1,242 research outputs found

    Using of Binominal Method for the Purpose of Determination of Confidence Intervals for Prediction of Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma Metastases

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    The study was performed using surgical and biopsy material based on histopathological study, which was conducted at the Chernivtsy Regional Clinical Oncology Centre. In the cases of verified diagnosis of ductal breast carcinoma was studied the size of the primary tumour node and metastasis in lymphogenous features of regional lymph node according to classification system TNM. All cases were divided by categories T and N. Using statistical data was conducted the analysis in patients of verified diagnosis of ductal breast carcinoma in Chernivtsy region. We determined the features of metastasis to regional lymph nodes under according to the classification pTNM and confidence intervals calculated according to percent binomial method with p=0.05. After receiving the results the data were compared to predict metastasis. Using statistical data were conducted the analysis in women of Chernivtsi region with verified diagnosis of ductal breast cancer. We determined the features of metastasis classification according pTNM and confidence intervals of percent according to binominal method with p=0.05. All observations of histopathological conclusions were conducted on the basis of Chernivtsy Regional Clinical Oncology Centre

    Construction of the power consumption model of the water supply pumping station taking into consideration cyclic changes in water consumption

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    Розглянуто питання побудови математичної електроспоживання насосної станції для визначення базового рівня електроспоживання, адаптованого до зміни фактичних умов водоподачі, зумовлених впливом сезонних та соціальних чинників.The issues of construction a mathematical model of power consumption of pumping station for determining the energy baseline adapted to change in the actual conditions of water supply caused by the influence of seasonal and social factors is considered

    Determinants of Bank Profitability in Ukraine

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    The Ukrainian banking system exhibits low profitability compared to other transitional countries in the region. This study examines the determinants of bank profitability in Ukraine. It relates bank specific, industry specific and macroeconomic indicators to the overall profitability of Ukrainian banks. The study uses a panel of individual banks’ financial statements from 2005 to 2009. According to the empirical results, Ukrainian banks suffer from low quality of loans and do not manage to extract considerable profits from the growing volume of deposits. Despite low profits from the core banking activities Ukrainian banks manage benefit from exchange rate depreciation. This study finds evidence for the difference in profitability patterns of banks with foreign capital versus exclusively domestically owned banks. The results also indicate that there is room for consolidation of Ukrainian banks in order to benefit from economies of scale

    Mitotic Kinases in Meiosis

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    The goal of the first meiotic division is the faithful segregation of homologous chromosomes to produce a gamete with proper ploidy. To achieve this, chromosomes must align at the metaphase plate of a bipolar meiotic spindle, biorient and separate equally at anaphase. Compared to mitosis, meiotic divisions are associated with extra challenges for the mitotic cell division machinery. First, meiotic spindles are acentrosomal, and bipolarity establishment is more complex than during mitosis. Second, homologous chromosomes must biorient and separate during meiosis I, unlike during most other cell divisions, which separate sister chromatids. Meiotic cells have adapted the mitotic enzymatic machinery to regulate these meiotic processes. This dissertation describes the uniquely meiotic properties of two mitotic master regulators, Aurora B kinase (AURKB) and Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1). Chapter 2 addresses why mammalian oocytes have a germ-cell specific homolog of Aurora B kinase, Aurora C (AURKC). AURKB is required for chromosome biorientation and segregation during mitosis and meiosis, and most experimental evidence suggests that AURKC is not functionally different. To investigate the role of AURKC, the current study takes advantage of AURKC knock-out mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos. Chapter 2 shows that the effect of lacking AURKC becomes more pronounced and deleterious as meiosis and early embryonic divisions progress. I conclude that AURKC is likely required to compensate for the loss of AURKB protein, which is rapidly degraded during meiosis. Chapter 3 investigates CDK1 as the molecular clock responsible for the timing of kinetochore-microtubule attachments during meiosis I. Likely because of the prolonged spindle formation and bipolarity establishment in the acentrosomal mouse oocyte meiosis, kinetochore-microtubule attachments are delayed until late in metaphase I. This is unlike mitosis, where attachments are constantly made and broken. Chapter 3 answers the long-standing question of how attachments are timed. Using CDK1 inhibition and precocious activation techniques, I find that this kinase controls the timing of kinetochore-microtubule binding. The studies reported in this dissertation demonstrate the unique adaptations found in mitotic kinase AURKB and CDK1 functions to the unique requirements of meiotic divisions

    Information Asymmetry, Organizational Performance, and Private Giving: Can Performance Ratings Build Trust in Nonprofits?

