322 research outputs found


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    The Effect of Endozym β-split, a Commercial Enzyme Preparation Used for Aroma Release, on Tannat Wine Glycosides

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    Commercial preparations with glycosidase activities are used to enhance wine aroma, but they arenot extensively characterized. The aim of this work was to study the effect of three enzymes on aromaimprovement in Tannat red wine. After the selection of the most appropriate enzyme for further testing,its effectiveness on the hydrolysis of the total glycosides present in Tannat wine was measured. The threepreparations showed high β-glucosidase and α-arabinosidase activities (in the range of 10 to 174 U/mL orU/g), but very low levels of α-rhamnosidase (less than 1 U/mL). The β-glucosidases studied remained activein the presence of Tannat wine. The selected enzyme, Endozym β-split, supplemented with α-rhamnosidase,resulted in almost 30% hydrolysis of the glycosides in Tannat wine, when added at a concentration higherthan that recommended by the manufacturers. A sensory evaluation showed that the enzyme-treated wineswere significantly different from the controls, suggesting that at least a part of the hydrolyzed glycosidesin the Tannat wine were aroma precursors. However, it cannot be assumed that all commercial enzymeswould be effective in hydrolyzing aroma precursors just because they show glycosidase activities. Higherconcentrations of Endozym β-split than that recommended by the manufacturer are necessary to reachan appreciable level of glycoside hydrolysis. Supplementation of Endozym β-split with α-rhamnosidase isrecommended in this enzyme – wine system for the greater release of the aroma from the glycosidicallyboundprecursors

    Economic impact of ethic accountant

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    Los factores de ética y transparencia cobran mayor fuerza dentro del actual modelo económico, enmarcado en un proceso de globalización y de nueva economía: sociedad del conocimiento. La incidencia de cualquier agente sea positivo o negativo genera repercusiones a nivel global. La crisis del 2008 es clara evidencia del efecto domino propiciado por falencias éticas y morales, de administradores, contadores y auditores. La disciplina contable debe concientizarse del impacto económico, que en buen ejercicio de su praxis genera en cuanto a crecimiento y desarrollo económico. De igual forma el contador debe identificar que el actuar ético no solo contribuye en la parte personal, sino que genera todo un sinnúmero de beneficios que generan ventajas competitivas. Las universidades son parte fundamental en la construcción del contador ético, en aras de un cambio profundo a los cuestionamientos éticos presentados en el modelo actual.The factors of ethics and transparency become stronger in the current economic model, framed in a process of globalization and new economy: knowledge society. The incidence of any agent generates positive or negative implications globally. The crisis of 2008 is clear evidence of the domino effect brought about by ethical and moral failings, administrators, accountants and auditors. The accounting discipline must become aware of the economic impact, which effectively exercising their praxis generates in terms of growth and economic development. Likewise, the accountant should identify the ethical act not only contributes to the personal side, but generates a whole host of benefits that generate competitive advantages. Universities are key part in building the ethical accountant, for the sake of a profound change to the ethical questions presented in the current model

    La actividad peroxidasa en caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp): evolución temporal de la reacción y su posible rol en la resistencia a la roya marrón (Puccinia melanocephala, H&P

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    La roya marrón de la caña de azúcar, causada por Puccinia melanocephala, es una enfermedad foliar de preocupación en casi todos los países donde se cultiva la caña de azúcar. Los programas de mejoramiento del cultivo se encuentran en la búsqueda de fuentes de resistencia de la planta al patógeno


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat Universitas Andalas Skim Membantu Nagari Membangun ini adalah meningkatkan kapasitas BUMNag Sungai Kamuyang dalam mengembangkan usahanya untuk menunjang capaian nagari mandiri. Program ini didesain sebagai program terintegrasi dari proses pelatihan dan pendampingan bisnis. Diawali pemetaan permasalahan bisnis BUMNag Sungai Kamuyang, kajian kebutuhan pelatihan dan pendampingan bisnis berdasarkan kondisi bisnis eksisting BUMNag. Pemetaan dimaksud mencakup aspek bisnis seperti aspek manajemen, pemasaran, proses produksi, aspek lingkungan dan pembiayaan. Hasil pemetaan dijadikan acuan utama program penguatan kapasitas yang akan dilaksanakan selama masa program diimplementasikan. Program ini telah dilaksanakan dari tanggal 11 Oktober sampai akhir November 2021. Hasil yang telah dicapai ada enam kegiatan utama yang satu dengan lainnya terpaut untuk mencapai tujuan program ini telah selesai dilaksanakan. Keenam kegiatan tersebut adalah: 1) review aspek legalitas BUMNag, 2) review unit usaha potensial, 3) business training bagi tim manajemen, 4) business mentoring and consultation, 5) mendampingi tim manajemen menyusun draft revisi anggaran dasar dan anggaran rumah tangga, dan 6) mendampingi tim manajemen BUMNag menyusun business plan/rencana bisnis. Jumlah peserta yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini sekitar 28 orang, yang terdiri dari Wali Nagari Sungai Kamuyang dan perangkatnya, tim manajemen BUMNag, dan tokoh masyarakat. Kata kunci: BumNag, pemetaan bisnis, pelatihan, pendampingan, berkelanjutan ABSTRACT The purpose of this community service program for the Skim Helping Nagari Build is to increase the capacity of the Sungai Kamuyang BUMNag in developing its business to support the achievement of independent nagari. This program is designed as an integrated program of the training and business mentoring process. Starting with mapping the business problems, assessing the training needs and business assistance based on the BUMNag's existing business conditions. The mapping includes business aspects such as management, marketing, production processes, environmental and financing aspects. The results of the mapping are used as the main reference for the capacity building program that will be implemented during the program's implementation period. This program has been implemented from October 11 to the end of November 2021. The results that have been achieved there are six main activities that are adrift to achieve the objectives of this program have been completed. The six activities are: 1) reviewing the legality aspects of BUMNag, 2) reviewing potential business units, 3) business training for the management team, 4) business mentoring and consultation, 5) assisting the management team in drafting the revised articles of association and by-laws, and 6) assisting the BUMNag management team in preparing a business plan/business plan. The number of participants involved in this activity is about 28 people, consisting of the Wali Nagari Sungai Kamuyang and his apparatus, the BUMNag management team, and community leaders. Keywords: BumNag, business mapping, training, mentoring   &nbsp

    Prevention of β-Glucosidase Inhibition by High Molecular Mass Compounds During Enzymatic Wine Aroma Enhancement Using a Hollow Fiber Reactor

