1,395 research outputs found

    The progenitors of calcium-rich transients are not formed in situ

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    We present deep VLT and HST observations of the nearest examples of calcium-rich 'gap' transients -- rapidly evolving transient events, with a luminosity intermediate between novae and supernovae. These sources are frequently found at large galactocentric offsets, and their progenitors remain mysterious. Our observations find no convincing underlying quiescent sources coincident with the locations of these transients, allowing us to rule out a number of potential progenitor systems. The presence of surviving massive-star binary companions (or other cluster members) are ruled out, providing an independent rejection of a massive star origin for these events. Dwarf satellite galaxies are disfavoured unless one invokes as yet unknown conditions that would be extremely favourable for their production in the lowest mass systems. Our limits also probe the majority of the globular cluster luminosity function, ruling out the presence of an underlying globular cluster population at high significance, and thus the possibility that they are created via dynamical interactions in dense globular cluster cores. Given the lack of underlying systems, previous progenitor suggestions have difficulty reproducing the remote locations of these transients, even when considering solely halo-borne progenitors. Our preferred scenario is that calcium-rich transients are high velocity, kicked systems, exploding at large distances from their natal site. Coupled with a long-lived progenitor system post-kick, this naturally explains the lack of association these transients have with their host stellar light, and the extreme host-offsets exhibited. Neutron star -- white dwarf mergers may be a promising progenitor system in this scenario.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 11 pages, 9 figure

    Reviews and contestability: new directions for Defence

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    Overview: The First Principles Review of Defence is arguably the most significant review of the defence establishment since the 1973 re-organisation led by Sir Arthur Tange. This Strategic Insights brings together a series of contributions to ASPI’s blog The Strategist written by ten experts with long experience and broad knowledge of Australia’s defence bureaucracy. They bring a wealth of different perspectives and point to significant challenges ahead for Defence if the reforms proposed by the First Principles Review are to succeed

    LibertĂ  ed equitĂ  nei processi di scelta. Il capability approach nell'orientamento

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    I processi di scelta che indirizzano la vita di un individuo, quelli che orientano i suoi percorsi formativi e professionali, determinano la qualità del suo benessere personale, del suo star bene esistenziale. Il raggiungimento e il perseguimento di questo star bene, e la valorizzazione della qualità della vita per lo sviluppo umano, sono al centro delle riflessioni del capability approach di Amartya Sen. Nell'articolo si presentano i concetti fondamentali per i processi di scelta: - Functionings come stati “di essere e di fare” (being e doing) costitutivi dell'esistenza personale; - Capability come libertà / opportunità di una persona di acquisire i funzionamenti che reputa rilevanti per la propria esistenza; - Well-being (star-bene) come benessere soggettivo dato dai funzionamenti acquisiti; - Agency (agentività) come possibilità e abilità d’azione della persona nel voler raggiungere qualunque cosa essa decida, in quanto agente responsabile

    Distributions and habitat associations of deep-water corals in Norfolk and Baltimore Canyons, Mid-Atlantic Bight, USA

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    A multi-disciplinary study of two major submarine canyons, Baltimore Canyon and Norfolk Canyon, off the US mid-Atlantic coast focused on the ecology and biology of canyon habitats, particularly those supporting deep-sea corals. Historical data on deep-sea corals from these canyons were sparse with less than 750 records for the mid-Atlantic region, with most being soft sediment species. This study substantially increased the number of deep-sea coral records for the target canyons and the region. Large gorgonians were the dominant structure-forming coral taxa on exposed hard substrates, but several species of scleractinians were also documented, including first observations of Lophelia pertusa in the mid-Atlantic Bight region. Coral distribution varied within and between the two canyons, with greater abundance of the octocoral Paragorgia arborea in Baltimore Canyon, and higher occurrence of stony corals in Norfolk Canyon; these observations reflect the differences in environmental conditions, particularly turbidity, between the canyons. Some species have a wide distribution (e.g., P. arborea, Primnoa resedaeformis, Anthothela grandiflora), while others are limited to certain habitat types and/or depth zones (e.g., Paramuricea placomus, L. pertusa, Solenosmilia variabilis). The distribution of a species is driven by a combination of factors, which include availability of appropriate physical structure and environmental conditions. Although the diversity of the structure-forming corals (gorgonians, branching scleractinians and large anemones) was low, many areas of both canyons supported high coral abundance and a diverse coral-associated community. The canyons provide suitable habitat for the development of deep-sea coral communities that is not readily available elsewhere on the sedimented shelf and slope of the Mid-Atlantic Bight

