4,126 research outputs found

    The Long-Term Erosion of Repeat-Purchase Loyalty

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    The study investigates the long-term erosion of repeat-purchase loyalty among consumers who purchase brands in a one-year base period. The study utilises a five-year consumer panel of continuous reporters. We identify brand buyers in a base year, then calculate the proportion that fail to buy the brand in later years. We analyse the top 20 brands in 10 consumer goods categories We find pronounced erosion in repeat-buying over the long-term. The proportion of buyers from a base year that fail to buy the brand in a later year increases steadily over time, from 57% in year 2 to 71.5% by year 5. Moreover, we identify brand and marketing mix factors linked to this over-time customer loss, or erosion. The study provides evidence that consumers’ propensity to buy particular brands changes over a period of years, even though those brands continue to exhibit stable market share. This evidence provides a different interpretation than the literature to date, which has viewed purchase propensities as fixed. The study finds that store brands and niche brands exhibit lower levels of erosion in their buyer base; that a broad range is associated with lower erosion, and that high price promotion incidence is associated with lower erosion for manufacturer brands. Loyalty erosion has been reported before (Ehrenberg, 1988; East & Hammond 1996) but only over short periods. This study examines the phenomenon over five years, confirms that the rate of erosion does diminish over time, and that it is related to category and brand characteristics, as well as marketing mix decisions

    Pressure Shifts in High-Precision Hydrogen Spectroscopy: I. Long-Range Atom-Atom and Atom-Molecule Interactions

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    We study the theoretical foundations for the pressure shifts in high-precision atomic beam spectrosopy of hydrogen, with a particular emphasis on transitions involving higher excited P states. In particular, the long-range interaction of an excited hydrogen atom in a 4P state with a ground-state and metastable hydrogen atom is studied, with a full resolution of the hyperfine structure. It is found that the full inclusion of the 4P_1/2 and 4P_3/2 manifolds becomes necessary in order to obtain reliable theoretical predictions, because the 1S ground state hyperfine frequency is commensurate with the 4P fine-structure splitting. An even more complex problem is encountered in the case of the 4P-2S interaction, where the inclusion of quasi-degenerate 4S-2P_1/2 state becomes necessary in view of the dipole couplings induced by the van der Waals Hamiltonian. Matrices of dimension up to 40 have to be treated despite all efforts to reduce the problem to irreducible submanifolds within the quasi-degenerate basis. We focus on the phenomenologically important second-order van der Waals shifts, proportional to 1/R^6 where R is the interatomic distance, and obtain results with full resolution of the hyperfine structure. The magnitude of van der Waals coefficients for hydrogen atom-atom collisions involving excited P states is drastically enhanced due to energetic quasi-degeneracy; we find no such enhancement for atom-molecule collisions involving atomic nP states, even if the complex molecular spectrum involving ro-vibrational levels requires a deeper analysis.Comment: 32 pages; 2 figures; this is part 1 of a series of two papers; part 1 carries article number 075005, while part 2 carries article number 075006 in the journal (online journal version has been rectified). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1711.1003

    Distribution, morphology, and genetic affinities of dwarf embedded Fucus populations from the Northwest Atlantic Ocean

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    Dwarf embedded Fucus populations in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean are restricted to the upper intertidal zone in sandy salt marsh environments; they lack holdfasts and are from attached parental populations of F. spiralis or F. spiralis x F. vesiculosus hybrids after breakage and entanglement with halophytic marsh grasses. Dwarf forms are dichotomously branched, flat, and have a mean overall length and width of 20.3 and 1.3 mm, respectively. Thus, they are longer than Irish (mean 9.3 mm) and Alaskan (mean 15.0 mm) populations identified as F cottonii. Reciprocal transplants of different Fucus taxa in a Maine salt marsh confirm that F spiralis can become transformed into dwarf embedded thalli within the high intertidal zone, while the latter can grow into F. s. ecad lutarius within the mid intertidal zone. Thus, vertical transplantation can modify fucoid morphology and result in varying ecads. Microsatellite markers indicate that attached F spiralis and F vesiculosus are genetically distinct, while dwarf forms may arise via hybridization between the two taxa. The ratio of intermediate to species-specific-genotypes decreased with larger thalli. Also, F s. ecad lutarius consists of a mixture of intermediate and pure genotypes, while dwarf thalli show a greater frequency of hybrids

    The scope for simplified fare systems in urban bus operations

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    This thesis investigates the effects of introducing simplified fare systems in urban bus operations. Initially, a review of the fare systems employed by urban bus undertakings in Great Britain and Continental Western Europe is undertaken. Wide differences in policy were found to exist, with British operators tending to prefer "graduated" fares with several fare values, whilst on the European mainland simpler flat or zonal structures predominate. [Continues.

    The Asian red seaweed Grateloupia turuturu (Rhodophyta) invades the Gulf of Maine

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    We report the invasion of the Gulf of Maine, in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, by the largest red seaweed in the world, the Asian Grateloupia turuturu. First detected in 1994 in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, south of Cape Cod, this alga had expanded its range in the following years only over to Long Island and into Long Island Sound. In July 2007 we found Grateloupia in the Cape Cod Canal and as far north (east) as Boston, Massachusetts, establishing its presence in the Gulf of Maine. Grateloupia can be invasive and may be capable of disrupting low intertidal and shallow subtidal seaweeds. The plant\u27s broad physiological tolerances suggest that it will be able to expand possibly as far north as the Bay of Fundy. We predict its continued spread in North America and around the world, noting that its arrival in the major international port of Boston may now launch G. turuturu on to new global shipping corridors

    Micrometeorological processes driving snow ablation in an Alpine catchment

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    Mountain snow covers typically become patchy over the course of a melting season. The snow pattern during melt is mainly governed by the end of winter snow depth distribution and the local energy balance. The objective of this study is to investigate micrometeorological processes driving snow ablation in an Alpine catchment. For this purpose we combine a meteorological model (ARPS) with a fully distributed energy balance model (Alpine3D). Turbulent fluxes above melting snow are further investigated by using data from eddy-correlation systems. We compare modelled snow ablation to measured ablation rates as obtained from a series of Terrestrial Laser Scanning campaigns covering a complete ablation season. The measured ablation rates indicate that the advection of sensible heat causes locally increased ablation rates at the upwind edges of the snow patches. The effect, however, appears to be active over rather short distances except for very strong wind conditions. Neglecting this effect, the model is able to capture the mean ablation rates for early ablation periods but strongly overestimates snow ablation once the fraction of snow coverage is below a critical value. While radiation dominates snow ablation early in the season, the turbulent flux contribution becomes important late in the season. Simulation results indicate that the air temperatures appear to overestimate the local air temperature above snow patches once the snow coverage is below a critical value. Measured turbulent fluxes support these findings by suggesting a stable internal boundary layer close to the snow surface causing a strong decrease of the sensible heat flux towards the snow cover. Thus, the existence of a stable internal boundary layer above a patchy snow cover exerts a dominant control on the timing and magnitude of snow ablation for patchy snow covers.<br/

    Southern expansion of the brown alga Colpomenia peregrina Sauvageau (Scytosiphonales) in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean

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    Blackler first recorded Colpomenia peregrina in the Northwest Atlantic based on collections from Nova Scotia, Canada. Five decades later we found large quantities of C. peregrina in Maine, USA, even though it was absent during earlier floristic studies in this region. Thus, C. peregrina has undergone a rapid southern expansion along the Northwest Atlantic coast. While the causes of such an expansion are unknown, it could have a major effect on both shellfish cultivation and native seaweeds within New England because of competitive interactions and increased drag