9 research outputs found

    Use of PCR to identify Leptospira in kidneys of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) in Kansas and Nebraska, USA

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    Bats have been implicated as potential carriers of Leptospira as a result of surveys, mostly in Australia and South America. We measured the prevalence of pathogenic leptospires in kidneys of bats from Kansas and Nebraska. From 7 August 2012 to 21 August 2012, we extracted DNA from kidneys of 98 big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) submitted and found negative for rabies. The DNA was processed in a two-step, seminested PCR assay with a dual-labeled Taqman probe specific for pathogenic leptospires. As a negative control, we used a saprophytic leptospire (Leptospira biflexa Patoc) and, as a pathogenic control, Leptospira interrogans Canicola. All bat kidneys were negative for pathogenic leptospires, suggesting that it is unlikely that the big brown bat, one of the most prevalent bat species in North America, is a reservoir for transmission of leptospires to dogs or humans

    TLR 2 and 4 responsiveness from isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from rats and humans as potential chronic pain biomarkers

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    Background: Chronic pain patients have increased peripheral blood mononuclear cell Interkeukin-1β production following TLR2 and TLR4 simulation. Here we have used a human-to-rat and rat-to-human approach to further investigate whether peripheral blood immune responses to TLR agonists might be suitable for development as possible systems biomarkers of chronic pain in humans. Methods and Results: Study 1: using a graded model of chronic constriction injury in rats, behavioral allodynia was assessed followed by in vitro quantification of TLR2 and TLR4 agonist-induced stimulation of IL-1β release by PBMCs and spinal cord tissues (n = 42; 6 rats per group). Statistical models were subsequently developed using the IL-1β responses, which distinguished the pain/no pain states and predicted the degree of allodynia. Study 2: the rat-derived statistical models were tested to assess their predictive utility in determining the pain status of a published human cohort that consists of a heterogeneous clinical pain population (n = 19) and a pain-free population (n = 11). The predictive ability of one of the rat models was able to distinguish pain patients from controls with a ROC AUC of 0.94. The rat model was used to predict the presence of pain in a new chronic pain cohort and was able to accurately predict the presence of pain in 28 out of the 34 chronic pain participants. Conclusions: These clinical findings confirm our previous discoveries of the involvement of the peripheral immune system in chronic pain. Given that these findings are reflected in the prospective graded rat data, it suggests that the TLR response from peripheral blood and spinal cord were related to pain and these clinical findings do indeed act as system biomarkers for the chronic pain state. Hence, they provide additional impetus to the neuroimmune interaction to be a drug target for chronic pain.Yuen H. Kwok, Jonathan Tuke, Lauren L. Nicotra, Peter M. Grace, Paul E. Rolan, Mark R. Hutchinso

    Atovaquone has no effect on the pharmacokinetics of phenytoin in healthy male volunteers

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    The potential pharmacokinetic interaction between atovaquone and phenytoin was investigated in 12 healthy male volunteers. Each volunteer received a single 600 mg oral dose of phenytoin in the two treatment periods. On one occasion phenytoin was taken alone and on the other after pre-treatment with 2000 mg atovaquone taken as two doses of 1000 mg as a microfluidized suspension. The mean (±s.d.) peak plasma concentrations (Cmax), apparent total clearance (CL/F ) and terminal half-life (t½) for phenytoin when administered alone were 10.6(1.8) mg l−1, 24.3 (7.7) ml min−1 and 25(8) h, respectively. When administered together with atovaquone, phenytoin Cmax, CL/F and t½,z were 10.9 (2.0) mg l−1, 23.8 ml min−1 and 24(6) h, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in any of these plasma pharmacokinetic parameters. There were also no statistically significant differences in the fraction of circulating drug not bound to plasma protein or urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyphenyl-phenyl-hydantoin. In conclusion, there was no effect of atovaquone on the pharmacokinetics of phenytoin or its major metabolite after a single dose

    Investigation of multiple dose citalopram on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of racemic warfarin

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    Aims An open, controlled, randomized, crossover study was conducted in healthy males to assess the possible occurrence of a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic interaction between warfarin and the selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor citalopram