14 research outputs found

    Theatrical censorship yesterday and today. Several observations

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    Praca przedstawia panoramiczne ujęcie cenzury. Interesuje mnie jej sposób działania w czasach Polskiej Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej i współcześnie. Aktualnie władza instytucjonalna pod różną postacią - polityków, zwierzchników kościoła katolickiego, urzędników samorządowych wpływa, z mniejszym lub większym skutkiem na obszar kultury i sztuki. Pojawiają się sytuacje, w których zajmujący stanowisko polityczne domaga się wycofania spektaklu, zakłóca, bądź nie dopuszcza do jego prezentacji. Opisuję mechanizmy działania cenzury instytucjonalnej PRL-u i współczesnych jej przejawów Wychodzę z założenia, że sztuka jest obszarem, który powinien być autonomiczny. Porównuję systemy cenzurowania i dochodzę do wniosku, że współczesna cenzura pomimo braku instytucji zarządzającej istnieje i jest wynikiem "przekraczania granicy dobrego smaku", "demoralizacji", "upadku obyczajów". Innymi słowy, przywołuje się kategorie estetyczne, jako te, które determinować powinny "co wolno" i "czego nie wolno" wystawiać w teatrze. Interesująca w powyższym kontekście jest instytucja kościoła katolickiego w Polsce, którego zwierzchnicy w ostatniej dekadzie komunizmu zdobyli zwolenników. Instytucja kościoła traktowana jest przez wierzących jako ta, dzięki której udało się dokonać transformacji w 1989r. Jest to niekwestionowane zwycięstwo. Ten mit doprowadza do tego, że krytyczne ujęcie religii chrześcijańskiej przez artystów w przedstawieniach powiązane jest a priori przez środowiska katolickie i polityczne z obrazą uczuć religijnych, co stanowi pewne niebezpieczeństwa i nadużycia w obszarze sztuki.

    Inhalation Techniques Used in Patients with Respiratory Failure Treated with Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation

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    The administration of aerosolized medication is a basic therapy for patients with numerous respiratory tract diseases, including obstructive airway diseases (OADs), cystic fibrosis (CF), and infectious airway diseases. The management and care for patients requiring mechanical ventilation remains one of the greatest challenges for medical practitioners, both in intensive care units (ICUs) and pulmonology wards. Aerosol therapy is often necessary for patients receiving noninvasive ventilation (NIV), which may be stopped for the time of drug delivery and administered through a metered-dose inhaler or nebulizer in the traditional way. However, in most severe cases, this may result in rapid deterioration of the patient’s clinical condition. Unfortunately, only limited number of original well-planned studies addressed this problem. Due to inconsistent information coming from small studies, there is a need for more precise data coming from large prospective real life studies on inhalation techniques in patients receiving NIV

    Transient behavior of a plate-fin-and-tube heat exchanger taking into account different heat transfer coefficients on the individual tube rows

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    Plate-fin and tube heat exchangers (PFTHE) are made of round, elliptical, oval or flat tubes to which continuous fins ( lamellas) are attached. Liquid flows inside the tubes and gas flows outside the tubes perpendicularly to their axes and parallel to the surface of continuous fins. Experimental studies of multi-row plate-fin and tube heat exchangers show that the highest average heat transfer coefficient on the air side occurs in the first row of tubes when the air velocity in front of the exchanger is less than approximately 3.5 m/s when a Reynolds number based on an equivalent hydraulic diameter equal to the distance between tube rows in the direction of air flow is less than 10,000. In the subsequent rows of tubes up to about the fourth row the heat transfer coefficient decreases. In the fifth and further rows, it can, that the heat transfer coefficient is equal in each tube row. It is necessary to find the relationships for the air-side Nusselt number on each tube row to design a PFTHE with the appropriate number of tube rows. The air-side Nusselt number correlations can be determined experimentally or by CFD modeling (Computational and Fluid Dynamics). The paper presents a new mathematical model of the transient operation of PFTHE, considering that the Nusselt numbers on the air side of individual tube rows are different. The heat transfer coefficient on an analyzed tube row was determined from the equality condition of mass- average air temperature differences on a given tube row determined using the analytical formula and CFD modeling. The results of numerical modeling were compared with the results of the experiments

    Transient behavior of a plate-fin-and-tube heat exchanger taking into account different heat transfer coefficients on the individual tube rows

