122 research outputs found

    Poor Little Puritan Maid

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    Renewable Resources of the Beaufort Sea for Our Children: Perspectives from an Inuvialuit Elder

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    ... Whaling has been going on in the Western Arctic for many hundreds of years, maybe thousands, according to our stories, which were passed on orally from generation to generation as the Inuvialuit had no writing system. The way whaling is done has changed four times over the past century. ... [The author, Billy Day, describes these phases.

    Poor Little Puritan Maiden

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    Maiden looking downward; Illustration of chapel and trees in backgroundhttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music/7935/thumbnail.jp

    Experimental study of estrus and ovulation in swine

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    Quo vadis blood protein adductomics?

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    Chemicals are measured regularly in air, food, the environment, and the workplace. Biomonitoring of chemicals in biological fluids is a tool to determine the individual exposure. Blood protein adducts of xenobiotics are a marker of both exposure and the biologically effective dose. Urinary metabolites and blood metabolites are short term exposure markers. Stable hemoglobin adducts are exposure markers of up to 120~days. Blood protein adducts are formed with many xenobiotics at different sites of the blood proteins. Newer methods apply the techniques developed in the field of proteomics. Larger adducted peptides with 20 amino acids are used for quantitation. Unfortunately, at present the methods do not reach the limits of detection obtained with the methods looking at single amino acid adducts or at chemically cleaved adducts. Therefore, to progress in the field new approaches are needed

    Theory and Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance, Resonant Mirror, Resonant Waveguide Grating, and Dual Polarization Interferometry Biosensors

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    Biosensors have been used extensively in the scientific community for several purposes, most notably to determine association and dissociation kinetics, protein-ligand, protein-protein, or nucleic acid hybridization interactions. A number of different types of biosensors are available in the field, each with real or perceived benefits over the others. This review discusses the basic theory and operational arrangements of four commercially available types of optical biosensors: surface plasmon resonance, resonant mirror, resonance waveguide grating, and dual polarization interferometry. The different applications these techniques offer are discussed from experiments and results reported in recently published literature. Additionally, recent advancements or modifications to the current techniques are also discussed

    Predicting inheritance of breeding herds

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    How much of their advantage for a particular trait do superior animals transmit to their offspring? Heritability estimates help us answer this important question. This guide explains the meaning of heritability estimates, how they are calculated, and how they may be used for the improvement of livestock through breeding.John W. Massey, John F. Lasley, and Billy N. Day (Department of Animal Husbandry, College of Agriculture)Revised 7/80/8

    The Harvest of Beluga Whales in Canada's Western Arctic: Hunter-based Monitoring of the Size and Composition of the Catch

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    Hunter-based beluga monitoring programs, in place in the Mackenzie Delta since 1973 and in the Paulatuk, Northwest Territories, area since 1989, have resulted in collection of data on the number of whales harvested and on the efficiency of the hunts. Since 1980, data on the standard length, fluke width, sex, and age of the landed whales have also been collected. The number of belugas landed each year averaged 131.8 (SD 26.5, n = 1337) between 1970 and 1979, 124.0 (SD 23.3, n = 1240) between 1980 and 1989, and 111.0 (SD 19.0, n = 1110) between 1990 and 1999. The human population increased during this same period. Removal of belugas from the Beaufort Sea stock, including landed whales taken in the Alaskan harvests, is estimated at 189 per year. The sex ratio of landed belugas from the Mackenzie Estuary was 2.3 males:1 female. Median ages were 23.5 yr (47 growth layer groups [GLG]) for females (n = 80) and 24 yr (48 GLG) for males (n = 286). More than 92% of an aged sample (n = 368) from the harvest consisted of whales 10 or more years old (20 GLG). The rate of removal is small in relation to the expected maximum net productivity rate of this stock. The continued availability of large, old individuals after centuries of harvesting and the apparent lack of change in the size and age structure of the catch in recent years also support a conclusion that the present level of harvest is sustainable.Des programmes de surveillance du bĂ©louga gĂ©rĂ©s par les chasseurs et mis en oeuvre dans le delta du Mackenzie depuis 1973 et dans la rĂ©gion de Paulatuk (Territoires du Nord-Ouest) depuis 1989, ont abouti Ă  la collecte de donnĂ©es sur le nombre de baleines blanches prĂ©levĂ©es et sur l'efficacitĂ© des expĂ©ditions de chasse. Depuis 1980, on a Ă©galement collectĂ© des donnĂ©es sur la longueur standard, la largeur de la nageoire caudale, le sexe et l'Ăąge des bĂ©lougas ramenĂ©s Ă  terre. Le nombre moyen de bĂ©lougas ramenĂ©s Ă  terre chaque annĂ©e Ă©tait de 131,8 (Ă©cart-type 26,5, n = 1337) entre 1970 et 1979, de 124,0 (Ă©cart-type 23,3, n = 1240) entre 1980 et 1989, et de 111,0 (Ă©cart-type 19,0, n = 1110) entre 1990 et 1999. La population humaine s'est accrue durant cette mĂȘme pĂ©riode. On estime Ă  189 le nombre annuel de bĂ©lougas prĂ©levĂ©s sur le stock de la mer de Beaufort, y compris ceux ramenĂ©s Ă  terre qui font partie des rĂ©coltes de l'Alaska. Le rapport des sexes des bĂ©lougas ramenĂ©s Ă  terre depuis l'estuaire du Mackenzie Ă©tait de 2,3 mĂąles pour 1 femelle. La moyenne d'Ăąge Ă©tait de 23,5 (47 groupes de couches de croissance [GCC]) pour les femelles (n = 80) et 24 (48 GCC) pour les mĂąles (n = 286). Plus de 92 p. cent d'un Ă©chantillonnage (n = 368) prĂ©levĂ© sur la rĂ©colte et dont l'Ăąge avait Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©, consistait en des baleines blanches de 10 ans ou plus (20 GCC). Le taux de retrait est faible par rapport Ă  la productivitĂ© maximale nette Ă  laquelle on peut s'attendre de ce stock particulier. La prĂ©sence continue d'individus ĂągĂ©s et de grande taille aprĂšs des siĂšcles de prĂ©lĂšvements, et le manque apparent de changements dans le nombre des prises et leur distribution d'Ăąge au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es permettent de conclure que le niveau actuel des prĂ©lĂšvements est durable

    The Spaniard that Blighted My Life / words by Billy merson

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    Cover: a photo of Al Jolson; Publisher: T. B. Harms Francis Day and Hunter (New York)https://egrove.olemiss.edu/sharris_c/1035/thumbnail.jp

    Fat bb-Jet Analyses Using Old and New Clustering Algorithms in New Higgs Boson Searches at the LHC

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    We compare different jet-clustering algorithms in establishing fully hadronic final states stemming from the chain decay of a heavy Higgs state into a pair of the 125 GeV Higgs boson that decays into bottom-antibottom quark pairs. Such 4bb events typically give rise to boosted topologies, wherein bottom-antibottom quark pairs emerging from each 125 GeV Higgs boson tend to merge into a single, fat bb-jet. Assuming Large Hadron Collider (LHC) settings, we illustrate how both the efficiency of selecting the multi-jet final state and the ability to reconstruct from it the masses of all Higgs bosons depend on the choice of jet-clustering algorithm and its parameter settings. We indicate the optimal choice of clustering method for the purpose of establishing such a ubiquitous Beyond the SM (BSM) signal, illustrated via a Type-II 2-Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM)