    Seasonal variability in the source and composition of particulate matter in the depositional zone of Baltimore Canyon, U.S. Mid-Atlantic Bight

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    Submarine canyons are often hotspots of biomass due to enhanced productivity and funneling of organic matterof marine and terrestrial origin. However, most deep-sea canyons remain poorly studied in terms of their role asconduits of terrestrial and marine particles. A multi-tracer geochemical investigation of particles collectedyearlong by a sediment trap in Baltimore Canyon on the US Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) revealed temporalvariability in source, transport, and fate of particulate matter. Both organic biomarker composition (sterol and nalkanes)and bulk characteristics (δ13C, Δ14C, Chl-a) suggest that while on average the annual contribution ofterrestrial and marine organic matter sources are similar, 42% and 52% respectively, marine sources dominate.Elevated Chlorophyll-a and sterol concentrations during the spring sampling period highlight a seasonal influx ofrelatively fresh phytodetritus. In addition, the contemporaneous increase in the particle reactive micronutrientscadmium (Cd) and molybdenum (Mo) in the spring suggest increased scavenging, aggregation, and sinking ofphytodetrital biomass in response to enhanced surface production within the nutricline. While tidally drivencurrents within the canyon resuspend sediment between 200 and 600 m, resulting in the formation of a nepheloidlayer rich in lithogenic material, near-bed sediment remobilization in the canyon depositional zone wasminimal. Instead, vertical transport and lateral transport across the continental margin were the dominantprocesses driving seasonal input of particulate matter. In turn, seasonal variability in deposited particulate organicmatter is likely linked to benthic faunal composition and ecosystem scale carbon cycling

    The Influence of Huntingtin Protein Size on Nuclear Localization and Cellular Toxicity

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    Huntington disease is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by the pathological expansion of a polyglutamine tract. In this study we directly assess the influence of protein size on the formation and subcellular localization of huntingtin aggregates. We have created numerous deletion constructs expressing successively smaller fragments of huntingtin and show that these smaller proteins containing 128 glutamines form both intranuclear and perinuclear aggregates. In contrast, larger NH2-terminal fragments of huntingtin proteins with 128 glutamines form exclusively perinuclear aggregates. These aggregates can form in the absence of endogenous huntingtin. Furthermore, expression of mutant huntingtin results in increased susceptibility to apoptotic stress that is greater with decreasing protein length and increasing polyglutamine size. As both intranuclear and perinuclear aggregates are clearly associated with increased cellular toxicity, this supports an important role for toxic polyglutamine-containing fragments forming aggregates and playing a key role in the pathogenesis of Huntington disease

    Crop Updates 2010 - Genetically Modified Crops, Nutrition and Soils

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    GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS 1. Evaluation of the environmental and economic impact of Roundup Ready® canola in the Western Australian crop production system, James Fisher and Désirée Futures, York, Western Australia, Peter Tozer, PRT Consulting, Armidale NSW 2. Controlling wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) in Roundup Ready®1 Canola: Outcomes from the Nufarm 2009 Roundup Ready small plot trial Program, Mike Jackson, Nufarm Australia Limited 3. Weed strategies for glyphosate tolerant crops, John Moore, Department of Agriculture and Food 4. Results of the 2009 Western Australia Roundup Ready® canola trials, Dr James Neilsen, Canola Systems Specialist, Monsanto Australia NUTRITION 5. Modelling P runoff losses from agricultural systems, Geoff Anderson1, Wen Chen1, 2, Richard Bell2 and Ross Brennan1, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2School of Environmental Science, Murdoch University 6. Evaluation of deep banded biochars or biochar-mineral complex for increasing wheat yield or replacing fertiliser, Paul Blackwell, Allan Herbert and Stephen Davies, Department of Agriculture and Food 7. Improving fertiliser management: Redefining soil test-crop response relationships for canola in Western Australia, Wen Chen1, 2, Ross Brennan2, Richard Bell1, Mike Bolland2 and Geoff Anderson2, 1School of Environmental Science, Murdoch University, 2Department of Agriculture and Food 8. Phosphorus placement for wheat and lupins in WA cropping systems, 1School of Environmental Science, Murdoch University, 2Department of Agriculture and Food 9. The benefits of fertilising pastures for following crops, James Easton, Ryan Guthrie and Rowan Maddern, CSBP 10. Good nutrition produces high quality wheat in the high rainfall zone of Western Australia, Darren Hughes, Adveco Fertilisers; Wagga Wagga, Robert Belford, Curtin University of Technology, Wal Anderson, Department of Agriculture and Food, and Ian Edwards, Edstar Genetics, Perth 11. Lime to get maximum benefit from soil phosphorus, Reg Lunt and Bill Bowden, Department of Agriculture and Food 12. Variable rate top up N – Is it worth the trouble? Nigel Metz, South East Premium Wheat Growers Association (SEPWA) SOILS 13. Impact of soil inversion, soil dilution and claying on non-wetting sandplain soils, Stephen Davies, Peter Newman and Breanne Best, Department of Agriculture and Food 14. Long term effects of lime application on soil p, crop yields and annual ryegrass competition, Chris Gazey, Department of Agriculture and Food, Joel Andrew, Precision SoilTech, Belmont, Western Australi

