324 research outputs found

    Resolution Condemning Apartheid

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    A copy of the resolution submitted by Danny K. Davis, then Alderman of the 29th Ward of Chicago, Illinois, to the Chicago City Council condemning apartheid.https://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cjocidsa/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Al-Qaeda and the Phinehas Priesthood terrorist groups with a common enemy and similar justifications for terrorist tactics

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    The majority of studies on terrorist groups in the past have been conducted from the perspectives of political science, sociology, or psychology. This historical comparative study examines two terrorist organizations through a human resource development (HRD) lens. The study's goal is to provide a fresh perspective on terrorism to the current discussion of the subject within the public and private sectors. A comprehensive literature review is used to examine religiously based terrorist groups. The following HRD models and theories are used to frame this research: the Basic Systems Model of Swanson and Holton (2001), Daft's definition of an organization (2001), the work of Watkins and Marsick (1992 & 1993) on learning organizations, and group theory as discussed by Johnson and Johnson (2000). Crenshaw's (2001) work on terrorist group theory also helps provide a foundation to the discussion. The study begins with a short review of terrorism during the twentieth, and the first years of the twenty-first centuries. Next, the histories, cultures, and beliefs of the fundamentalist Islamic or Islamist movement and the Christian Identity movement are traced. The focus is then narrowed and an in-depth study of al-Qaeda and the Phinehas Priesthood, from the Islamist and Christian Identity movements, respectively, is conducted. The context of HRD organizational traits is used to portray the similarities and differences between these terrorist groups. There were eight major findings from this study. 1. Al-Qaeda and the Phinehas Priesthood possess structure and demonstrate input, output, process, and interaction with, and feedback from their external environment (Swanson & Holton, 2001) as do conventional organizations. 2. Both groups demonstrate structure and group dynamics similar to conventional organizations. 3. Members of both groups profess beliefs similar to those in mainstream Islam and Christianity, respectively. 4. The belief that God's law is superior to that of man in held in common by al-Qaeda and the Priesthood. This belief is based on the revealed word of God, the Koran and Bible, respectively. 5. Members of both groups believe they have been chosen by God to right the wrongs of society and/or the world. Violent acts in support of this mission are fully justified. 6. A common goal of these groups is to establish racially and culturally pure societies on some scale. 7. Al-Qaeda and the Phinehas Priesthood are both anti-Semitic. 8. Members of these groups are culturally isolated from mainstream society. The study makes four recommendations to HRD practitioners, government policy makers, and educators in pursuit of the goal of providing a fresh perspective on terrorism

    Does the Body Adipose Index (BAI) Work for Elite Athletes? A Comparison of Body Composition Tests Between the Body Adipose Index (BAI) and Bodpod of Female, College Volleyball Players

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    The Body Adipose Index (BAI) is a relatively new equation used to assess an individual’s percentage of bodyfat. Two benefits of the BAI are ease and low cost of testing. While research has looked at the BAI for a general population sample, the BAI has not been tested on elite athletes. This limited study compared results of BAI testing with results from the BodPod, a wellestablished and precise body composition analysis device, to find out how well the BAI could measure level of bodyfat in female, collegiate volleyball players. Because the volleyball players had higher fat levels that was assumed when selecting a sample population, findings indicated that the BAI appears to work well on a general female population; however, further research is needed to see if this holds true for a larger sample and whether or not the BAI can measure bodyfat accurately for elite athletes

    Preferred Leadership Styles Within Minor League Baseball Organizations’ Front Offices

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    Due to the importance of leadership within athletics, this study set out to measure self-reported preference of leadership styles within Minor League Baseball (MiLB) organizations’ front offices. The Revised Leadership Scale for Sport (RLSS) was administered to MiLB front office employees at the AAA and AA levels. This instrument previously had been used to measure current athletes’ preferences for their coaches’ leadership styles. Four hypotheses focused on respondents’ preferences for their supervisors’ uses of autocratic and democratic leadership styles based on respondents’ gender and history with team or individual sport competition. Hypothesis testing revealed only one significant finding, that male front office employees had a higher preference for autocratic leadership style than did female front office employees

    Towards a Formal Treatment of VLSI Arrays

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    This paper presents a formalism for describing the behavior of computational networks at the algorithmic level. It establishes a direct correspondence between the mathematical expressions defining a function and the computational networks which compute that function. By formally manipulating the symbolic expressions that define a function, it is possible to obtain different networks that compute the function. From this mathematical description of a network, one can directly determine certain important characteristics of computational networks, such as computational rate, performance and communication requirements. The use of this formalism for design and verification is demonstrated on computational networks for Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters, matrix operations, and the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The progression of computations can often be modeled by wave fronts in an illuminating way. The formalism supports this model. A computational network can be viewed in an abstract form that can be represented as a graph. The duality between the graph representation and the mathematical expressions is briefly introduced

    Propuesta de procedimiento de auditoria interna para la gestión del mantenimiento de la empresa CUPID S.A

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    Para tener éxito, hoy en día las empresas deben de identificar y gestionar los riesgos de sus departamentos, ya sean operacionales, financieros, estratégicos y de cumplimiento, lo que hace relevante analizar los factores de carácter interno o externo que generan estos riesgos. CUPID S.A. para conocer cuál es la exposición de riesgo de los departamentos que la conforman, realiza análisis de riesgos por medio de la Gerencia Corporativa, con la finalidad de establecer el plan anual para disminuir o eliminar esos riesgos. Este análisis ha dado como resultado que una de los departamentos que representa mayor riesgo es el de Mantenimiento, convirtiéndose su gestión en una función crítica para la planta. Por esto en CUPID S.A. es importante la calidad o excelencia del mantenimiento, entendiéndose esto, como la máxima disponibilidad de los activos, larga vida útil de los equipos, máxima capacidad de producción y uso adecuado de los recursos, todo esto alcanzado al mínimo costo. Por lo tanto se requiere analizar minuciosamente la Gestión de Mantenimiento en forma sistémica para determinar el grado de excelencia del departamento y la forma de gestionar cada uno de sus procesos, identificando los puntos de mejora para marcar directrices de lo que debería ser una gestión de clase mundial y a su vez tener un sistema de retroalimentación para el monitoreo y mejoramiento continu

    The evaluation of exposure risks for natural transmission of scrapie within an infected flock

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    Background: Although the epidemiology of scrapie has been broadly understood for many years, attempts to introduce voluntary or compulsory controls to eradicate the disease have frequently failed. Lack of precision in defining the risk factors on farm has been one of the challenges to designing control strategies. This study attempted to define which parts of the annual flock management cycle represented the greatest risk of infection to naive lambs exposed to the farm environment at different times.Results: In VRQ/VRQ lambs exposed to infected sheep at pasture or during lambing, and exposed to the buildings in which lambing took place, the attack rate was high and survival times were short. Where exposure was to pasture alone the number of sheep affected in each experimental group was reduced, and survival times were longer and related to length of exposure.Conclusion: At the flock level, eradication and control strategies for scrapie must take into account the need to decontaminate buildings used for lambing, and to reduce (or prevent) the exposure of lambs to infected sheep, especially in the later stages of incubation, and at lambing. The potential for environmental contamination from pasture should also be considered. Genotype selection may still prove to be the only viable tool to prevent infection from contaminated pasture, reduce environmental contamination and limit direct transmission from sheep to sheep