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    Nonprofit performance report cards, such as charity ratings, have evolved in the third sector as an attractive tool for addressing accountability concerns and improving the sector\u27s effectiveness and efficiency. These performance monitoring services intend to increase the quality of philanthropy by helping donors allocate contributions to high-quality charities and getting organizations to improve their performance. However, we know little about how performance report cards as a policy instrument fulfill their expectations in the nonprofit sector. This research offers a comprehensive study of charity ratings that addresses three sets of questions. First, it explores the information content of charity ratings and assesses the degree of coherence among performance grades assigned by different rating services. The analysis of data shows that the informational content of charity performance ratings is lower than it appears on face value, and competing rating systems often send mixed signals to donors. Second, it examines whether and how conventional metrics embedded in charity ratings, particularly composite ratings and overhead spending ratios, influence perceived performance, trust, and giving decisions in individual donors. The findings show that individuals consider both ratings and overhead ratios when making decisions but give the ratings more weight. The study also reveals distinct patterns in donor reactions to low and high values on each of the two measures, interactions between them, and a moderating role of altruism, general trust, and mission valence. Finally, the study investigates how rated nonprofits respond to their ratings. It proposes that a public charity will react to an exogenous shock - the release of its charity rating by improving its measured performance, especially if it (1) initially gets a poor rating, (2) is in a highly competitive subfield, (3) relies more heavily on donations. The empirical tests show that public charities only respond in a limited way to being publicly rated, meaning limited effectiveness of the existing tool to elicit performance improvements in nonprofits. At the same time, the statistically and practically significant findings for the charities that initially receive the lowest ratings show that third-party nonprofit performance monitoring has some potential

    Means of nomination of the concept HOUSE / HOME in the English language: semantic and etymological analyses

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    Thе article focuses on determining names of the concept under analysis and their nominal character as a part of speech. The etymological analysis of lexemes house and home – names of the concept reveals polysemantic nature grounded on the etymology of the lexemes house (n.) and home (n.)

    Синтез та протитуберкульозна активність 1-бензил-4-гідрокси-2-оксо-1,2,5,6,7,8-гексагідрохінолін-3-карбоксамідів

