858 research outputs found

    Bridging the gap between stellar-mass black holes and ultraluminous X-ray sources

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    The X-ray spectral and timing properties of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) have many similarities with the very high state of stellar-mass black holes (power-law dominated, at accretion rates greater than the Eddington rate). On the other hand, their cool disk components, large characteristic inner-disk radii and low characteristic timescales have been interpreted as evidence of black hole masses ~ 1000 Msun (intermediate-mass black holes). Here we re-examine the physical interpretation of the cool disk model, in the context of accretion states of stellar-mass black holes. In particular, XTE J1550-564 can be considered the missing link between ULXs and stellar-mass black holes, because it exhibits a high-accretion-rate, low-disk-temperature state (ultraluminous branch). On the ultraluminous branch, the accretion rate is positively correlated with the disk truncation radius and the bolometric disk luminosity, while it is anti-correlated with the peak temperature and the frequency of quasi-periodic-oscillations. Two prototypical ULXs (NGC1313 X-1 and X-2) also seem to move along that branch. We use a phenomenological model to show how the different range of spectral and timing parameters found in the two classes of accreting black holes depends on both their masses and accretion rates. We suggest that ULXs are consistent with black hole masses ~ 50-100 Msun, moderately inefficiently accreting at ~20 times Eddington.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science. Based on work presented at the Fifth Stromlo Symposium, Australian National University, Dec 200

    Attachment Styles Within the Coach-Athlete Dyad: Preliminary Investigation and Assessment Development

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    The present preliminary study aimed to develop and examine the psychometric properties of a new sport-specific self-report instrument designed to assess athletes’ and coaches’ attachment styles. The development and initial validation comprised three main phases. In Phase 1, a pool of items was generated based on pre-existing self-report attachment instruments, modified to reflect a coach and an athlete’s style of attachment. In Phase 2, the content validity of the items was assessed by a panel of experts. A final scale was developed and administered to 405 coaches and 298 athletes (N = 703 participants). In Phase 3, confirmatory factor analysis of the obtained data was conducted to determine the final items of the Coach-Athlete Attachment Scale (CAAS). Confirmatory factor analysis revealed acceptable goodness of fit indexes for a 3-first order factor model as well as a 2-first order factor model for both the athlete and the coach data, respectively. A secure attachment style positively predicted relationship satisfaction, while an insecure attachment style was a negative predictor of relationship satisfaction. The CAAS revealed initial psychometric properties of content, factorial, and predictive validity, as well as reliability

    Kinematics and H_2 morphology of the multipolar Post-AGB star IRAS 16594-4656

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    context: The spectrum of IRAS 16594-4656 shows shock excited H_2 emission and collisionally excited emission lines such as[O I],[C I],and [Fe II]. aim: The goal is to determine the location of the H_2 and [Fe II] shock emission, to determine the shock velocities,and constrain the physical properties in the shock. methods: High resolution spectra of the H_2 1-0 S(1),H_2 2-1 S(1), [Fe II], and Paβ\beta emission lines were obtained with the near infrared spectrograph Phoenix on Gemini South. results: The position-velocity diagrams of H_2 1-0 S(1), H_2 2-1 S(1), and [Fe II] are presented. The H_2 and [Fe II] emission is spatially extended. The collisionally excited [O I] and [C I] optical emission lines have a similar double peaked profile compared to the extracted H_2 profile and appear to be produced in the same shock. They all indicate an expansion velocity of ~8 km/s and the presence of a neutral, very high density region with nen_{\rm e} about 3 x 10^6 to 5 x10^7 cm3^{-3}. The [Fe II] emission however is single peaked. It has a gaussian FWHM of 30 km/s and a total width of 62 km/s at 1% of the peak. The Paβ\beta profile is even wider with a gaussian FWHM of 48 km/s and a total width of 75 km/s at 1% of the peak. conclusions: The H2_2 emission is excited in a slow 5 to 20 km/s shock into dense material at the edge of the lobes, caused by the interaction of the AGB ejecta and the post-AGB wind. The 3D representation of the H_2 data shows a hollow structure with less H_2 emission in the equatorial region. The [Fe II] emission is not present in the lobes, but originates close to the central star in fast shocks in the post-AGB wind or in a disk. The Paβ\beta emission also appears to originate close to the star.Comment: 11 pages and 8 figures; A&A in press; the paper includig high resolution figures can be downloaded from http://homepage.oma.be/gsteene/publications.htm

    From weak-scale observables to leptogenesis

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    Thermal leptogenesis is an attractive mechanism for generating the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. However, in supersymmetric models, the parameter space is severely restricted by the gravitino bound on the reheat temperature TRHT_{RH}. For hierarchical light neutrino masses, it is shown that thermal leptogenesis {\it can} work when TRH109T_{RH} \sim 10^{9} GeV. The low-energy observable consequences of this scenario are BR(τγ)108109 BR(\tau \to \ell \gamma) \sim 10^{-8} - 10^{-9} . For higher TRHT_{RH}, thermal leptogenesis works in a larger area of parameter space, whose observable consequences are more ambiguous. A parametrisation of the seesaw in terms of weak-scale inputs is used, so the results are independent of the texture chosen for the GUT-scale Yukawa matrices.Comment: a few references adde

    Does Conservation Planning Matter in a Dynamic and Uncertain World?

