6,523 research outputs found

    Cognition and the brain of brood parasitic cowbirds.

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    Cowbirds are brood parasites. Females lay their eggs in the nests of other species, which then incubate the cowbird eggs and raise the young cowbirds. Finding and returning to heterospecific nests presents cowbirds with several cognitive challenges. In some species, such as brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater), females but not males search for and remember the locations of potential host nests. We describe recent research on sex differences in cognition and the hippocampus associated with this sex difference in search for host nests. Female brown-headed cowbirds perform better than males on some, but not all, tests of spatial memory and females show a pattern of adult hippocampal neurogenesis not found in males or in closely related non-parasitic birds. Because of the apparent specialization of the hippocampus, brown-headed cowbirds may be a good model in which to examine spatial information processing in the avian hippocampus and we also describe recent research on the spatial response properties of brown-headed cowbird hippocampal neurons

    DNA methylation changes induced by long and short photoperiods in Nasonia

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    Many organisms monitor the annual change in day length and use this information for the timing of their seasonal response. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying photoperiodic timing are largely unknown. The wasp Nasonia vitripennis is an emerging model organism that exhibits a strong photoperiodic response: Short autumnal days experienced by females lead to the induction of developmental arrest (diapause) in their progeny, allowing winter survival of the larvae. How female Nasonia control the developmental trajectory of their offspring is unclear. Here, we took advantage of the recent discovery that DNA methylation is pervasive in Nasonia and tested its role in photoperiodism. We used reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) to profile DNA methylation in adult female wasps subjected to different photoperiods and identified substantial differential methylation at the single base level. We also show that knocking down DNA methyltransferase 1a (Dnmt1a), Dnmt3, or blocking DNA methylation pharmacologically, largely disrupts the photoperiodic diapause response of the wasps. To our knowledge, this is the first example for a role of DNA methylation in insect photoperiodic timing

    Hydrazine compounds inhibit glycation of low-density lipoproteins and prevent the in vitro formation of model foam cells from glycolaldehyde-modified low-density lipoproteins

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    Aims/hypothesis: Previous studies have shown that glycation of LDL by methylglyoxal and glycolaldehyde, in the absence of significant oxidation, results in lipid accumulation in macrophage cells. Such 'foam cells' are a hallmark of atherosclerosis. In this study we examined whether LDL glycation by methylglyoxal or glycolaldehyde, and subsequent lipid loading of cells, can be inhibited by agents that scavenge reactive carbonyls. Such compounds may have therapeutic potential in diabetes-associated atherosclerosis. Materials and methods: LDL was glycated with methylglyoxal or glycolaldehyde in the absence or presence of metformin, aminoguanidine, Girard's reagents P and T, or hydralazine. LDL modification was characterised by changes in mobility (agarose gel electrophoresis), cross-linking (SDS-PAGE) and loss of amino acid residues (HPLC). Accumulation of cholesterol and cholesteryl esters in murine macrophages was assessed by HPLC. Results: Inhibition of LDL glycation was detected with equimolar or greater concentrations of the scavengers over the reactive carbonyl. This inhibition was structure-dependent and accompanied by a modulation of cholesterol and cholesteryl ester accumulation. With aminoguanidine, Girard's reagent P and hydralazine, cellular sterol levels returned to control levels despite incomplete inhibition of LDL modification. Conclusions/ interpretation: Inhibition of LDL glycation by interception of the reactive aldehydes that induce LDL modification prevents lipid loading and model foam cell formation in murine macrophage cells. Carbonyl-scavenging reagents, such as hydrazines, may therefore help inhibit LDL glycation in vivo and prevent diabetes-induced atherosclerosis. © Springer-Verlag 2006

    Knowing your click from your clunk [Editorial]

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    Comparative reactivity of the myeloperoxidase-derived oxidants HOCl and HOSCN with low-density lipoprotein (LDL): Implications for foam cell formation in atherosclerosis

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    © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Abstract Atherosclerosis is characterised by the accumulation of lipids within macrophages in the artery wall. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the source of this lipid, owing to the uptake of oxidised LDL by scavenger receptors. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) released by leukocytes during inflammation produces oxidants that are implicated in atherosclerosis. Modification of LDL by the MPO oxidant hypochlorous acid (HOCl), results in extensive lipid accumulation by macrophages. However, the reactivity of the other major MPO oxidant, hypothiocyanous acid (HOSCN) with LDL is poorly characterised, which is significant given that thiocyanate is the favoured substrate for MPO. In this study, we comprehensively compare the reactivity of HOCl and HOSCN with LDL, and show key differences in the profile of oxidative damage observed. HOSCN selectively modifies Cys residues on apolipoprotein B100, and oxidises cholesteryl esters resulting in formation of lipid hydroperoxides, 9-hydroxy-10,12-octadecadienoic acid (9-HODE) and F2-isoprostanes. The modification of LDL by HOSCN results macrophage lipid accumulation, though generally to a lesser extent than HOCl-modified LDL. This suggests that a change in the ratio of HOSCN:HOCl formation by MPO from variations in plasma thiocyanate levels, will influence the nature of LDL oxidation in vivo, and has implications for the progression of atherosclerosis