15 research outputs found

    Calculating concentration of explosive fumes in the Stupe sewerage tunnel

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    Prikazani su rezultati matematičkog modeliranja strujanja zraka i sadržaja eksplozivnih plinova u hidrotehničkom kanalizacijskom tunelu Stupe u Splitu. Modeliranje je provedeno radi procjene ugroženosti tunela od eksplozivnih i zapaljivih plinova. Prikazani su rezultati proračuna stacionarnog strujanja pri radu ventilatora te prirodnoj ventilaciji. Istaknuto je da se na temelju provedenih istraživanja i analiza može zaključiti da nema opasnosti od pojave plinova u tunelu.Results obtained by mathematical modeling of the air flow and content of explosive fumes in the Stupe sewerage tunnel in Split, are presented. The modeling was performed in order to estimate exposure of this tunnel to the action of explosive and inflammable gases. Stationary flow calculation results, obtained during fan-assisted ventilation and during natural ventilation, are presented. It is emphasized that the modeling and analyses conducted in this research show that there is no gas hazard in this sewerage tunnel

    Calculating concentration of explosive fumes in the Stupe sewerage tunnel

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    Prikazani su rezultati matematičkog modeliranja strujanja zraka i sadržaja eksplozivnih plinova u hidrotehničkom kanalizacijskom tunelu Stupe u Splitu. Modeliranje je provedeno radi procjene ugroženosti tunela od eksplozivnih i zapaljivih plinova. Prikazani su rezultati proračuna stacionarnog strujanja pri radu ventilatora te prirodnoj ventilaciji. Istaknuto je da se na temelju provedenih istraživanja i analiza može zaključiti da nema opasnosti od pojave plinova u tunelu.Results obtained by mathematical modeling of the air flow and content of explosive fumes in the Stupe sewerage tunnel in Split, are presented. The modeling was performed in order to estimate exposure of this tunnel to the action of explosive and inflammable gases. Stationary flow calculation results, obtained during fan-assisted ventilation and during natural ventilation, are presented. It is emphasized that the modeling and analyses conducted in this research show that there is no gas hazard in this sewerage tunnel

    Design solution for the Jurin kuk tunnel

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    U članku je prikazan i obrazložen glavni projekt tunela ā€žJurin kukā€œ koji se nalazi u sklopu županijske ceste, na dionici Gata ā€“ Zvečanje u zaleđu OmiÅ”a. Opisane su osnovne prometne i geometrijske karakteristike tunela. Prikazano je projektno rjeÅ”enje i komentirana Å”ira problematika izgradnje tunela. GeoloÅ”ke i geotehničke karakteristike terena također su prikazane, a posebno karakteristike stjenske mase i način iskopa i podgrade te usvojena geotehnička i građevinska rjeÅ”enja.The detailed design for the Jurin kuk tunnel, situated on the county road between Gata and Zvečanje, in the OmiÅ” hinterland area, is presented. Basic geometrical and transport-related properties of the tunnel are described. The design solution is presented, and problems generally encountered during tunnel construction are commented on. Geological and geotechnical properties of the terrain are also presented, with a special emphasis on the rock mass, excavation method and support work, and on geotechnical and structural solutions adopted on this project

    Investigations and design solution for the Stupe hydropower tunnel

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    Opisani su opsežni istražni radovi na lokaciji hidrotehničkog tunela Stupe u Splitu koji su poslužili za izradu projektne dokumentacije. Rezultati istraživanja bili su osnova za klasifikaciju i kategorizaciju stijenske mase. Tako određene geotehničke karakteristike bili su odlučujuće pri odabiru trase tunela i za projektiranje podgradnog sustava koji je predviđen kao tunelska obloga. Na kraju su navedeni podaci o tijeku iskopa tunela pri čemu su opisane i karakteristike tla.Authors describe extensive investigations on the site of the Stupe hydropower tunnel in Split which were underaken in order to enable preparation of design documents. The investigation results were the basis for the rock mass classification and categorization, which is also presented in the paper. Geotechnical properties defined in this way were of crucial significance for the selection of the tunnel route and for designing the support system for which tunnel lining has been adopted. Finally, a brief account is given of the construction process, including data on soil properties

    Study of the Aqueduct of Salona 2014-2015

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    U ovom radu bit će prezentirani rezultati istraživanja trase i značajki Salonitanskog akvedukta koji su provedeni tijekom prve godine znanstvenog projekta ā€œAntički vodni sustavi grada Salone i Dioklecijanove palače i njihov utjecaj na održivost urbane sredineā€ koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost. Prvi put je u cijelosti utvrđena trasa akvedukta, njegov uzdužni profil, kapacitet i karakteristični presjeci u različitim terenskim uvjetima, kao i način gradnje.This paper will present the results obtained by the study of the route and the physical characteristics of the Aqueduct of Salona. The study was conducted during the first year of the research project entitled ā€œAncient Water Systems of Salona and the Diocletianā€™s Palace and Their Impact on the Sustainability of the Urban Environmentā€, which has been financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. The significance of the study lies in the fact that, the overall route of the Aqueduct, its longitudinal profile, capacity, typical sections in various field conditions, as well as the method of construction have been determined for the first time

