18 research outputs found

    Reliability of the Brazilian version of HCR-20 assessing risk for violence

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    Objective: Assessing risk for violence is a complex task often based on not objective or structured clinical evaluations. HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence has been used in several countries to increase the accuracy of this exam. The purpose of this study was to inform on central aspects of this instrument, as well as the results of the reliability assessment of the HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence in a Brazilian inpatient criminal population. Method: Two examiners independently assessed a random sample of 30 patients that were under criminal commitment at the Mauricio Cardoso Forensic Psychiatric Institute Results: Mean consensus values means were as follows: Historical = 13.1; Clinical = 4.8 and Risk management = 5.8. The value of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for the score of subscale Historical was 0.97, for subscale Clinical it was 0.94, and for subscale Risk management, 0.96. As to the individual items of the HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence, the result of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient was good to excellent (mean = 0.97; interval, from 0.60 to 0.99). Conclusion: The interrater reliability of the Brazilian version of the HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence scale was similar to the results of studies in other countries.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Reliability of the Brazilian version of HCR-20 assessing risk for violence

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    Objective: Assessing risk for violence is a complex task often based on not objective or structured clinical evaluations. HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence has been used in several countries to increase the accuracy of this exam. The purpose of this study was to inform on central aspects of this instrument, as well as the results of the reliability assessment of the HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence in a Brazilian inpatient criminal population. Method: Two examiners independently assessed a random sample of 30 patients that were under criminal commitment at the Mauricio Cardoso Forensic Psychiatric Institute Results: Mean consensus values means were as follows: Historical = 13.1; Clinical = 4.8 and Risk management = 5.8. The value of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for the score of subscale Historical was 0.97, for subscale Clinical it was 0.94, and for subscale Risk management, 0.96. As to the individual items of the HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence, the result of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient was good to excellent (mean = 0.97; interval, from 0.60 to 0.99). Conclusion: The interrater reliability of the Brazilian version of the HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence scale was similar to the results of studies in other countries.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    ¿Es el parricidio un fenómeno estable? : análisis de los parricidas en un hospital forense

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    Introduction: Previous research has shown that severe mental illness is prevalent among parricide offenders. Objective: To investigate sociodemographic and psychiatric characteristics, killing methods and criminal background of parricide offenders admitted into a forensic inpatient mental health facility in Brazil. Materials and methods: Sample consisting of patients charged with parricide under psychiatric care in the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital. A cross-sectional analysis of the sociodemographic variables of parricide offenders and their victims, crime characteristics and psychiatric diagnosis of perpetrators was carried out. Results: Most parricides were young (mean age=29.2;SD=9.4) and had little or no formal schooling (mean=5.4;SD=3.9); 100% were adult males, 94.4% (n=17) were single, and 77.8%(n=14) did not have prior convictions. All offenders acted alone, predominantly against elderly victims (mean=63.3;SD=13.2), at their parent’s household (n=15; 83.3%), and only one used firearms; 55.6% (n=10) were patricides, 5.6% (n=1) step-patricides, 33.3% (n=6) matricides, and 5.6% (n=1) double parricides. After perpetrating the crime, 27.8% (n=5) attempted to escape the scene. Most perpetrators suffered schizophrenia (n=11;61.1%) or had an antisocial personality (n=3;16.7%). Conclusions: Regarding weapon usage and the characteristics of victims and offenders, the observed pattern is consistent with previous researches, which allows concluding that the phenomenon of parricide is relatively stable and homogeneous. A forensic psychiatric evaluation of parricide offenders should be warranted given the high prevalence of mental illness among them.Introducción. Estudios anteriores demuestran que la enfermedad mental severa es frecuente entre los parricidas. Objetivo. Investigar las características psiquiátricas y sociodemográficas, los métodos de asesinato y los antecedentes penales de criminales acusados de parricidio remitidos a un centro de salud mental forense en Brasil. Materiales y métodos. La muestra estuvo constituida por todos los pacientes acusados de parricidio que contaban con asistencia psiquiátrica en el Instituto Psiquiátrico Forense Dr. Maurício Cardoso. Se realizó un análisis transversal de las variables sociodemográficas de los parricidas y sus víctimas, las características del crimen y el diagnóstico psiquiátrico. Resultados. La mayoría de parricidas eran jóvenes (29.2±9.4) con bajo nivel de educación (5.4±3.9); 100% eran varones adultos, 94.4% solteros y 77.8% no tenía antecedentes penales. Todos los delincuentes actuaron solos, en su mayoría en contra de personas mayores (63.3±13.2) y en casa de sus padres (83.3%). Solo uno utilizó arma de fuego; 10 eran patricidas y 6 matricidas, 1 asesinó a su padrastro y 1 cometió doble parricidio. Tras cometer el asesinato, 27.8% trató de escapar de la escena del crimen. La mayoría de los condenados sufrían esquizofrenia (61.1%) o personalidad antisocial (16.7%). Conclusiones. El patrón observado en relación con las características de uso de armas, víctima y asesino es consistente con investigaciones previas, lo que permite concluir que este fenómeno es relativamente estable y homogéneo. Se debe garantizar evaluación psiquiátrica forense a quienes hayan cometido parricidio, dada la alta prevalencia de enfermedad mental en estos individuos