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    Unfortunately, tuberculosis still remains a cause of high mortality in humans and in modern conditions it has become a global health problem. Continuing the search for new antimycobacterial agents among the amidated derivatives of 4-hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acids the corresponding group of 1-benzyl-4-hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2,5,6,7,8-hexahydroquinoline-3-carboxamides has been synthesized by the reaction of ethyl 1-benzyl-4-hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2,5,6,7,8-hexahydroquinoline-3-carboxylate and anilines or hetarylamines in DMF at 130°C. The chemical structure of the compounds obtained has been confirmed by the data of elemental analysis, NMR 1H spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. It has been noted that the 1H NMR spectra can reliably confirm the presence of the basic functional groups by their corresponding chemical shift, the integrated intensity and multiplicity of signals. It has been shown that under the influence of the electron impact the molecular ions of all the compounds studied undergo the primary fragmentation in two directions: with breaking the amide bond or the quinolone nucleus – the carbamide moiety bond. According to the data of microbiological tests among 1-benzyl-4-hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2,5,6,7,8-hexahydroquinoline-3-carboxamides synthesized the substances that are capable of inhibiting actively the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv in low concentration have been identified, and therefore, they are of interest for further research.К сожалению, туберкулез до настоящего времени остается причиной высокой смертности людей и в современных условиях превратился в глобальную проблему здравоохранения. Продолжая поиск новых антимикобактериальных средств среди амидированных производных 4-гидрокси-2-оксо-1,2-дигидрохинолин-3-карбоновых кислот, реакцией этил 1-бензил-4-гидрокси-2-оксо-1,2,5,6,7,8-гексагидрохинолин-3-карбоксилата с анилинами или гетарил-аминами в ДМФА при 130°С была синтезирована группа соответствующих 1-бензил-4-гидрокси-2-оксо-1,2,5,6,7,8-гексагидрохинолин-3-карбоксамидов. Химическое строение полученных соединений было подтверждено данными элементного анализа, спектроскопии ЯМР 1Н и масс-спектрометрии. Отмечено, что ЯМР 1Н спектры позволяют надежно подтвердить присутствие всех основных функциональных групп по соответствующим им по химическому сдвигу, интегральной интенсивности и мультиплетности сигналам. Показано, что под воздействием электронного удара молекулярные ионы всех изучаемых соединений претерпевают первичную фрагментацию по двум направлениям: с разрывом амидной связи или связи хинолоновое ядро – карбамидный фрагмент. По данным микробиологических испытаний среди синтезированных 1-бензил-4-гидрокси-2-оксо-1,2,5,6,7,8-гексагидрохинолин-3-карбоксамидов обнаружены вещества, способные в низкой концентрации активно ингибировать рост Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv и поэтому представляющие интерес для дальнейших исследований.На жаль, туберкульоз до сьогодні залишається причиною високої смертності людей і в сучасних умовах перетворився на глобальну проблему системи охорони здоров’я. Продовжуючи пошук нових антимікобактеріальних засобів серед амідованих похідних 4-гідрокси-2-оксо-1,2-дигідрохінолін-3-карбонових кислот, реакцією етил 1-бензил-4-гідрокси-2-оксо-1,2,5,6,7,8-гексагідрохінолін-3-карбоксилату з анілінамичи гетариламінами в ДМФА при 130°С було синтезовано групу відповідних 1-бензил-4-гідрокси-2-оксо-1,2,5,6,7,8-гексагідрохінолін-3-карбоксамідів. Хімічна будова одержаних сполук була підтверджена даними елементного аналізу, спектроскопії ЯМР 1Н та мас-спектрометрії. Відмічено, що ЯМР 1Н спектри дозволяють надійно підтвердити присутність усіх основних функціональних груп за відповідними їм за хімічним зсувом, інтегральною інтенсивністю та мультиплетністю сигналами. Показано, що під впливом електронного удару молекулярні іони всіх досліджуваних сполук піддаються первинній фрагментації за двома напрямками: з розривом амідного зв’язку чи зв’язку хінолонове ядро – карбамідний фрагмент. За даними мікробіологічних випробовувань серед синтезованих 1-бензил-4-гідрокси-2-оксо-1,2,5,6,7,8-гексагідрохінолін-3-карбоксамідів виявлені речовини, здатні в низькій концентрації активно затримувати ріст Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv і тому представляють інтерес для подальших досліджень

    Three Essays on Corporate Bonds Issuance and Trading

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    We explore the bond “clustering” phenomenon, using a sample of bond issuances in 2000-2015. Bond “clustering” is when the number of bonds issued that year exceeds three standard deviations above the mean number of issues for the firm over the sample period. We examine why firms opt for multiple issuances instead of a large one: exhaustion of debt capacity, refunding existing debt, timing favorable market conditions, managing working capital or financing profitable investment opportunities. Results indicate that firms do not cluster due to simply refinancing outstanding debt, but in order to manage their liquidity position and short-tern cash needs, to take advantage of the low interest rates, and to finance profitable investment

    Особливості іншомовної лексики: теоретичний аспект

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    У статті розкрито функціонально-стилістичну обумовленість іншомовної лексики у вокабулярі української мови, визначено роль чужомовних елементів у контекстуальному тлі на прикладі прозових творів сучасних українських письменниць. (Functional and stylistic conditionality of foreign words in the lexical system of Ukrainian is analyzed in this paper. In the course of the last two decades the vocabulary has been noticeably changed and renovated, which was caused by internal and external lexical factors. These changes can be found in the works of modern Ukrainian literature. As a result, various emphases appear in scientific works of the nineties of the 20th century – early years of the 21st century. Linguists put an accent on the functional meaning of a word in the context rather than a word per se. In the paper the author determines the role foreign words play based on the works of modern women-writers. For their narrations to be more creative, authors use all lexical means available to brighten up both semantic and stylistic coloring of vocabulary. The literary heritage of Ukrainian writers represents the functioning of foreign elements integrated into various levels, e.g. derivative, lexical or syntactical. Therefore, contemporary writers use particular foreign words for specific stylistic purposes, such as: linguistic-language determination of a character, a means to have a funny or ironic influence with the recipient, description of extraordinary characters or foreign environment in which the events of the composition take place etc. The research opens good prospects for future study of other lexical groups, with their stylistic capability seen through a prism of modern works, enriching Ukrainian vocabulary.