654 research outputs found

    Ultrastructural Distribution of the 7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunit in Rat Hippocampus

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    Acetylcholine (ACh) is an important neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain; it is implicated in arousal, learning, and other cognitive functions. Recent studies indicate that nicotinic receptors contribute to these cholinergic effects, in addition to the established role of muscarinic receptors. In the hippocampus, where cholinergic involvement in learning and memory is particularly well documented, 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits (7 nAChRs) are highly expressed, but their precise ultrastructural localization has not been determined. Here, we describe the results of immunogold labeling of serial ultrathin sections through stratum radiatum of area CA1 in the rat. Using both anti-7 nAChR immunolabeling and -bungarotoxin binding, we find that 7 nAChRs are present at nearly all synapses in CA1 stratum radiatum, with immunolabeling present at both presynaptic and postsynaptic elements. Morphological considerations and double immunolabeling indicate that GABAergic as well as glutamatergic synapses bear 7 nAChRs, at densities approaching those observed for glutamate receptors in CA1 stratum radiatum. Postsynaptically, 7 nAChRs often are distributed at dendritic spines in a perisynaptic annulus. In the postsynaptic cytoplasm, immunolabeling is associated with spine apparatus and other membranous structures, suggesting that 7 nAChRs may undergo dynamic regulation, with insertion into the synapse and subsequent internalization. The widespread and substantial expression of 7 nAChRs at synapses in the hippocampus is consistent with an important role in mediating and/or modulating synaptic transmission, plasticity, and neurodegeneration

    Development of a novel Bluetooth Low Energy device for proximity and location monitoring in grazing sheep

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    Monitoring animal location and proximity can provide useful information on behaviour and activity, which can act as a health and welfare indicator. However, tools such as global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) can be costly, power hungry and often heavy, thus not viable for commercial uptake in small ruminant systems. Although, developments in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) could offer another option for animal monitoring, BLE signal strength can be variable, and further information is needed to understand the relationship between signal strength and distance in an outdoor environment and assess factors which might affect its interpretation in on-animal scenarios. A calibration of a purpose-built device containing a BLE reader, alongside commercial BLE beacons, was conducted in a field environment to explore how signal strength changed with distance and investigate whether this was affected by device height, and thus animal behaviour. From this calibration, distance prediction equations were developed whereby beacon distance from a reader could be estimated based on signal strength. BLE as a means of localisation was then trialled, firstly using a multilateration approach to locate 16 static beacons within an ∼5 400 m2 section of paddock using 6 BLE readers, followed by an on-sheep validation where two localisation approaches were trialled in the localisation of a weaned lamb within ∼1.4 ha of adjoining paddocks, surrounded by 9 BLE readers. Validation was conducted using one days’ worth of data from a lamb fitted with both a BLE beacon and separate GNSS device. The calibration showed a decline in signal strength with increasing beacon distance from a reader, with a reduced range and earlier decline in the proportion of beacons reported at lower reader and beacon heights. The distance prediction equations indicated a mean underestimation of 12.13 m within the static study, and mean underestimation of 1.59 m within the on-sheep validation. In the static beacon localisation study, the multilateration method produced a mean localisation error of 22.02 m, whilst in the on-sheep validation similar mean localisation errors were produced by both methods – 19.00 m using the midpoint and 23.77 m using the multilateration method. Our studies demonstrate the technical feasibility of localising sheep in an outdoor environment using BLE technology, however, potential commercial application of such a system would require improvements in BLE range and accuracy

    Development of a novel Bluetooth Low Energy device for proximity and location monitoring in grazing sheep

