796 research outputs found

    Integrated payload and mission planning, phase 3. Volume 1: Integrated payload and mission planning process evaluation

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    The integrated payload and mission planning process for STS payloads was defined, and discrete tasks which evaluate performance and support initial implementation of this process were conducted. The scope of activity was limited to NASA and NASA-related payload missions only. The integrated payload and mission planning process was defined in detail, including all related interfaces and scheduling requirements. Related to the payload mission planning process, a methodology for assessing early Spacelab mission manager assignment schedules was defined

    Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Bagi Penyedia Jasa Konstruksi yang Terkait dengan Kegagalan dalam Pembangunan (Analisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 1796 K/pid.sus/2012)

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    Pertanggungjawaban pidana bagi penyedia jasa konstruksi dalam hal ini melibatkan kontraktor, pengawas maupun konsultan. Titik kesalahan dari masing-masing pihak berbeda-beda, tidak lain adanya unsur kesalahan yang dilakukan yang berindikasi mengarah pada unsur tindak pidana. Kegagalan dalam jasa konstruksi merupakan salah satu akibat yang dapat membahayakan kepentingan publik maupun kerugian negara. Beberapa hal yang diutarakan tersebut yang sejatinya menjadi suatu kekhawatiran yang dirasakan oleh segenap masyarakat pada umumnya dan para pembuat Undang-undang sehingga dengan segenap daya dan upaya membentuk Undang-undang No. 18 Tahun 1999 tentang-Jasa Konstruksi, Lembaran Negara Tahun 1999 No. 54, Tambahan Lembaran Negara No. 3833 yang selanjutnya disebut UU Jasa Konstruksi. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 28 Tahun 2000, tentang Usaha Dan Peran Masyarakat Jasa Konstruksi,Kata kunci: Pertanggungjawaban pidana, Jasa Konstruksi, kegagalan pembanguna

    Representasi Whiteness Dalam Film “Machine Gun Preacher”

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    Dalam penelitian ini peneliti akan meneliti tentang Representasi Whiteness Dalam Film “Machine Gun Preacher”. Dalam pembuatan film bertema Afrika, sineas Hollywood sebagian besar memakai orang kulit putih sebagai pemeran utama dalam film tersebut sedangkan orang kulit hitam berperan sebagai pendamping tokoh utama atau terkadang dijadikan tokoh antagonis sebagai lawan orang kulit putih. Pada penelitian ini digunakan konsep “whiteness” yang ditujukan untuk memberikan identitas rasial dan terhubung ke dalam makna sosial terkait dengan perbedaan ras. Metode yang dipakai oleh peneliti berupa metode semiotika yang akan dikaitkan dengan kode-kode televisi Fiske. Hasil yang didapat peneliti bahwa film ini mengukuhkan gambaran orang kulit putih sebagai orang yang lebih superior di hadapan orang kulit hitam, sekaligus kian mengukuhkan ideologi whiteness yang sudah berlangsung puluhan tahun dalam film-film Hollywood

    Effects of Discrete Emotions on Associative Memory Binding

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    The link between emotion and memory has been a topic of interest in psychological research for over a century. Typically, emotionally arousing items, especially those that are negative, are better remembered compared to neutral items. In contrast, when people are required to link multiple individual items together, negative emotional content often worsens memory, while positive content tends to improve memory for associations. Research on discrete emotions (e.g., happiness, sadness, fear, disgust) suggests that disgusting content is better remembered in item memory tests even compared to material that elicits other negative emotions. However, it remains unclear whether this unique impact of disgust would also be seen in an associative framework. In the current experiment, participants’ item and associative memory for face-name pairs depicting five discrete emotions (i.e., happiness, fear, disgust, sadness, and neutral affect) were tested. It was predicted that emotional, and especially disgusted, faces would be recognized better than neutral faces. In addition, it was predicted that associative memory would be best for names associated with happy faces. I anticipated that names paired with disgusted faces could either be better remembered or more likely to be forgotten compared to names paired with other negative faces. Contrary to predictions, emotional faces were not better recognized than neutral faces in the item memory task; instead, neutral and happy faces were better remembered than fearful and disgusted faces. As well, names paired with happy and neutral faces were more likely to be remembered than names paired with disgusted faces. With respect to research showing that facial identity and expression are processed separately, it was argued that all aspects of the experimental task were in fact tests of associative memory. Implications for the field of emotional facial perception and memory and relevance to clinical work were discussed

