Calculating concentration of explosive fumes in the Stupe sewerage tunnel


Prikazani su rezultati matematičkog modeliranja strujanja zraka i sadržaja eksplozivnih plinova u hidrotehničkom kanalizacijskom tunelu Stupe u Splitu. Modeliranje je provedeno radi procjene ugroženosti tunela od eksplozivnih i zapaljivih plinova. Prikazani su rezultati proračuna stacionarnog strujanja pri radu ventilatora te prirodnoj ventilaciji. Istaknuto je da se na temelju provedenih istraživanja i analiza može zaključiti da nema opasnosti od pojave plinova u tunelu.Results obtained by mathematical modeling of the air flow and content of explosive fumes in the Stupe sewerage tunnel in Split, are presented. The modeling was performed in order to estimate exposure of this tunnel to the action of explosive and inflammable gases. Stationary flow calculation results, obtained during fan-assisted ventilation and during natural ventilation, are presented. It is emphasized that the modeling and analyses conducted in this research show that there is no gas hazard in this sewerage tunnel

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