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    Monitoring animal location and proximity can provide useful information on behaviour and activity, which can act as a health and welfare indicator. However, tools such as global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) can be costly, power hungry and often heavy, thus not viable for commercial uptake in small ruminant systems. Although, developments in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) could offer another option for animal monitoring, BLE signal strength can be variable, and further information is needed to understand the relationship between signal strength and distance in an outdoor environment and assess factors which might affect its interpretation in on-animal scenarios. A calibration of a purpose-built device containing a BLE reader, alongside commercial BLE beacons, was conducted in a field environment to explore how signal strength changed with distance and investigate whether this was affected by device height, and thus animal behaviour. From this calibration, distance prediction equations were developed whereby beacon distance from a reader could be estimated based on signal strength. BLE as a means of localisation was then trialled, firstly using a multilateration approach to locate 16 static beacons within an ∼5 400 m2 section of paddock using 6 BLE readers, followed by an on-sheep validation where two localisation approaches were trialled in the localisation of a weaned lamb within ∼1.4 ha of adjoining paddocks, surrounded by 9 BLE readers. Validation was conducted using one days’ worth of data from a lamb fitted with both a BLE beacon and separate GNSS device. The calibration showed a decline in signal strength with increasing beacon distance from a reader, with a reduced range and earlier decline in the proportion of beacons reported at lower reader and beacon heights. The distance prediction equations indicated a mean underestimation of 12.13 m within the static study, and mean underestimation of 1.59 m within the on-sheep validation. In the static beacon localisation study, the multilateration method produced a mean localisation error of 22.02 m, whilst in the on-sheep validation similar mean localisation errors were produced by both methods – 19.00 m using the midpoint and 23.77 m using the multilateration method. Our studies demonstrate the technical feasibility of localising sheep in an outdoor environment using BLE technology, however, potential commercial application of such a system would require improvements in BLE range and accuracy

    Benthic assemblages of the Anton Dohrn seamount (NE Atlantic): defining deep-sea biotopes to support habitat mapping and management efforts with a focus on vulnerable marine ecosystems

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    In 2009 the NW and SE flanks of Anton Dohrn Seamount were surveyed using multibeam echosounder and video ground-truthing to characterise megabenthic biological assemblages (biotopes) and assess those which clearly adhere to the definition of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems, for use in habitat mapping. A combination of multivariate analysis of still imagery and video ground-truthing defined 13 comprehensive descriptions of biotopes that function as mapping units in an applied context. The data reveals that the NW and SE sides of Anton Dohrn Seamount (ADS) are topographically complex and harbour diverse biological assemblages, some of which agree with current definitions of ‘listed’ habitats of conservation concern. Ten of these biotopes could easily be considered Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems; three coral gardens, four cold-water coral reefs, two xenophyophore communities and one sponge dominated community, with remaining biotopes requiring more detailed assessment. Coral gardens were only found on positive geomorphic features, namely parasitic cones and radial ridges, found both sides of the seamount over a depth of 1311–1740 m. Two cold-water coral reefs (equivalent to summit reef) were mapped on the NW side of the seamount; Lophelia pertusa reef associated with the cliff top mounds at a depth of 747–791 m and Solenosmilia variabilis reef on a radial ridge at a depth of 1318-1351 m. Xenophyophore communities were mapped from both sides of the seamount at a depth of 1099–1770 m and were either associated with geomorphic features or were in close proximity (< 100 m) to them. The sponge dominated community was found on the steep escarpment either side of the seamount over at a depth of 854-1345 m. Multivariate diversity revealed the xenophyophore biotopes to be the least diverse, and a hard substratum biotope characterised by serpulids and the sessile holothurian, Psolus squamatus, as the most diverse

    How close is the dose? Manipulation of 10 mg hydrocortisone tablets to provide appropriate doses to children

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    This study explores the methodology advised by healthcare professionals and the methods used by parents/carers to identify whether there is a best practice method for manipulation of 10 mg hydrocortisone tablets to provide an accurate dose to children. Bespoke surveys were used to identify methods recommended and used in manipulation of tablets. Hydrocortisone tablets were manipulated to provide a specified dose by both naïve participants and parents/carers. The accuracy of manipulation was assessed using HPLC analysis. Competed surveys were received from 159 parent/carers reporting doses that ranged from 0.25 to 15 mg. Parents/carers most commonly reported splitting the tablet and administering the solid fraction; however more than 30% of those reporting physically splitting tablets were preparing doses that were not simply halving or quartering tablets. In a naïve population the dose accuracy, defined as percent of doses within 20% of the theoretical dose ranged from 57 to 58% depending on the tablet brand and the method of manipulation used. Almost three-quarters (74.1%) of parent/carers (n = 27) were able to produce a dose within 20% of the theoretical value and the most accurate method was to split tablets and administer the solid fraction. This study shows that a lack of age-appropriate medicines results in children being at risk of sub-optimal dosing