    Reliability of the Brazilian version of HCR-20 assessing risk for violence

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    Objective: Assessing risk for violence is a complex task often based on not objective or structured clinical evaluations. HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence has been used in several countries to increase the accuracy of this exam. The purpose of this study was to inform on central aspects of this instrument, as well as the results of the reliability assessment of the HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence in a Brazilian inpatient criminal population. Method: Two examiners independently assessed a random sample of 30 patients that were under criminal commitment at the Mauricio Cardoso Forensic Psychiatric Institute Results: Mean consensus values means were as follows: Historical = 13.1; Clinical = 4.8 and Risk management = 5.8. The value of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for the score of subscale Historical was 0.97, for subscale Clinical it was 0.94, and for subscale Risk management, 0.96. As to the individual items of the HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence, the result of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient was good to excellent (mean = 0.97; interval, from 0.60 to 0.99). Conclusion: The interrater reliability of the Brazilian version of the HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence scale was similar to the results of studies in other countries.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    O psiquiatra forense frente às demandas dos tribunais de família

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    Nas sociedades contemporâneas, a união entre as pessoas ocorre, de forma mais frequente, a partir das escolhas afetivas. No Brasil da última década, observou-se o aumento de 20% nas dissoluções de uniões conjugais. Alguns cônjuges não conseguem superar as dificuldades que emergem quando do término da relação, passando os filhos a serem alvo da conduta dos pais, configurando, em alguns casos, a Síndrome da Alienação Parental, observada em certos litígios que chegam às Varas de Família. O presente artigo enfoca o papel do psiquiatra forense frente às demandas oriundas das separações conjugais, à Síndrome de Alienação Parental e às legislações relacionadas a esta síndrome, em especial à lei brasileira nº 12.318, de 26 de agosto de 2010.In modern societies, people decide to marry, more frequently, based on affective choices. In Brazil, during the last decade, there was a 20% increase in marital unions dissolutions. Some spouses fail to overcome the problems and difficulties that arise at the end of a relationship, with their children being the ones affected by their parents' actions and behavior, thus giving place, in some cases, to the Parental Alienation Syndrome, which is observed in certain disputes that reach Family Courts. This article focuses on the Forensic Psychiatry role regarding the claims and demands that arise from marital dissolution, the Parental Alienation Syndrome and the legislation related to this syndrome, in particular the Brazilian Law 12.318, issued on August 26th, 2010

    Is parricide a stable phenomenon? An analysis of parricide offenders in a forensic hospital

