232 research outputs found

    un test d'acceptabilité pour mesurer la conscience phonologique de la liaison chez les adultes. quelques considérations méthodologiques

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    The purpose of this contribution is to present an oral acceptability test concerning the French liaison. The test, called Test d’Habiletés MétaPhonologiques (THaM-Ph), is intended as a tool for evaluating and measuring epiphonological competence and metaphonological awareness of liaison in non-expert native French-speaking adults. The THaM-Ph is based on a quali-quantitative approach that allows to measure the responses obtained on the numerical grid contained in the THAM-3 acceptability test (Pinto, El Euch 2015). After a brief overview of the theoretical issues related to liaison, we will retrace the story of the novelties in relation to previous studies, and then present the structure of THaM-Ph. Finally, methodological considerations will be put forward. L’objectif de cette contribution est celui de présenter un test d’acceptabilité oral concernant la liaison française. Le test, que nous avons appelé Test d’Habiletés MétaPhonologiques (THaM-Ph), se veut un outil d’évaluation et de mesure de la compétence épiphonologique et de la conscience métaphonologique de la liaison chez les adultes francophones natifs non experts. Le THaM-Ph se base sur une approche quali-quantitative permettant de mesurer les réponses obtenues sur la grille numérique contenue dans l’épreuve d’acceptabilité du THAM-3 (Pinto, El Euch 2015). Après un bref survol des problématiques théoriques liées à la liaison, nous retracerons l’historique des nouveautés que nous avons apportées aux études antérieures, pour ensuite présenter la structure du THaM-Ph. Des considérations méthodologiques seront finalement avancées.

    Un test d'acceptabilité pour mesurer la conscience phonologique de la liaison chez les adultes. Quelques considérations méthodologiques

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    The purpose of this contribution is to present an oral acceptability test concerning the French liaison. The test, called Test d’Habiletés MétaPhonologiques (THaM-Ph), is intended as a tool for evaluating and measuring epiphonological competence and metaphonological awareness of liaison in non-expert native French-speaking adults. The THaM-Ph is based on a quali-quantitative approach that allows to measure the responses obtained on the numerical grid contained in the THAM-3 acceptability test (Pinto, El Euch 2015). After a brief overview of the theoretical issues related to liaison, we will retrace the story of the novelties in relation to previous studies, and then present the structure of THaM-Ph. Finally, methodological considerations will be put forward

    Mulier cum sola cogitat male cogitat: le astuzie dell’etero-patriarcato

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    Heteropatriarchy needs to permanently perpetuate the distinction between men and women as a legitimation of its own supremacy. This distinction works making the feminine a receptacle of all negative values and an element of contrast aimed to create male privilege. The myth of sexual difference is the psychic tool through which supremacy anchors on each individual creating categories like that of “abstract masculinity” and “concrete femininity”. In this frame the exclusion of women out of the field of knowledge, analyzed in its historical depth by Michèle Le Dœuff, appears as a tool of the perpetuation of heteropatriarchy, but when the exclusion does not occur properly and when some thinkers talk about rationality, flaws of this almost perfect systems come to the surface. It comes out that rationality is epicene, and it has a subversive charge towards the whole patriarchal structure. Nonetheless, myths are hard to die; as a psychic declination of a material oppression they place themselves as imaginary and shape individuals’ minds transforming them, very often, into oppressors of themselves. The “school of difference” seems doomed to this: becoming agents of the myth producing analysis that do not go further than the symptoms and false liberating instances. So, the need of a theory of oppression that keeps together the material level and the symbolic one, and of a theory of subjectivity that looks at the interdependence of individuals and collectivity, is reconfirmed. Critically analyzing the thought of Christine Delphy, this paper will try to lay the foundation to elaborate an alternative that suggests a coordinate action of liberation from material and symbolic oppression.L’eteropatriarcato ha bisogno di perpetuare vita natural durante la distinzione tra uomini e donne come legittimazione del proprio dominio. Questa distinzione opera facendo del femminile un ricettacolo di tutti i valori negativi e un elemento di contrasto volto a creare il privilegio maschile. Il mito della differenza sessuale è lo strumento psichico con cui il dominio effettua l’ancoraggio di queste norme sui singoli individui creando categorie come quella di “mascolinità astratta” e “femminilità concreta”. In questo quadro l’esclusione delle donne dal sapere, nella sua profondità storica analizzata da Michèle Le Dœuff, si mostra essere uno strumento della perpetuazione dell’etero-patriarcato, ma quando l’esclusione non avviene correttamente e quando alcuni pensatori parlano di razionalità emergono delle falle in questo sistema quasi-perfetto. Si scopre che la razionalità è epicena e ha in sé una carica eversiva nei confronti dell’intero edificio patriarcale. Tuttavia, i miti sono duri a morire; in quanto declinazione psichica di un’oppressione materiale si insediano come immaginario e plasmano le menti degli individui facendoli diventare, molto spesso, oppressori di loro stessi. Questo sembra essere il destino della “scuola della differenza”: diventare agenti del mito producendo analisi che non si spingono al di là del sintomo e false istanze liberatorie. Si rinnova dunque il bisogno di una teoria dell’oppressione che tenga insieme il piano materiale e quello simbolico e una teoria della soggettività che guardi all’interdipendenza di individuo e collettività. Analizzando criticamente il pensiero di Christine Delphy si cercherà di gettare le basi per l’elaborazione di un’alternativa che proponga un’azione coordinata di liberazione dall’oppressione materiale e psichica

