10,138 research outputs found

    Reação à antracnose de variedades tradicionais de feijão-comum coletadas no Estado do Paraná.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi testar variedades tradicionais coletadas em regiões produtores de feijão-comum no Estado do Paraná quanto à resistência à antracnose.CONAF

    Peanut-shaped bulges in face-on disk galaxies

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    We present high resolution absorption-line spectroscopy of 3 face-on galaxies, NGC 98, NGC 600, and NGC 1703 with the aim of searching for box/peanut (B/P)-shaped bulges. These observations test and confirm the prediction of Debattista et al. (2005) that face-on B/P-shaped bulges can be recognized by a double minimum in the profile of the fourth-order Gauss-Hermite moment h_4. In NGC 1703, which is an unbarred control galaxy, we found no evidence of a B/P bulge. In NGC 98, a clear double minimum in h_4 is present along the major axis of the bar and before the end of the bar, as predicted. In contrast, in NGC 600, which is also a barred galaxy but lacks a substantial bulge, we do not find a significant B/P shape.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. To appear in "Tumbling, twisting, and winding galaxies: Pattern speeds along the Hubble sequence", E. M. Corsini and V. P. Debattista (eds.), Memorie della Societa` Astronomica Italian

    Ionospheric response to the 2009 sudden stratospheric warming over the equatorial, low, and middle latitudes in the South American sector

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    The present study investigates the ionospheric total electron content (TEC) and F-layer response in the Southern Hemisphere equatorial, low, and middle latitudes due to major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event, which took place during January-February 2009 in the Northern Hemisphere. In this study, using 17 ground-based dual frequency GPS stations and two ionosonde stations spanning latitudes from 2.8°N to 53.8°S, longitudes from 36.7°W to 67.8°W over the South American sector, it is observed that the ionosphere was significantly disturbed by the SSW event from the equator to the midlatitudes. During day of year 26 and 27 at 14:00 UT, the TEC was two times larger than that observed during average quiet days. The vertical TEC at all 17 GPS and two ionosonde stations shows significant deviations lasting for several days after the SSW temperature peak. Using one GPS station located at Rio Grande (53.8°S, 67.8°W, midlatitude South America sector), it is reported for the first time that the midlatitude in the Southern Hemisphere was disturbed by the SSW event in the Northern Hemisphere.Fil: Fagundes, P. R.. Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; BrasilFil: Goncharenko, L. P.. Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Estados UnidosFil: De Abreu, A. J.. Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; BrasilFil: Venkatesh, K.. Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; BrasilFil: Pezzopane, M.. Istituto Nazionale Di Geofisica E Vulcanologia; ItaliaFil: De Jesus, R.. Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; BrasilFil: Gende, Mauricio Alfredo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Coster, A. J.. Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Estados UnidosFil: Pillat, V. G.. Universidade do Vale do Paraíba; Brasi

    Relationships between social forms of organic horticultural production and indicators of environmental quality: a multidimensional approach in Brazil.

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    Organic farming (OF) is increasingly considered as a possible alternative for designing a "new rural" in Brazil, where OF covers a wide range of production and certification systems. However, the ways small farmers adopt OF in green belts to meet an urban demand in organic vegetables have not been extensively investigated. Likewise, the impact of such practices on environmental quality components has not been sufficiently documented. Our objective was to relate forms of organisation to environmental assessment in a watershed where organic horticulture significantly contributes to landscape and water quality. We showed how small farmers were organised or how they organised themselves to meet urban demands and develop OF. We assumed that associated practices were consistent with environmental impacts, as evaluated by indicators. Based on interviews with stakeholders, we identified four forms of organisation and associated farmers' practices. We related them to environmental assessment in three compartments: landscape ecology, water quality and soil quality. Although organisations share some objectives, namely with regard to visual quality and the "right price" of products, differences appear in their scope and internal operation, their values and relationships with consumers, and their technical and environmental contents. As for technical content, input supply, planning processes and crop diversity vary among organisations, ranging from liberal to hierarchical. Our results also showed similarities and differences among various organisations in terms of environmental impact. Such results are interpreted and discussed in the light of technical and social dimensions that account for the progressive design of new systems in Brazil

    Critical behaviour of the compactified λϕ4\lambda \phi^4 theory

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    We investigate the critical behaviour of the NN-component Euclidean λϕ4\lambda \phi^4 model at leading order in 1N\frac{1}{N}-expansion. We consider it in three situations: confined between two parallel planes a distance LL apart from one another, confined to an infinitely long cylinder having a square cross-section of area AA and to a cubic box of volume VV. Taking the mass term in the form m02=α(TT0)m_{0}^2=\alpha(T - T_{0}), we retrieve Ginzburg-Landau models which are supposed to describe samples of a material undergoing a phase transition, respectively in the form of a film, a wire and of a grain, whose bulk transition temperature (T0T_{0}) is known. We obtain equations for the critical temperature as functions of LL (film), AA (wire), VV (grain) and of T0T_{0}, and determine the limiting sizes sustaining the transition.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Avaliação de matrizes bovinas no Pantanal.

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    No início do século XX inicou-sse a introdução de gado zebu, de origem indiana (Bos taurus indicus) no Pantanal. A partir de então, por meio de cruzamentos contínuos, as raças zebuínas absorveram praticamente toda a população do Tucura (Bos taurus taurus) que era o tipo predominante na região, introduzido no Século XVI (Mazza et al., 1994). Atualmente, o rebanho existente no Pantanal é zebuíno com predominância da raça Nelore, embora, recentemente, foram registradas algumas iniciativas com relação ao uso de raças compostas e de cruzamentos entre raças européias e zebuínas (Rosa, 1997). A população total é de aproximadamente 3,8 milhões de cabeças, sendo 2,8 milhões no Pantanal Sul Mato-Grossense e 1 milhão no Pantanal do Estado de Mato Grosso.bitstream/item/79547/1/COT52.pd

    Desenvolvimento de mudas de maracujazeiro propagadas por enxertia.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento de mudas de maracujazeiro-amarelo 'FB 200'enxertadas em seis espécies e nela mesma como porta-enxerto. o trabalho foi desenvolvido na Fazenda experimental da FAMEV/UFMT entre fevereiro e junho de 2006. o método de enxertia utilizado foi fenda cheia, realizada acima da terceira folha e a uma altura variando de 15 a 30 cm, dependendo do porta-enxerto. as espécies utilizadas como porta-enxerto foram: Passiflora edulis, P. quadrangularis,P. giberti,P. alata,P. nitida, P. coccinea e a 'FB 200', e como enxerto, a variedade FB 200. o desenvolvimento das plantas foi avaliado pelo critério de mensuração da altura e diâmetro, utilizando-se de fita métrica e paquímetro, respectivamente, e pela contagem do número de folhas e de entrenós, realizada aos 60; 75; 90; 105 e 120 dias após a enxertia. as mudas de 'FB 200' apresentam maior desenvolvimento nas condições da Depressão Cuiabana-MT, quando enxertada nos porta-enxertos Passiflora edulis e nele mesmo. Grande dificuldade encontrada para a produção de mudas de maracujazeiros, utilizando-se das espécies P. giberti, P. coccinea e P. nitida como porta-enxerto, é o pequeno e lento desenvolvimento do diâmetro do caule

    Caracterização morfológica dos acessos de feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris).

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    A diversidade genética é a responsável por essa segurança e estabilidade de produção. A coleta, caracterização e manutenção desses acessos disponibilizará aos programas de melhoramento genes responsáveis por características desejáveis na obtenção de novas cultivares.Apresentação oral - graduação