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    Introduction: Previous research has shown that severe mental illness is prevalent among parricide offenders.Objective: To investigate sociodemographic and psychiatric characteristics, killing methods and criminal background of parricide offenders admitted into a forensic inpatient mental health facility in Brazil.Materials and methods: Sample consisting of patients charged with parricide under psychiatric care in the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital. A cross-sectional analysis of the sociodemographic variables of parricide offenders and their victims, crime characteristics and psychiatric diagnosis of perpetrators was carried out.Results: Most parricides were young (mean age=29.2;SD=9.4) and had little or no formal schooling (mean=5.4;SD=3.9); 100% were adult males, 94.4% (n=17) were single, and 77.8%(n=14) did not have prior convictions. All offenders acted alone, predominantly against elderly victims (mean=63.3;SD=13.2), at their parent’s household (n=15; 83.3%), and only one used firearms; 55.6% (n=10) were patricides, 5.6% (n=1) step-patricides, 33.3% (n=6) matricides, and 5.6% (n=1) double parricides. After perpetrating the crime, 27.8% (n=5) attempted to escape the scene. Most perpetrators suffered schizophrenia (n=11;61.1%) or had an antisocial personality (n=3;16.7%).Conclusions: Regarding weapon usage and the characteristics of victims and offenders, the observed pattern is consistent with previous researches, which allows concluding that the phenomenon of parricide is relatively stable and homogeneous. A forensic psychiatric evaluation of parricide offenders should be warranted given the high prevalence of mental illness among them.Introducción. Estudios anteriores demuestran que la enfermedad mental severa es frecuente entre los parricidas.Objetivo. Investigar las características psiquiátricas y sociodemográficas, los métodos de asesinato y los antecedentes penales de criminales acusados de parricidio remitidos a un centro de salud mental forense en Brasil.Materiales y métodos. La muestra estuvo constituida por todos los pacientes acusados de parricidio que contaban con asistencia psiquiátrica en el Instituto Psiquiátrico Forense Dr. Maurício Cardoso. Se realizó un análisis transversal de las variables sociodemográficas de los parricidas y sus víctimas, las características del crimen y el diagnóstico psiquiátrico.Resultados. La mayoría de parricidas eran jóvenes (29.2±9.4) con bajo nivel de educación (5.4±3.9); 100% eran varones adultos, 94.4% solteros y 77.8% no tenía antecedentes penales. Todos los delincuentes actuaron solos, en su mayoría en contra de personas mayores (63.3±13.2) y en casa de sus padres (83.3%). Solo uno utilizó arma de fuego; 10 eran patricidas y 6 matricidas, 1 asesinó a su padrastro y 1 cometió doble parricidio. Tras cometer el asesinato, 27.8% trató de escapar de la escena del crimen. La mayoría de los condenados sufrían esquizofrenia (61.1%) o personalidad antisocial (16.7%).Conclusiones. El patrón observado en relación con las características de uso de armas, víctima y asesino es consistente con investigaciones previas, lo que permite concluir que este fenómeno es relativamente estable y homogéneo. Se debe garantizar evaluación psiquiátrica forense a quienes hayan cometido parricidio, dada la alta prevalencia de enfermedad mental en estos individuos

    Violence : yesterday, today and always?

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma reflexão atualizada sobre o estudo da violência. Questionase a respeito das formas de apresentação, incidência e o quanto se pode subestimar ou superestimar o problema. Parte-se da observação de mudanças na cultura contemporânea, de dados mais recentes do Brasil, chegando-se à experiência diária das autoras como peritas numa instituição psiquiátrico-forense.This report aims to present an updated reflection about the study of violence. It questions forms of presentation, incidence and how it is possible to under or overvalue this issue. It begins from the observation of current changes in contemporary culture, recent data from Brazil, until reaching the current experience of the authors as experts in a psychiatric forensic facility

    Violence : yesterday, today and always?

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar uma reflexão atualizada sobre o estudo da violência. Questionase a respeito das formas de apresentação, incidência e o quanto se pode subestimar ou superestimar o problema. Parte-se da observação de mudanças na cultura contemporânea, de dados mais recentes do Brasil, chegando-se à experiência diária das autoras como peritas numa instituição psiquiátrico-forense.This report aims to present an updated reflection about the study of violence. It questions forms of presentation, incidence and how it is possible to under or overvalue this issue. It begins from the observation of current changes in contemporary culture, recent data from Brazil, until reaching the current experience of the authors as experts in a psychiatric forensic facility