    Miniature multi-element antenna for wireless communications

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    We present a novel broad-band miniature antenna and employ it in a multi-element geometry with diversity capabilities for wireless communications. This antenna (diameter < 0.2 λ and thickness < 0.06 λ) consists of two stacked circular patches that create two cylindrical slots resonating at two slightly different frequencies, fed by a strategically positioned coaxial probe. An extensive parametric study and results for a prototype working at 5.2 GHz are presented. A multi-element geometry with two or four of such elements follows. Microelectromechanical system (MEMS)-based switches located within its geometry can not only change the working frequency of the design, but also activate a particular radiation beam depending on their specific location (resonant slot-aperture or feed line). Simulation results of a four-element antenna with dimensions 0.8 λ × 0.8 λ × 0.06 λ and a frequency band operation from 5 to 6 GHz are presented and compared to an experimental prototype. Circuit and radiation characteristics are discussed in terms of reconfigurability and diversity capabilities.Peer Reviewe

    Une étude empirique des connaissances implicites et explicites des universitaires ivoiriens et français sur la sémantique de deuxième et second

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    This study investigates the implicit and explicit intuitions in 98 native university students of Côte d’Ivoire and France, concerning the semantics of deuxième and second. Our purpose is to observe whether all French-speakers optionally apply deuxième and second or they choose between the two adjectives on the basis of a specific criterion. The results provided by the quali-quantitative method reveal that the principle of optionality is not acceptable to all participants since, within each linguistic community, there seem to be some sub-communities who claim to adopt other rules. From a methodological perspective, this study emphasizes the advantages to take into account the introspective observation along with the empirical analysis in the study of rules underlying linguistic usages.

    Dual-band planar quadrature hybrid with enhanced bandwidth response

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    This paper presents the theory, design procedure, and implementation of a dual-band planar quadrature hybrid with enhanced bandwidth. The topology of the circuit is a three-branch-line (3-BL) quadrature hybrid, which provides much larger flexibility to allocate the desired operating frequencies and necessary bandwidths than other previously published configurations. A performance comparison with other dual-band planar topologies is presented. Finally, a 3-BL quadrature hybrid for dual band (2.4 and 5 GHz) wireless local area network systems was fabricated, aimed to cover the bands corresponding to the standards IEEE802.11a/b. The measurements show a 16% and 18% bandwidth for the lower and upper frequency, respectively, satisfying and exceeding the bandwidth requirements for the above standards.Peer Reviewe

    Dual-band Butler matrix for WLAN systems

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    This paper shows the design of a dual-band Butler matrix aimed to cover the bands corresponding to the standards IEEE802.11a/b, with particular interest in WLAN systems, at the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Measurements of the individual dual-band components which compose the Butler matrix are presented. Those components are: quadrature hybrid and 0 dB coupler. The phase shifter design is also described. A final design of the Butler matrix is proposed and measured. Over the proposed frequency range, the Butler matrix exhibits phase errors and couplings of within 13.5/spl deg/ and - 6.7 /spl plusmn/ 0.8 dB, respectively. A performance prediction of the Butler matrix connected to an array of isotropic and perfectly matched antennas separated half-wavelength in air is also briefly commentedPeer Reviewe

    A dual-band antenna for WLAN applications by double rectangular patch with 4-bridges

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    Double rectangular patch with 4-bridges is investigated for solution of IEEE 802.11b/g (2.4GHz) and 802.11a (5.5GHz). Rectangular patch for 5.5GHz frequency band is printed on the PCB substrate and connected to another rectangular patch for 2.4GHz frequency band with 4-bridges to obtain dual band operation in an antenna element. 4-briges can modify the desired frequency band from its original frequency band by changing its width. The proposed antenna has a low profile and is fed by 50Ω coaxial line. Gain of 2.4 GHz patch is 5dBi and 5.5 GHz patch is 3.7dBi at θ=0°. I
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