Investigations and design solution for the Stupe hydropower tunnel


Opisani su opsežni istražni radovi na lokaciji hidrotehničkog tunela Stupe u Splitu koji su poslužili za izradu projektne dokumentacije. Rezultati istraživanja bili su osnova za klasifikaciju i kategorizaciju stijenske mase. Tako određene geotehničke karakteristike bili su odlučujuće pri odabiru trase tunela i za projektiranje podgradnog sustava koji je predviđen kao tunelska obloga. Na kraju su navedeni podaci o tijeku iskopa tunela pri čemu su opisane i karakteristike tla.Authors describe extensive investigations on the site of the Stupe hydropower tunnel in Split which were underaken in order to enable preparation of design documents. The investigation results were the basis for the rock mass classification and categorization, which is also presented in the paper. Geotechnical properties defined in this way were of crucial significance for the selection of the tunnel route and for designing the support system for which tunnel lining has been adopted. Finally, a brief account is given of the construction process, including data on soil properties

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