    Chemokine transport across human vascular endothelial cells

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    Leukocyte migration across vascular endothelium is mediated by chemokines that are either synthesized by the endothelium or transferred across the endothelium from the tissue. The mechanism of transfer of two chemokines, CXCL10 (interferon gamma inducible protein [IP]-10) and CCL2 (macrophage chemotactic protein [MCP]-1), was compared across dermal and lung microvessel endothelium and saphenous vein endothelium. The rate of transfer depended on both the type of endothelium and the chemokine. The permeability coefficient (Pe) for CCL2 movement across saphenous vein was twice the value for dermal endothelium and four times that for lung endothelium. In contrast, the Pe value for CXCL10 was lower for saphenous vein endothelium than the other endothelia. The differences in transfer rate between endothelia was not related to variation in paracellular permeability using a paracellular tracer, inulin, and immunoelectron microscopy showed that CXCL10 was transferred from the basal membrane in a vesicular compartment, before distribution to the apical membrane. Although all three endothelia expressed high levels of the receptor for CXCL10 (CXCR3), the transfer was not readily saturable and did not appear to be receptor dependent. After 30 min, the chemokine started to be reinternalized from the apical membrane in clathrin-coated vesicles. The data suggest a model for chemokine transcytosis, with a separate pathway for clearance of the apical surface

    Glucose-coated gold nanoparticles transfer across human brain endothelium and enter astrocytes in vitro

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    The blood-brain barrier prevents the entry of many therapeutic agents into the brain. Various nanocarriers have been developed to help agents to cross this barrier, but they all have limitations, with regard to tissue-selectivity and their ability to cross the endothelium. This study investigated the potential for 4 nm coated gold nanoparticles to act as selective carriers across human brain endothelium and subsequently to enter astrocytes. The transfer rate of glucose-coated gold nanoparticles across primary human brain endothelium was at least three times faster than across non-brain endothelia. Movement of these nanoparticles occurred across the apical and basal plasma membranes via the cytosol with relatively little vesicular or paracellular migration; antibiotics that interfere with vesicular transport did not block migration. The transfer rate was also dependent on the surface coating of the nanoparticle and incubation temperature. Using a novel 3-dimensional co-culture system, which includes primary human astrocytes and a brain endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3, we demonstrated that the glucose-coated nanoparticles traverse the endothelium, move through the extracellular matrix and localize in astrocytes. The movement of the nanoparticles through the matrix was >10 µm/hour and they appeared in the nuclei of the astrocytes in considerable numbers. These nanoparticles have the correct properties for efficient and selective carriers of therapeutic agents across the blood-brain barrier

    Amyloid-beta induced CA1 pyramidal cell loss in young adult rats is alleviated by systemic treatment with FGL, a neural cell adhesion molecule-derived mimeticPeptide

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    Increased levels of neurotoxic amyloid-beta in the brain are a prominent feature of Alzheimer’s disease. FG-Loop (FGL), a neural cell adhesion molecule-derived peptide that corresponds to its second fibronectin type III module, has been shown to provide neuroprotection against a range of cellular insults. In the present study impairments in social recognition memory were seen 24 days after a 5 mg/15 µl amyloid-beta(25–35) injection into the right lateral ventricle of the young adult rat brain. This impairment was prevented if the animal was given a systemic treatment of FGL. Unbiased stereology was used to investigate the ability of FGL to alleviate the deleterious effects on CA1 pyramidal cells of the amyloid-beta(25–35) injection. NeuN, a neuronal marker (for nuclear staining) was used to identify pyramidal cells, and immunocytochemistry was also used to identify inactive glycogen synthase kinase 3beta (GSK3β) and to determine the effects of amyloid-beta(25–35) and FGL on the activation state of GSK3β, since active GSK3β has been shown to cause a range of AD pathologies. The cognitive deficits were not due to hippocampal atrophy as volume estimations of the entire hippocampus and its regions showed no significant loss, but amyloid-beta caused a 40% loss of pyramidal cells in the dorsal CA1 which was alleviated partially by FGL. However, FGL treatment without amyloid-beta was also found to cause a 40% decrease in CA1 pyramidal cells. The action of FGL may be due to inactivation of GSK3β, as an increased proportion of CA1 pyramidal neurons contained inactive GSK3β after FGL treatment. These data suggest that FGL, although potentially disruptive in nonpathological conditions, can be neuroprotective in disease-like conditions