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    We show that while comprehensive reserve network design is best when the entire network can be implemented immediately, when conservation investments must be staged over years, such solutions actually may be sub-optimal in the context of biodiversity loss and uncertainty

    Improvements in Modeling 90 degree Bleed Holes for Supersonic Inlets

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    The modeling of porous bleed regions as boundary conditions in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of supersonic inlet flows has been improved through a scaling of sonic flow coefficient data for 90deg bleed holes. The scaling removed the Mach number as a factor in computing the sonic flow coefficient and allowed the data to be fitted with a quadratic equation, with the only factor being the ratio of the plenum static pressure to the surface static pressure. The implementation of the bleed model into the Wind-US CFD flow solver was simplified by no longer requiring the evaluation of the flow properties at the boundary-layer edge. The quadratic equation can be extrapolated to allow the modeling of small amounts of blowing, which can exist when recirculation of the bleed flow occurs within the bleed region. The improved accuracy of the bleed model was demonstrated through CFD simulations of bleed regions on a flat plate in supersonic flow with and without an impinging oblique shock. The bleed model demonstrated good agreement with experimental data and three-dimensional CFD simulations of bleed holes

    Neutrino Masses with "Zero Sum" Condition: mν1+mν2+mν3=0m_{\nu_1} + m_{\nu_2} + m_{\nu_3} = 0

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    It is well known that the neutrino mass matrix contains more parameters than experimentalists can hope to measure in the foreseeable future even if we impose CP invariance. Thus, various authors have proposed ansatzes to restrict the form of the neutrino mass matrix further. Here we propose that mν1+mν2+mν3=0m_{\nu_1} + m_{\nu_2} + m_{\nu_3} = 0; this ``zero sum'' condition can occur in certain class of models, such as models whose neutrino mass matrix can be expressed as commutator of two matrices. With this condition, the absolute neutrino mass can be obtained in terms of the mass-squared differences. When combined with the accumulated experimental data this condition predicts two types of mass hierarchies, with one of them characterized by mν32mν12mν20.063m_{\nu_3} \approx -2m_{\nu_1} \approx -2 m_{\nu_2} \approx 0.063 eV, and the other by mν1mν20.054m_{\nu_1} \approx -m_{\nu_2} \approx 0.054 eV and mν30.0064m_{\nu_3} \approx 0.0064 eV. The mass ranges predicted is just below the cosmological upper bound of 0.23 eV from recent WMAP data and can be probed in the near future. We also point out some implications for direct laboratory measurement of neutrino masses, and the neutrino mass matrix.Comment: Latex 12 pages. No figures. New references adde

    Acceptance and Use of E-Learning Based on Cloud Computing: The Role of Consumer Innovativeness

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    Cloud computing and E-learning are the inevitable trend of computational science in general, and information systems and technologies in specific.However, there are not many studies on the adoption of cloud-based E-learning systems. Moreover, while there are many papers on information system adoption as well as customer innovativeness, the innovativeness and adoption in the same model seems to be rare in the literature. The study combines the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and consumer innovativeness on the adoption of E-learning systems based on cloud computing. A survey was conducted among 282 cloud-based E-learning participants and analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings indicate that the adoption of cloud-based E-learning is influenced by performance expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, and habit. Interestingly, although innovativeness is not significant to use intention, it has a positive effect on E-learning usage which is relatively new in Vietnam

    Living with persistent pain: experiences of older people receiving home care.

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    Background. Although the topic of pain among older people has received increasing interest, little is still known about how pain is experienced or handled by those who no longer manage independently but depend on professionals for help with daily living. Developing pain management for older people requires such knowledge. Aim. To explore sense of self, sense of pain, daily living with pain, sense of others and ways of handling pain in older people with persistent pain. Methods. Interviews with 90 older people receiving home care from nursing auxiliaries in their own homes or in sheltered accommodation were collected from January to June 2000. A typology of older people in persistent pain was developed. Activities for handling pain were examined using content analysis. Findings. Respondents' experiences of themselves and their pain varied. Two groups of older people, considered as 'competent and proud' and 'confident and serene', expressed satisfaction in spite of pain, while the groups 'misunderstood and disappointed' and 'resigned and sad' expressed dissatisfaction. The most common strategies used were medication, rest, mobility, distracting activities and talking about pain. Respondents chose strategies by balancing the advantages of the activities against the disadvantages these brought for their daily living. Conclusion. This study indicates that characteristics of the older people, such as their way of experiencing themselves, how pain affects their daily life and how they perceive effects and side-effects of pain management are areas that need to be identified when staff assess pain and plan pain management. Caring for older people in pain could be improved by listening to and believing their complaints, evaluating effects and side-effects from medications and nonpharmacological pain management and by emphasising the importance of common everyday activities such as mobility and distraction to relieve pain