U ovom radu bit će prezentirani rezultati istraživanja
trase i značajki Salonitanskog akvedukta koji su
provedeni tijekom prve godine znanstvenog projekta
“Antički vodni sustavi grada Salone i Dioklecijanove palače i njihov utjecaj na održivost urbane sredine”
koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost. Prvi put je
u cijelosti utvrđena trasa akvedukta, njegov uzdužni
profil, kapacitet i karakteristični presjeci u različitim
terenskim uvjetima, kao i način gradnje.This paper will present the results obtained by the
study of the route and the physical characteristics of
the Aqueduct of Salona. The study was conducted during
the first year of the research project entitled “Ancient
Water Systems of Salona and the Diocletian’s
Palace and Their Impact on the Sustainability of the
Urban Environment”, which has been financed by the
Croatian Science Foundation. The significance of the study lies in the fact that, the overall route of the Aqueduct,
its longitudinal profile, capacity, typical sections
in various field conditions, as well as the method of
construction have been determined for the first time