    Crop Updates 2009 - Genetically Modified Crops, Nutrition, Soils, & Others

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    This session covers fifteen papers from different authors: 1. Performance of Canola Breeders Roundup Ready® canola hybrid CHYB-166 in 2008, Wallace Cowling, Canola Breeders Western Australia Pty Ltd 2. The implications of GM glyphosate resistant lupin, Art Diggle, Caroline Peek, Frank D’Emden, Fiona Evans, Bob French, Rob Grima, Sam Harburg, Abul Hashem,, John Holmes, Jeremy Lemon, Peter Newman, Janet Paterson, Steve Penny,Department of Agriculture and Food, Peter Portmann, Agriconnect 3. Nufarm Roundup Ready® Canola Systems Trials— 2008 Mark Slatter, Research and Development Officer, Victoria, Nufarm (0438 064 845) Angus MacLennan, Business Development Manager, New South Wales, Nufarm (0408 358 024) Cooperators: Monsanto, Nuseed, Pacific Seeds, Pioneer Seeds 4. Roundup Ready® canola—2008 Limited Commercial Release. Getting the system right, Andrew Wells and Mark Slatter, Nufarm Australia Limited (Reprint from 2008 GRDC Cropping Updates with Introductory note) NUTRITION 5. Fertilising in a changing price environment, Bill Bowden1, Wayne Pluske2 and Jeremy Lemon1, 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2Back Paddock Company 6. Making better fertiliser for Western Australian cropping systems, Wen Chen1 2, Geoff Anderson1, Ross Brennan1and Richard Bell2 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2School of Environmental Science, Murdoch University 7. The nitrogen fertiliser replacement value of biosolids from wastewater treatment, Hannah Rigby1, Deborah Pritchard1, David Collins1, Katrina Walton2, David Allen2 and Nancy Penney31School of Agriculture and Environment,Curtin University of Technology, Muresk Campus, 2Chemistry Centre of Western Australia 3Water Corporation of Western Australia 8. Fertilising to soil type (usually) pays, Michael Robertson, Bill Bowden and Roger Lawes, CSIRO, Floreat and Department of Agriculture and Food SOILS 9. Management of subsoil acidity and compaction using a combination of lime, deep ripping and controlled traffic, Stephen Davies, Chris Gazey, Breanne Best and David Gartner, Department of Agriculture and Food 10. Optimising gypsum applications through remote sensing and Variable Rate Technology, Frank D’Emden, Department of Agriculture and Food and Quenten Knight,Precision Agronomics Australia 11. Case study of a 17 year agricultural lime trial, Chris Gazey1, Joel Andrew2and Ryan Pearce3 1Department of Agriculture and Food; 2Precision SoilTech; 3ConsultAg 12. Soil organic carbon in WA agricultural soils, FC Hoyle and A Bennett, Department of Agriculture and Food OTHER 13. Is the no-till revolution complete in WA? Frank D’Emden1, Rick Llewellyn2 and Ken Flower3 1Department of Agriculture and Food, 2CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, 3University of Western Australia 14. Progression Planning (The Concept), Julian Krieg and Owen Catto, Wheatbelt Men’s Health 15. Is the Department of Agriculture and Food still a primary source of cropping information? Cindy Parsons, Department of Agriculture and Foo
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