53,918 research outputs found

    Light controlled photon tunneling

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    Recent measurements of photon tunneling through individual subwavelength pinholes in a gold film covered with a layer of polydiacetylene (Phys. Rev. Letters 88, 187402 (2002)) provided strong indication of "photon blockade" effect similar to Coulomb blockade phenomenon observed in single-electron tunneling experiments. Here we report first observation of photon tunneling been blocked (gated) by light at a different wavelength. This observation suggests possibility of building new class of photon tunneling gating devices for all-optical signal processing.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Classical Region of a Trapped Bose Gas

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    The classical region of a Bose gas consists of all single-particle modes that have a high average occupation and are well-described by a classical field. Highly-occupied modes only occur in massive Bose gases at ultra-cold temperatures, in contrast to the photon case where there are highly-occupied modes at all temperatures. For the Bose gas the number of these modes is dependent on the temperature, the total number of particles and their interaction strength. In this paper we characterize the classical region of a harmonically trapped Bose gas over a wide parameter regime. We use a Hartree-Fock approach to account for the effects of interactions, which we observe to significantly change the classical region as compared to the idealized case. We compare our results to full classical field calculations and show that the Hartree-Fock approach provides a qualitatively accurate description of classical region for the interacting gas.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; updated to include new results with interaction

    Entanglement properties of degenerate four-wave mixing of matter-waves in a periodic potential

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    In a recent experiment Campbell et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 020406 (2006)] observed degenerate four-wave mixing of matter-waves in a one-dimensional optical lattice, a process with potential for generating entanglement among atoms. We analyse the essential quantum features of the experiment to show that entanglement is created between the quadratures of the two scattered atomic clouds and is a true many-body (rather than two-body) effect. We demonstrate a significant violation of entanglement inequalities that is robust to a moderate level of coherent seeding. The system is thus a promising candididate for generating macroscopically entangled atomic samples.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Ground State of the Pseudogap in Cuprate Superconductors

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    We present studies of the electronic structure of La2-xBaxCuO4, a system where the superconductivity is strongly suppressed as static spin and charge orders or "stripes" develop near the doping level of x=1/8. Using angle-resolved photoemission and scanning tunneling microscopy, we detect an energy gap at the Fermi surface with magnitude consistent with d-wave symmetry and with linear density of states, vanishing only at four nodal points, even when superconductivity disappears at x=1/8. Thus, the non-superconducting, "striped" state at x=1/8 is consistent with a phase incoherent d-wave superconductor whose Cooper pairs form spin/charge ordered structures instead of becoming superconducting.Comment: This is the author's version of the wor

    Multiple Current States of Two Phase-Coupled Superconducting Rings

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    The states of two phase-coupled superconducting rings have been investigated. Multiple current states have been revealed in the dependence of the critical current on the magnetic field. The performed calculations of the critical currents and energy states in a magnetic field have made it possible to interpret the experiment as the measurement of energy states into which the system comes with different probabilities because of the equilibrium and non-equilibrium noises upon the transition from the resistive state to the superconducting state during the measurement of the critical currentComment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Pressures measured in flight on the aft fuselage and external nozzle of a twin-jet fighter

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    Fuselage, boundary layer, and nozzle pressures were measured in flight for a twin jet fighter over a Mach number range from 0.60 to 2.00 at test altitudes of 6100, 10,700, and 13,700 meters for angles of attack ranging from 0 deg to 7 deg. Test data were analyzed to find the effects of the propulsion system geometry. The flight variables, and flow interference. The aft fuselage flow field was complex and showed the influence of the vertical tail, nacelle contour, and the wing. Changes in the boattail angle of either engine affected upper fuselage and lower fuselage pressure coefficients upstream of the nozzle. Boundary layer profiles at the forward and aft locations on the upper nacelles were relatively insensitive to Mach number and altitude. Boundary layer thickness decreased at both stations as angle of attack increased above 4 deg. Nozzle pressure coefficient was influenced by the vertical tail, horizontal tail boom, and nozzle interfairing; the last two tended to separate flow over the top of the nozzle from flow over the bottom of the nozzle. The left nozzle axial force coefficient was most affected by Mach number and left nozzle boattail angle. At Mach 0.90, the nozzle axial force coefficient was 0.0013

