241 research outputs found

    A XIX-XX. század fordulójának magyar polgári, valamint a mai Szerbia - különös tekintettel a Vajdaságra - közigazgatásának rövid bemutatása

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    After the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 the territorial and mostly feudalistic local governments were abolished in Hungary. The county system became the fundamental and general basis of the public administration, for the first time in the history of the country. Despite and in line with this phenomenon the regionalism has appeared in the public administration so the departmental governance at the territoral level was very varied. The country planning of the municipalities was achieved by the Act XXXIII of 1876 which was applied with some small corrections until 1920. The most important element of the political transformation occured in the Central and Eastern European countries at the end of the XXth century was the restitution of the local governments. That was the case in Serbia and in Vojvodina where besides the province districts were established too. A district is a territorial unit of the public administration. Serbia is divided into 29 districts of which 7 can be found in Vojvodina.The municipality is the smallest unit of the public administration which is a territoral unit with several settlements. It can be matched to the old district in Hungary

    Megye vagy régió a közigazgatási középszinten?

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    The biggest dilemma of the Hungarian public administration, state administration nowadays is the future of the medium level administration. There are fierce debates in scientific and political circles about whether the county strengthened in its competencies should fill this position or the region functionning not always satisfactorily in the field of the territorial development. The picture is compleated by the theory of the „big county system" reappearing from time to time in scientific literature. The European spatial development and the appareance of the „city regions" lead to different solutions and development strategies in the member states of the EU. In Hungary, there has no step forward yet. The competencies, tasks of the „small regions" need to be clarified, only ad-hoc solutions were born depending on the political circumstancies without any conceptions in the long run

    A globalizálódó számvitel

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    Deletion of proteasomal subunit S5a/Rpn10/p54 causes lethality, multiple mitotic defects and overexpression of proteasomal genes in Drosophila melanogaster

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    The regulatory complex of the 26S proteasome is responsible for the selective recognition and binding of multiubiquitinated proteins. It was earlier shown that the subunit S5a/Rpn10/p54 of the regulatory complex is the only cellular protein capable of binding multiubiquitin chains in an in vitro overlay assay. The role of this subunit in substrate selection, however, is a subject of debate, following the observation that its deletion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is not lethal and instead causes only a mild phenotype. To study the function of this subunit in higher eukaryotes, a mutant Drosophila strain was constructed by deleting the single copy gene encoding subunit S5a/Rpn10/p54. This deletion caused larval-pupal polyphasic lethality, multiple mitotic defects, the accumulation of higher multimers of ubiquitinated proteins and a huge accumulation of defective 26S proteasome particles. Deletion of the subunit S5a/Rpn10/p54 does not destabilise the regulatory complex and does not disturb the assembly of the regulatory complex and the catalytic core. The pupal lethality is a consequence of the depletion of the maternally provided 26S proteasome during the larval stages and a sudden increase in the proteasomal activity demands during the first few hours of pupal development. The huge accumulation of the fully assembled 26S proteasome in the deletion mutant and the lack of free subunits or partially assembled particles indicate that there is a highly coordinated accumulation of all the subunits of the 26S proteasome. This suggests that in higher eukaryotes, as with yeast, a feedback circuit coordinately regulates the expression of the proteasomal genes, and this adjusts the actual proteasome concentration in the cells according to the temporal and/or spatial proteolytic demand

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    A magyar közjegyzőség fejlődése

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    The notary-system slowly started to spread from the Middle-Aged-Italy to the other states in Europe. Mainly it was the papal notary-system, which spread through the episcopal seats. In the ancient Hungarian history it was public officials, who attested legal transactions announced by word of mouth. In the 13th century pristalds already got concrete commissions to fact-attest. Notary-system appeared first time in Hungary on 27 Nov 1308, when Charles Robert was elected to be king by the Hungarian Parliament in the presence of Gentilis cardinal. According to the notary statute of the year of 1858, standard documents taken by notars had the force to approve, in the other words they were public attested ones. The circumstances after Trianon basically influenced the condition of notary-system. Statute (no. XLI) of the year of 1991 put into force again the old-fashioned, traditional framework of the notary-system, via re-establishing again Latin (entrepreneur) sort of notary-institution. At present there are five regional notary-chambers have been working in Hungary, organised at territorial level

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