    Nalazi meduze Aequorea cf. forskalea u Jadranskom moru: usporedba povijesnih i recentnih podataka

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    Jellyfish are becoming an increasingly important component of studies of the global marine environment, as their frequent mass phenomena affect ecosystem performance and have economic and health consequences. Recent research has focused primarily on mass occurrences of scyphozoans and ctenophores, while less attention has been paid to hydromedusae blooms, which can also have significant impacts on the marine ecosystem with economic consequences. Like many members of the Scyphozoa and Ctenophora, Aequorea species can be numerous and form blooms. Based on surveys from 2000 to 2020 and information provided by marine professionals, we examine the (multiannual) variability, seasonality, and spatial distribution patterns of the poorly studied temperate species Aequorea cf. forskalea (Hydrozoa: Leptothecata). We hypothesized that this macrogelatinous jellyfish with a bipartite life cycle (benthic polyps and planktonic medusae) is sensitive to seasonal and long-term temperature fluctuations, particularly because temperature has been shown to play a critical role in mediating transitions in the life cycle of cnidarians. The cold-water affinity of A. cf. forskalea was confirmed by a significant negative correlation with temperature and the most frequent occurrence during the winter-spring period. For the northern Adriatic (Gulf of Trieste), sea temperature data and semi-quantitative plankton data are available for the first decade of the 20th century, allowing comparison of the historical data (1900-1911) with our current data set. Compared to historical records, the current occurrence of A. cf. forskalea differs significantly. With the warming of the northern Adriatic Sea since the beginning of the 20th century, the current phenology of A. cf. forskalea has changed, probably related to the delayed production of medusae by hydroids in autumn, the absence of medusae in this season and their less frequent occurrence in winter.Meduze postaju sve važnija komponenta globalnog proučavanja morskog okoliÅ”a, budući da njihove česte masovne pojave utječu na održanje ekosustava, a imaju ekonomske i zdravstvene posljedice. Najnovija su istraživanja usmjerena prvenstveno na masovnu pojavu režnjaka (Scyphozoa) i rebraÅ”a (Ctenophora), dok se manje pažnje posvećuje masovnim pojavama hidromeduza, koje također mogu imati veliki utjecaj na morski ekosustav sa značajnim ekonomskim posljedicama. Poput mnogih pripadnika Scyphozoa i Ctenophora, vrste roda Aequorea se mogu javljati u visokim brojnostima te njihovu pojavu možemo opisati kao masovnu (ā€žbloomā€œ). Na temelju podataka prikupljenih tijekom istraživanja Jadrana u razdoblju od 2000. do 2020. godine te informacija dobivenih od stručnjaka koji se bave istraživanjem mora, razmatrali smo viÅ”egodiÅ”nju i sezonsku varijabilnost kao i obrasce prostorne raspodjele slabo proučavane vrste Aequorea cf. forskalea (Hydrozoa: Leptothecata) koja nastanjuje umjerena klimatska područja. Pretpostavili smo da je ova makro-želatinozna meduza, s bipartitnim životnim ciklusom (bentoski polipi i planktonske meduze), osjetljiva na sezonske i dugoročne promjene temperaturne, budući da temperatura igra ključnu ulogu za izmjenu generacija u životnom ciklusu žarnjaka (Cnidaria). Afinitet A. cf. forskalea prema hladnoj morskoj vodi potvrđuje značajna negativna korelacija s temperaturom te učestalo pojavljivanje tijekom zimsko-proljetnog razdoblja. Podaci o temperaturi mora i abundancijama vrste su dostupni za sjeverni Jadran (TrŔćanski zaljev) za prvo desetljeće 20. stoljeća, Å”to je omogućilo usporedbu povijesnih podataka (1900.-1911.) s novim setom podataka. U usporedbi s povijesnim zapisima, recentna se pojava A. cf. forskalea značajno razlikuje. Sa zatopljenjem sjevernog dijela Jadranskog mora od početka 20. stoljeća se mijenja sadaÅ”nja fenologija vrste A. cf. forskalea, Å”to je vjerojatno povezano sa zakaÅ”njelom proizvodnjom meduza u jesen, izostankom tijekom jeseni i njihovom rjeđom pojavom tijekom zime