    Strategi Pengembangan USAha pada Depot Rice Box (Studi Kasus pada Aspek Pemasaran)

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    Analisa terhadap faktor lingkungan internal dan eksternal pada suatu USAha berguna untuk mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman. Sehingga dapat diketahui hal-hal yang mempengaruhi dalam pengembangan suatu USAha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa lingkungan internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi Depot Rice Box. Sehingga dapat disusun strategi alternatif melalui alat SWOT yaitu matrix SWOT. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, studi pustaka, pengamatan atau observasi. Penentuan narasumber menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Keabsahan data diuji dengan triangulasi sumber. Dari hasil penelitian, Depot Rice Box memiliki beberapa kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman yang saling berkaitan. Peneliti mencoba membuat strategi yang sesuai dengan matrix SWOT untuk aspek pemasaran karena Depot Rice Box tidak memiliki strategi pemasaran yang optimal. Sementara untuk analisis lingkungan eksternal menggunakan Porter's Five Forces, menunjukkan adanya ancaman persaingan Perusahaan sejenis. Oleh karena itu peneliti menyarankan agar Depot Rice Box melakukan kegiatan pemasaran yang lebih gencar, mengingat pasar belum jenuh terhadap produk Depot Rice Box

    Pembuatan Website E-Commerce Penjualan Barang Untuk Perusahaan PT. X Dengan Fitur Data Mining Generalize Sequential Pattern

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    PT. X is a company that sell cars and car\u27s spare parts by retail that use brick and mortar as base. PT. X want to make e-commerce website with hope that the website will help them expanding their market area for facing the rivalry with similar companies.The website poses online market feature that will help the users make their purchase and tracking their transaction they have done, users are divided into two category users and admin, admin are the PT. X promoting and selling their goods, while the users are the one who purchase through the website. This web is scripted using PHP, Ajax, and JavaScript, and user MySQL for creating the database. The development is done using notepad++ software.The data mining feature is based on generalize sequential pattern algorithm, where this feature is used to analyze the customers purchase behaviors and patterns by finding the connection between sold items based on time. Data is processed using the algorithm resulting frequent item sets that will turn into association rules in form of generalize sequential pattern table

    Neonatal corneal ulcer secondary to congenital entropion

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    PurposeTo describe a case of central corneal ulceration in a newborn secondary to congenital entropion.ObservationsCorneal ulcers during infancy are rare and may occur secondary to congenital structural anomalies, including congenital entropion. Correct anatomic eyelid position in newborns is challenging to determine with closed eyelids, and eyelid squeezing during crying and discomfort adds to this challenge.Conclusions and importanceThis report reinforces the importance of careful examination of the adnexa in infants with corneal ulcers while they are most comfortable, usually after topical anesthesia and prior to placement of eyelid speculum. Ophthalmologists caring for infants must be able to detect this condition because prompt entropion repair is necessary for corneal ulcer resolution and prevention of permanent vision loss

    QR Code Reader pada Smartphone Android untuk Aplikasi Layanan Restoran

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    The development of today\u27s smartphone technology has a huge impact to the world of information technology and telecommunications. The emergence of a variety of applications for smartphones can improve the performance and effectiveness of an activity. Some restaurants have made use of smartphones in the business process, but only as a recording medium order or see a list of menus available in the restaurant. The purpose of this paper is to make the application as a whole that integrated the frontend and backend operations that help the process from ordering food, serving customer to managing restaurant data such as restaurant menus, employees, and transactions. The method used is the method of analysis (study of literature, analysis of similar applications, questionnaires, and interviews) and extreme programming design method. The results of this research is frontend application for food ordering and restaurant service and a backend system that has additional features such as restaurant profiles, restaurant menu data includes descriptions, recommended menuand images, promos, restaurant rating or menu rating, the waiter call feature, view bill and request features bill. The conclusion of this research is the developed application can help ordering process and restaurant servicesprocess in a restaurant with good customer satisfaction and good application performance
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