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    Experimental studies of multi-row plate-fin heat exchangers show that the highest average heat transfer coefficient on the air side occurs in the first row of tubes when the air velocity in front ofthe exchanger is less thanapproximately 3.5 m/s. In the subsequent rows of tubes up to about the fourth row the heat transfer coefficient decreases. In the fifth and further rows, it can be assumed that the heat transfer coefficient is equal in each tube row. It is necessary to find the relationships fortheair–side Nusselt number on each tube row to design a plate–fin and tube heat exchanger(PFTHE) with the appropriate number of tube rows. The air–side Nusselt number correlations canbe determined experimentally or by CFD modeling (Computational and Fluid Dynamics). The paper presents a newmathematical model of the transient operation of PFTHE, considering that the Nusselt numbers on the air side of individual tube rows are different. The heat transfer coefficient on an analyzed tube row was determined from the equality condition of mass– average air temperature differences on agiven tube row determined using the analytical formula and CFD modeling. The results of numerical modelingwere compared with the results of the experiments

    The impact of precipitation on the groundwater of coal waste dump

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of climate change, mainly higher and lower precipitation, on the intensity of the impact of a coal waste dump on groundwater. The analysis used meteorological data for the Katowice region in 2002-2020 as well as data on the height of the groundwater table in the vicinity of the coal waste dump, and data on physicochemical parameters and chemical composition of groundwater in 2004-2020. Based on the analyses, it was found that the periods of drought in the Silesian Voivodeship, located in the south of Poland, occurred mainly in spring, while periods of excessive short-term rainfall in summer. The period of excessive annual precipitation occurred between 2007 and 2010, followed by a long period of dry or very dry years that lasted until 2016. During the period of excess annual precipitation, the leachate from the waste dump caused a decrease in the pH of groundwater from ca. 5 to 2.50, while an increase in electrolytic conductivity (EC) and the concentration of sulphates and zinc from ca. 1300 ms/cm, 100 mg/L, 5 mg/L to 5100 ms/cm, 3890 mg/L, 18.5 mg/L, respectively

    The impact of precipitation on the groundwater of coal waste dump

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of climate change, mainly higher and lower precipitation, on the intensity of the impact of a coal waste dump on groundwater. The analysis used meteorological data for the Katowice region in 2002-2020 as well as data on the height of the groundwater table in the vicinity of the coal waste dump, and data on physicochemical parameters and chemical composition of groundwater in 2004-2020. Based on the analyses, it was found that the periods of drought in the Silesian Voivodeship, located in the south of Poland, occurred mainly in spring, while periods of excessive short-term rainfall in summer. The period of excessive annual precipitation occurred between 2007 and 2010, followed by a long period of dry or very dry years that lasted until 2016. During the period of excess annual precipitation, the leachate from the waste dump caused a decrease in the pH of groundwater from ca. 5 to 2.50, while an increase in electrolytic conductivity (EC) and the concentration of sulphates and zinc from ca. 1300 ms/cm, 100 mg/L, 5 mg/L to 5100 ms/cm, 3890 mg/L, 18.5 mg/L, respectively

    Acute Ischaemic Stroke in Patients Treated with Direct Oral Anticoagulants: Potential Causes, Clinical Characteristics, and Short-Term Outcomes

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    Introduction. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) are the first-line treatment for primary and secondary acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) prevention in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF), but a significant percentage of patients develop AIS despite being treated with DOAC. As the number of DOAC-treated patients is growing, so is the number of patients with AIS on DOAC. The aim of the study was to assess the incidence of AIS with prestroke DOAC treatment among patients hospitalised in the University Hospital in Kraków, to analyse the clinical characteristics of AIS occurring in patients on DOAC, and to identify potential causes of treatment ineffectiveness in this group. Materials and Methods. In the study, we included all patients hospitalised in the Department of Neurology of the University Hospital in Kraków within one year (July 2022 to June 2023) with the diagnosis of AIS. The group was divided into two subgroups of patients with and without prestroke DOAC treatment. Based on medical files, we retrospectively analysed the profile of cardiovascular risk factors, stroke severity (assessed with National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, NIHSS), use of causative stroke treatment and short-term outcomes (defined as NIHSS score, modified Rankin scale (mRS) score at discharge, in-hospital mortality, and secondary intracerebral haemorrhage among patients treated with mechanical thrombectomy, MT). Within the DOAC-treated subgroup, we looked for potential causes of AIS occurring despite DOAC treatment (valvular AF, poor adherence to treatment, underdosing, other prothrombotic conditions, aetiology of stroke other than thromboembolic, and drug-drug interactions). Results. In the study, we included 768 AIS patients. 109 (14.2%) had a history of prestroke DOAC treatment. A potential cause of DOAC treatment failure was identified in the majority of them (n=63, 57.8%). Patients with prestroke DOAC treatment had worse functional condition before stroke and higher stroke severity on admission but similar short-term outcomes and similar short-term effects of treatment with MT. DOAC (+) and DOAC (-) patients had different profiles of cardiovascular risk factors and different factors associated with short-term outcome. Conclusions and Clinical Implications. A potential cause of AIS occurring in DOAC-treated patients can be identified in most cases and in many of them prevented

    Lipid levels, atrial fibrillation and the impact of age: Results from the LIPIDOGRAM2015 study

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