    Effects of temperature upon the collapse of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a gas with attractive interactions

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    We present a study of the effects of temperature upon the excitation frequencies of a Bose-Einstein condensate formed within a dilute gas with a weak attractive effective interaction between the atoms. We use the self-consistent Hartree-Fock Bogoliubov treatment within the Popov approximation and compare our results to previous zero temperature and Hartree-Fock calculations The metastability of the condensate is monitored by means of the l=0l=0 excitation frequency. As the number of atoms in the condensate is increased, with TT held constant, this frequency goes to zero, signalling a phase transition to a dense collapsed state. The critical number for collapse is found to decrease as a function of temperature, the rate of decrease being greater than that obtained in previous Hartree-Fock calculations.Comment: 4 pages LaTeX, 3 eps figures. To appear as a letter in J. Phys.

    Two dimensional symmetric and antisymmetric generalizations of sine functions

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    Properties of 2-dimensional generalizations of sine functions that are symmetric or antisymmetric with respect to permutation of their two variables are described. It is shown that the functions are orthogonal when integrated over a finite region FF of the real Euclidean space, and that they are discretely orthogonal when summed up over a lattice of any density in FF. Decomposability of the products of functions into their sums is shown by explicitly decomposing products of all types. The formalism is set up for Fourier-like expansions of digital data over 2-dimensional lattices in FF. Continuous interpolation of digital data is studied.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Patterns of gene expression in schistosomes: localization by whole mount in situ hybridization

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    rom the identification of genes to the characterization of their functions and interactions. Developmental biologists have long used whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH) to determine gene expression patterns, as a vital tool for formulating and testing hypotheses about function. This paper describes the application of WISH to the study of gene expression in larval and adult schistosomes. Fixed worms were permeablized by proteinase K treatment for hybridization with digoxygenin-labelled RNA probes, with binding being detected by alkaline phosphatase-coupled anti-digoxygenin antibodies, and BM Purple substrate. Discrete staining patterns for the transcripts of the molecules Sm29, cathepsin L, antigen 10.3 and chorion were observed in the tegument cell bodies, gut epithelium, oesophageal gland and vitelline lobules, respectively, of adult worms. Transcripts of the molecules SGTP4, GP18-22 and cathepsin L were localized to tegument cell bodies and embryonic gut, respectively, of lung schistosomula. We also showed that Fast Red TR fluorescent substrate can refine the pattern of localization permitting use of confocal microscopy. We believe that method of WISH will find broad application, in synergy with other emerging post-genomic techniques, such as RNA interference, to studies focused at increasing our molecular understanding of schistosomes

    Lesions mimicking lacrimal gland pleomorphic adenoma

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    Aim: To report a series of patients with lacrimal gland lesions simulating the clinicoradiological features of lacrimal gland pleomorphic adenoma (LGPA). Methods: Multicentre retrospective, interventional case series. Clinical records of all patients with lesions mimicking LGPA seen in five orbital units were reviewed. Results: The study included 14 patients (seven men and seven women) with a mean age of 50.9 years. The diagnosis of LGPA was made in all cases by experienced orbital surgeons, based on clinicoradiological features, and lacrimal gland excision was performed. Postoperative histology revealed lymphoma (four patients), chronic dacryoadenitis (three patients), adenoid cystic carcinoma (two patients), Sjogren's syndrome (two patients), cavernous haemangioma (one patient), benign lymphoid hyperplasia (one patient) and granulomatous dacryoadenitis (one patient). Comparison with the total number of histologically confirmed LGPA cases seen during the study period revealed that 22.6% of cases of suspected LGPA were misdiagnosed based on clinicoradiological criteria. Conclusions: Many different lesions may mimic the clinicoradiological features of LGPA. The accepted clinicoradiological criteria used for the diagnosis of LGPA have a high false-positive rate, even in experienced hands. Based on this study, the authors believe that fine-needle aspiration biopsy or intraoperative biopsy and frozen section diagnosis may help reduce unnecessary lacrimal gland excision.Venkatesh C Prabhakaran, Paul S Cannon, Alan McNab, Garry Davis, Brett O’Donnell, Peter J Dolman, Raf Ghabrial, Dinesh Selv