS: A time series analysis of mortality rates by RTI standardized by age was performed, comparing the capitals and the cluster of non-capital municipalities in each state. Data on deaths were obtained from the Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM – Mortality Information System). RTI deaths were considered to be those, whose root cause was designated by ICD-10 codes V01 to V89, with redistribution of garbage codes. To estimate mortality rates, we used the population projections of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) from 2000 to 2015 and the population estimated by polynomial interpolation for 2016. The trend analysis was performed using the Prais-Winsten method, using the Stata 14.0 program. RESULTS: There were 601,760 deaths due to RTI in the period (114,483 of residents in capital cities). Mortality by RTI did not present an increasing trend in any of the Capitals in the period under study. Among non-capital municipalities, the trend was growing in 14 states. The greatest increase was observed in Piaui (AIR = 7.50%; 95%CI 5.50 – 9.60). There was a decreasing trend in RTI mortality in 14 capitals, among which Curitiba showed the greatest decrease (AIR = -4.82%; 95%CI -6.61 – -2.92). Only São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul showed a decreasing trend in mortality by RTI in non-capital cities (AIR = 2.32%; 95%CI -3.32 - -1.3 and AIR = 1.2%, 95%CI -2.41 – 0.00, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that RTI mortality rates in non-capital cities in Brazil showed alarming trends when compared with those observed in capital cities. The development of effective traffic safety actions is almost always limited to Brazilian capitals and large cities. Municipalities with higher risk should be prioritized to strengthen public policies for prevention and control

    Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments and waters from Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were identified and quantified in sediment and water samples from 12 sites in the north-northeast region of the Guanabara Bay. The samples were analyzed by GC-MS to assess the degree of contamination by monitoring the affected ecosystem after an oil spill that occurred in January 18, 2000. Total PAH concentrations ranged from 77 to 7,751 µg kg-1 dry weight in surficial sediment samples and from not detected to 1592 ng L-1 in water samples. The majority of sediment samples were classified as highly contaminated (total PAH > 500 µg kg-1) while for water samples the concentration of PAHs was not sufficiently high to induce acute toxicity to aquatic organisms. In comparison with other coastal areas, PAH concentrations in Guanabara Bay are relatively high. The ratios of low molecular weight/high molecular weight (LMW/HMW) PAHs, phenanthrene/anthracene and benzo[a]anthracene/chrysene, are sensitive indicators of the origin of PAH pollution, which have shown to be mostly from fuel combustion in the Guanabara Bay

    Personal Style: A strategic tool for Public Relations

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    Com o objetivo de analisar se o estilo pessoal pode ser considerado uma ferramenta estratégica de Relações Públicas, este trabalho se originou de uma pesquisa exploratória na qual buscou-se, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, analisar a gestão de marcas pessoais a partir dos princípios das Relações Públicas e entender a função comunicativa da moda, do vestuário e do estilo pessoal. Foi possível perceber que através das Relações Públicas Pessoais, o profissional de Relações Públicas pode atuar de forma plena na gestão de marcas pessoais, aplicando as mesmas técnicas destinadas às organizações. Concluiu-se, então, que o estilo pessoal deve ser considerado uma ferramenta de Relações Públicas e que pode ser utilizado, estrategicamente e profissionalmente, para resolver os problemas e atingir os objetivos delimitados no processo de Relações Públicas

    Treatment of waste dye by electroflocculation: an experiment for undergraduate in chemistry

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    This paper describes the use of a simple experiment of electroflocculation for classroom in Chemistry. Parameters such as electrode material, current density and temperature direct influence the process efficiency. Due to the process low cost and efficient color removal, the methodology proposed has shown good potential for use in wastewater treatment. In addition, the proposed experiment allows discussion about environmental electrochemistry, introduction to concepts of water contamination by industry and university, and also about different alternatives in wastewater treatment used nowadays. Finally, the very easy operation make possible to easy adapt this experiment for high school and elementary school.CNPqCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES