6 research outputs found
Multi-study inference of regulatory networks for more accurate models of gene regulation.
Gene regulatory networks are composed of sub-networks that are often shared across biological processes, cell-types, and organisms. Leveraging multiple sources of information, such as publicly available gene expression datasets, could therefore be helpful when learning a network of interest. Integrating data across different studies, however, raises numerous technical concerns. Hence, a common approach in network inference, and broadly in genomics research, is to separately learn models from each dataset and combine the results. Individual models, however, often suffer from under-sampling, poor generalization and limited network recovery. In this study, we explore previous integration strategies, such as batch-correction and model ensembles, and introduce a new multitask learning approach for joint network inference across several datasets. Our method initially estimates the activities of transcription factors, and subsequently, infers the relevant network topology. As regulatory interactions are context-dependent, we estimate model coefficients as a combination of both dataset-specific and conserved components. In addition, adaptive penalties may be used to favor models that include interactions derived from multiple sources of prior knowledge including orthogonal genomics experiments. We evaluate generalization and network recovery using examples from Bacillus subtilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and show that sharing information across models improves network reconstruction. Finally, we demonstrate robustness to both false positives in the prior information and heterogeneity among datasets
A concept for integrated care pathways for atopic dermatitis-A GA 2 LEN ADCARE initiative
The integrated care pathways for atopic dermatitis (AD-ICPs) aim to bridge the gap between existing AD treatment evidence-based guidelines and expert opinion based on daily practice by offering a structured multidisciplinary plan for patient management of AD. ICPs have the potential to enhance guideline recommendations by combining interventions and aspects from different guidelines, integrating quality assurance, and describing co-ordination of care. Most importantly, patients can enter the ICPs at any level depending on AD severity, resources available in their country, and economic factors such as differences in insurance reimbursement systems. The GA 2 LEN ADCARE network and partners as well as all stakeholders, abbreviated as the AD-ICPs working group, were involved in the discussion and preparation of the AD ICPs during a series of subgroup workshops and meetings in years 2020 and 2021, after which the document was circulated within all GAL 2 EN ADCARE centres. The AD-ICPs outline the diagnostic procedures, possible co-morbidities, different available treatment options including differential approaches for the pediatric population, and the role of the pharmacists and other stakeholders, as well as remaining unmet needs in the management of AD. The AD-ICPs provide a multidisciplinary plan for improved diagnosis, treatment, and patient feedback in AD management, as well as addressing critical unmet needs, including improved access to care, training specialists, implementation of educational programs, assessment on the impact of climate change, and fostering a personalised treatment approach. By focusing on these key areas, the initiative aims to pave the way for a brighter future in the management of AD
Caracterização clínica e laboratorial de cães naturalmente infectados com Trypanosoma cruzi no semiárido nordestino
Objetivou-se, com este estudo, evidenciar os sinais clínicos e laboratoriais desta enfermidade para auxiliar na caracterização da doença de forma natural na área semi-árida da região nordeste. Foram avaliados 10 cães positivos para Trypanosoma cruzi, identificados mediante análises sorológicas de reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) e enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA); análise molecular pela Reação em Cadeia Polimerase (PCR), microscopia direta e hemocultura. Os cães chagásicos foram submetidos à avaliação física, verificação da pressão arterial, exames eletrocardiográficos, radiográficos, hematológicos (eritrograma e leucograma) e bioquímicos (ureia, creatinina, ALT, AST, PT, albumina, globulina, CK, CK-MB e cTnI). O exame físico e os valores das pressões arteriais dos cães apresentaram dentro dos parâmetros de normalidade, enquanto que na eletrocardiografia observou-se FC normal com ritmo sinusal, com exceção de um cão, que apresentou taquicardia sinusal (168 bat/min). No ECG de oito cães houve aumento da duração de P (47±6,5ms) sugestivo de aumento atrial, não confirmado radiograficamente. Foi observado supradesnivelamento do segmento ST em um cão. Nos resultados hematológicos constatou-se trombocitopenia (187,4x10³ ±137,2x10³) e anemia (5,0x10(6) ±1,39x10(6)/uL). Os valores médios da hemoglobina (11±2,7g/dL) e do hematócrito (34±10,5%) estavam abaixo dos limites de normalidade. A série branca apresentou-se dentro dos limites de normalidade, com exceção da eosinofilia observada em três cães. Individualmente, registrou-se em dois cães, leucocitose, linfocitose e neutrofilia. Na avaliação bioquímica, registrou-se hiperproteinemia (7,2±0,9g/dL), hipoalbuminemia (2,2±0,4g/dL), hiperglobulinemia (5,1±1,0g/dL) e aumento da CK (196±171U/L). Não houve alteração nas enzimas ALT e AST. A isoenzima CK-MB e o cTnI alteraram somente em três cães. Os cães infectados naturalmente no semiárido nordestino apresentam características relacionáveis à forma crônica indeterminada, ou seja, cães assintomáticos. A identificação dos cães infectados naturalmente sem características patognomônicas da doença de Chagas ressalta a importância desta enfermidade no processo diagnóstico com as demais que manifestam perfis inespecíficos associados ou não às doenças cardiovasculares
A concept for integrated care pathways for atopic dermatitis—A GA2LEN ADCARE initiative
Abstract Introduction The integrated care pathways for atopic dermatitis (AD‐ICPs) aim to bridge the gap between existing AD treatment evidence‐based guidelines and expert opinion based on daily practice by offering a structured multidisciplinary plan for patient management of AD. ICPs have the potential to enhance guideline recommendations by combining interventions and aspects from different guidelines, integrating quality assurance, and describing co‐ordination of care. Most importantly, patients can enter the ICPs at any level depending on AD severity, resources available in their country, and economic factors such as differences in insurance reimbursement systems. Methods The GA2LEN ADCARE network and partners as well as all stakeholders, abbreviated as the AD‐ICPs working group, were involved in the discussion and preparation of the AD ICPs during a series of subgroup workshops and meetings in years 2020 and 2021, after which the document was circulated within all GAL2EN ADCARE centres. Results The AD‐ICPs outline the diagnostic procedures, possible co‐morbidities, different available treatment options including differential approaches for the pediatric population, and the role of the pharmacists and other stakeholders, as well as remaining unmet needs in the management of AD. Conclusion The AD‐ICPs provide a multidisciplinary plan for improved diagnosis, treatment, and patient feedback in AD management, as well as addressing critical unmet needs, including improved access to care, training specialists, implementation of educational programs, assessment on the impact of climate change, and fostering a personalised treatment approach. By focusing on these key areas, the initiative aims to pave the way for a brighter future in the management of AD