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    Pretpostavlja se da su aktivnost i stabilnost enzima veći u membranskom reaktoru koji se upotrebljava za poboljšanje arome vina nego kad je enzim prisutan u slobodnom obliku, jer je u kontaktu samo sa sastojcima vina koji imaju malu molekularnu masu. Da bi se ta pretpostavka dokazala, izmjerena je stabilnost i aktivnost dvaju komercijalnih β-glukozidaza u vinu Tannat i njegovoj frakciji male molekularne mase (<10 kDa), dobivenoj ultrafiltracijom. Relativna je aktivnost β-glukozidaza Endozym Rouge i Endozym β-split bila veća u frakciji (3,8 odnosno 7,6 %), nego u izvornom uzorku vina (0,9 odnosno 5,6 %). Oba su enzima bila stabilnija u frakciji vina. Nakon 14 dana β-glukozidaza Endozym β-split zadržala je otprilike 75 % početne aktivnosti u frakciji male molekularne mase, u usporedbi s uzorkom vina, u kojem je aktivnost bila samo 37,5 %. U šaržnom je membranskom reaktoru ispitana sposobnost enzima Endozym Rouge da hidrolizira sintetski supstrat pnitrofenilglukozid, a brzina je hidrolize bila usporediva s onom dobivenom aktivnošću slobodne β-glukozidaze. Enzim Endozym β-split primijenjen je za hidrolizu sintetskog supstrata u reaktoru sa šupljim vlaknima, te je postignuta konverzija supstrata od gotovo 58 %.Enzyme activity and stability in a membrane reactor for wine aroma enhancement can be higher than when the enzyme is present in a free state since the catalyst would only be in contact with the low molecular mass components of this beverage. To test this hypothesis, the activity and stability of two commercial β-glucosidases were measured in the presence of Tannat wine and of its low molecular mass fraction (<10 kDa) obtained by ultrafiltration. The relative activities of Endozym Rouge and Endozym β-split β-glucosidases were higher in this fraction (3.8 and 7.6 %, respectively) than in the whole wine (0.9 and 5.6 %, respectively). Both enzymes were also more stable in the low molecular mass fraction. Endozym β-split β-glucosidase retained about 75 % of its initial activity after 14 days in the low molecular mass fraction, as contrasted with only 37.5 % in the wine. The ability of Endozym Rouge β-glucosidase to hydrolyze the synthetic substrate p-nitrophenylglucoside was examined in a simple batch membrane reactor. A rate of hydrolysis comparable to that obtained with the free Endozym Rouge β-glucosidase was reached. Finally, Endozym β-split β-glucosidase was used to hydrolyze the synthetic substrate in a hollow fiber membrane reactor and a substrate conversion near 58 % was achieved


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    ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang analisis penyebaran impedansi akustik dan porositas pada reservoar batugamping formasi Cibulakan Lapangan “S” menggunakan metode inversi impedansi akustik. Metode inversi impedansi akustik yang digunakan adalah metode sparse spike yaitu metode yang mengutamakan spike-spike yang besar. Hasil inversi menunjukkan nilai impedansi akustik pada sumur HR-01 sebesar 8400-9000 g/m2s dan nilai porositas sebesar 0,208-0,210 sedangkan pada sumur HR-04 memiliki nilai impedansi akustik sebesar 7500-8000 g/m2s dan nilai porositas sebesar 0,224-0,226.  Menurut peta penyebaran IA semakin ke selatan hidrokarbon semakin meningkat. Sedangkan dari  peta penyebaran porositas diketahui, semakin ke selatan  nilai porositas semakin menurun. Kata kunci :  litologi, porositas, metode sparse spike, formasi Cibulakan.AbstractA research about analysis of spreading of acoustic impedance and porosity in limestones reservoir at field “S” of Cibulakan Formation using acoustic impedance inversion has been conducted.. The research used the sparse spike method which only considers the dominant spike. Result of inversion shows that HR-01 well has acoustic impedance 8400-9000 g/m2s and porosity 0,208-0,210 and HR-04 well has acoustic impedance 7500-8000 g/m2s and porosity 0,224-0,226. According to the acoustic impedance spreading map, further to the south  hydrocarbon is  increased. According to the map of porosity, further to the south is decreased. Keywords : lithology, porosity, sparse spike method, Cibulakan formation


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    [email protected] penelitian ini telah dilakukan migrasi sebelum stack metode Kirchhoff dengan domain waktu dan kedalaman. Pre stack time migration (PSTM) dan pre stack depth migration (PSDM) menghasilkan penampang seimik dengan keunggulan dan kekurangan masing-masing. PSTM menghasilkan penampang seismik dengan reflektor yang lebih fokus tetapi kemenerusan kurang kontinyu. PSDM menghasilkan penampang seismik dengan kemenerusan reflektor yang baik tetapi kurang fokus. Dari segi kemenerusan reflektor, PSDM lebih cocok diaplikasikan pada data seismik 2D lapangan ‘Y’ Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara. Hal ini karena daerah penelitian ini memiliki struktur geologi dan statigrafi yang kompleks.Kata kunci : stacking, migrasi, PSTM dan PSDMAbstractPre stack migration using the Kirchhoff method in time and depth domains has been conducted. The seismic cross-section produced by the pre stack time migration (PSTM) and pre stack depth migration (PSDM) has certain advantages and disadvantages. The reflector of the cross-section from the PSTM more focuses but less continuity. On the other hand, the PSDM yields the cross-section with better reflector continuity but less focus. Thus, in terms of reflector continuity, the PSDM is more proper used in 2D seismic data of 'Y' field, North West Java Basin. This is due to the basin having complex geologic structure and stratigraphy.Keywords : stacking, migration, PSTM and PSD

