106 research outputs found

    Definizione e natura dell’εὐγένεια. Riflessioni tra V e IV secolo

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    La natura dell’εὐγένεια diventa un tema interessante per la riflessione filosofica solo a partire dal pensiero sofistico: qualche traccia di questo dibattito si può seguire grazie ai frammenti superstiti del dialogo aristotelico Sulla nobiltà. Sin dall’antichità cercare la giusta definizione dell’εὐγένεια contribuisce a metterne in luce le implicazioni dal punto di vista etico e politico e le risonanze sul piano storico. La lettura di alcuni autori presi in considerazione già da Aristotele (Teognide ed Euripide) permette di cogliere il progressivo sfaldarsi della compattezza dell’aristocrazia arcaica in cui convergevano tutti gli aspetti dell’eccellenza (ricchezza, educazione, nascita) e aiuta a comprendere le ragioni dell’emergere di una discussione esplicita. La lettura di Erodoto ribadisce che si tratta di un tema fortemente storico: da un lato, esso interviene a definire l’eccellenza di singoli e di gruppi sociali, dall’altro riguarda l’asse principale della storia, il tempo. Proprio il tempo infatti è l’unica dimensione in cui si può misurare la vera εὐγένεια, da intendersi – nella definizione di Aristotele – come ‘virtù del γένος’, capacità di una stirpe di produrre individui eccellenti a partire da un’eccellente ἀρχή: è solo in una virtù duratura nelle generazioni che l’εὐγένεια (‘buona discendenza’) trova la migliore garanzia.The nature of eugeneia becomes an interesting philosophical topic from the sophist thought onwards: we can follow some traces of this debate thanks to the surviving fragments of Aristotle’s dialogue ‘On Nobility’. Search of a correct definition of eugeneia highlights ethical, political, historical implications of this theme. Some authors (Euripides and Theognis) allows us to understand the graduale disintegration of the archaic aristocracy including wealth, education, birth. Herodotus confirms historical aspects, like the excellence of individuals and social groups, and the importance of chronos (the time). In the Aristotle’s definition eugeneia is the ‘arete (virtue) of the genos’, i.e. the ability to generate excellent individuals from excellent origin: time and generations are the best guarantee for the genuine eugeneia ‘good birth’

    Il figlio del vasaio. Agatocle re in Sicilia

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    Diodorus Siculus reports that Agathocles assumed the title of basileus in imitation of the Diadochoi assuming this title in 306 BC: starting from this passage, I will try to contextualise the kingship of the Syracusan in two directions. On the one hand, I intend to highlight the relations with the definition and practice of autocratic power in Sicily during the 4th century (with particular attention to Dionysius the Elder), and on the other hand to underline the new Mediterranean dimension of Agathocles’ power. Both the unfortunate expedition to Libya and the military actions in the area of Corcyra and the Ionian space are central to the construction of his image: they show very well the extent of the king's ambitions and the importance of the military conquest in his legitimisation. Finally, I will highlight choices and gestures that allow us to appreciate that theatrical dimension entirely in keeping with Hellenistic basileia


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    Il lavoro presenta una riflessione conclusiva di spunti e temi discussi nel volum

    Poteri e legittimità nel mondo antico. Da Nanterre a Venezia in memoria di Pierre Carlier

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    The paper arises from a careful lecture of many works of Pierre Carlier, especially the Homer (Fayard, 1999), where the scholar states that the ideology of the Odyssey announces in some ways the tyrannical ideology. In a close dialogue with the author, I have passed in review the elements of the extraordinary basileia of Odysseus, especially the sphere of justice, and I went through the ending of the Odyssey, which I define a kind of prophecy about the future of Greek history for the presence of new concepts: amnesty, peace and wealth. The role of Odysseus at the end of the poem prefigures that of historical tyrants because it represents the case of a sovereignty reached by personal merit: an emblematic case that had been identified by the political thought of Aristotle

    Ricordo di Giuseppe Nenci

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    Ricordo del Professore dal punto di vista dell'alliev

    Perieci di Cirene

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    n this paper, I discuss the profile and social position of the perioikoi in archaic Cyrene. The analysis of the occurrences and the use of this term in the Herodotean work suggests that, in general, the definition of perioikoi describes territorial proximity and binding relationship. Then, I will dwell on the reform of Demonax and in particular on the first of the moirai where the perioikoi are associated with the ancient founders. I, therefore, reflect on the nature and implications of this relationship, with particular attention both to the social structure of the city and to the specificities of its agricultural production. So I propose that the perioikoi of Cyrene are those groups of Greeks of minor status settled in the territory and closely linked to the landed aristocracy

    Digital Epigraphy at the Greek Epigraphy Laboratory, Ca' Foscari University of Venice

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    Description of ongoing research activities at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice associated with the Laboratory of Greek Epigraphy of the Department of Humanities. In particular, the Venice Squeeze project and the Axon: Greek historical inscriptions project are presented