    Hubungan Antara Mathematics Anxiety dan Habits Of Mind pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dengan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Mts Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang

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    Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui terdapat atau tidaknya hubungan antara mathematics anxiety dan habits of mind pada masa pandemi covid-19 dengan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis pada siswa Mts Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada kelas IX semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2020-2021. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX di Mts Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang sebanyak 150 orang dengan sampel penelitian menggunakan proportional random sampling sebanyak 110 orang. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan survey non-kausal dengan teknik korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Uji instrument dengan uji validitas pada variabel kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis terdapat 5 butir soal valid dari 7 butir soal yang diujikan, untuk variabel mathematics anxiety terdapat 20 butir pertanyaan valid dari 35 butir pertanyaan yang diujikan, dan untuk variabel habits of mind terdapat 23 butir pertanyaan valid dari 40 butir pertanyaan yang diujikan. Uji persyaratan yakni uji normalitas menggunakan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov dengan α 0,05 pada kemampuan pemecahan masalah diperoleh asymp.sig (2-tailed) secara berturut-turut sebesar 0,200; 0,173; dan 0,200 serta uji linearitas regresi kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis atas mathematics anxiety diperoleh sig 0,837, kemampuan pemecahan masalah atas habits of mind diperoleh sig 0,885. Uji signifikansi koefisien regresi untuk kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis atas mathematics anxiety diperoleh sig 0,011 dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,243, kemampuan pemecahan masalah atas habits of mind diperoleh sig 0,043 dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,193, dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis atas mathematics anxiety dan habits of mind diperoleh 0,017. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan dengan arah negatif antara mathematics anxiety dan habits of mind pada masa pandemi covid-19 dengan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis pada siswa Mts Negeri 1 Pangkalpinang


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    ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan karakterisasi reservoir batupasir formasi Keutapang melalui analisis AVO (Amplitude Versus Offset) dengan software Hampson-Russel (HRS) pada struktur “X” Sumatera Bagian Utara. Reservoir batupasir dikarakterisasi menggunakan AVO Product, Scaled Poisson’s Ratio Change, Shear Reflectivity, dan Fluid Factor. Disamping itu dilakukan pembagian AVO berdasarkan analisis hasil crossplot. Analisis AVO dari hasil crossplot diperoleh dari hasil atribut AVO intercept dan gradient. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa reservoir formasi Keutapang yang berada pada zona 1275 di kedalaman 1250 meter mengindikasikan adanya kandungan gas. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa reservoir batupasir memiliki impedansi yang rendah seiring peningkatan AVO yang merupakan sifat dari AVO kelas III.Kata kunci: karakterisasi reservoir batupasir, Hampson-Russel, analisis AVO,  intercept, gradient, AVO kelas IIIAbstractReservoir of structure “X” of Keutapang formations in the northern part of Sumatera by AVO (Amplitude Versus Offset) analysis has been conducted. The data were processed by Hampson-Russel (HRS) software. The characterisation was based on AVO Product analysis, Scaled Poisson’s Ratio Change, Shear Reflectivity and the concept of AVO classification based on crossplot analysis. It was found that reservoir zone 1275 located at 1250 meters in depth of Keutapang formation has low impedance sandstone reservoir (AVO class III), which indicates the presence of gas deposits. Keywords : characterization sandstone reservoir, Hampson-Russel, AVO  analysis, gradient, intercept, AVO class II