29,579 research outputs found

    Spacecraft attitude sensor

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    A system for sensing the attitude of a spacecraft includes a pair of optical scanners having a relatively narrow field of view rotating about the spacecraft x-y plane. The spacecraft rotates about its z axis at a relatively high angular velocity while one scanner rotates at low velocity, whereby a panoramic sweep of the entire celestial sphere is derived from the scanner. In the alternative, the scanner rotates at a relatively high angular velocity about the x-y plane while the spacecraft rotates at an extremely low rate or at zero angular velocity relative to its z axis to provide a rotating horizon scan. The positions of the scanners about the x-y plane are read out to assist in a determination of attitude. While the satellite is spinning at a relatively high angular velocity, the angular positions of the bodies detected by the scanners are determined relative to the sun by providing a sun detector having a field of view different from the scanners

    Effect of cryogenic irradiation on NERVA structural alloys

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    Several alloys (Hastelloy X, AISI 347, A-286 bolts, Inconel 718, Al 7039-T63 and Ti-5Al-2.5Sn ELI) were irradiated in liquid nitrogen (140 R) to neutron fluences between 10 to the 17th power and 10 to the 19th power nvt (E greater than 1.0 Mev). After irradiation, tensile properties were obtained in liquid nitrogen without permitting any warmup except for some specimens which were annealed at 540 R. The usual trend of radiation damage typical for materials irradiated at and above room temperature was observed, such as an increase in strength and decrease in ductility. However, the damage at 140 R was greater because this temperature prevented the annealing of radiation-induced defects which occurs above 140 R

    The Great Eruption of Eta Carinae

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    During the years 1838-1858, the very massive star {\eta} Carinae became the prototype supernova impostor: it released nearly as much light as a supernova explosion and shed an impressive amount of mass, but survived as a star.1 Based on a light-echo spectrum of that event, Rest et al.2 conclude that "a new physical mechanism" is required to explain it, because the gas outflow appears cooler than theoretical expectations. Here we note that (1) theory predicted a substantially lower temperature than they quoted, and (2) their inferred observational value is quite uncertain. Therefore, analyses so far do not reveal any significant contradiction between the observed spectrum and most previous discussions of the Great Eruption and its physics.Comment: To appear in Nature, a brief communication arising in response to Rest et al. 2012. Submitted to Nature February 17, 201

    Sulfate and MSA in the air and snow on the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    Sulfate and methanesulfonic acid (MSA) concentrations in aerosol, surface snow, and snowpit samples have been measured at two sites on the Greenland Ice Sheet. Seasonal variations of the concentrations observed for these chemical species in the atmosphere are reproduced in the surface snow and preserved in the snowpit sequence. The amplitude of the variations over a year are smaller in the snow than in the air, but the ratios of the concentrations are comparable. The seasonal variations for sulfate are different at the altitude of the Ice Sheet compared to those observed at sea level, with low concentrations in winter and short episodes of elevated concentrations in spring. In contrast, the variations in concentrations of MSA are similar to those measured at sea level, with a first sequence of elevated concentrations in spring and another one during summer, and a winter low resulting from low biogenic production. The ratio MSA/sulfate clearly indicates the influence of high-latitude sources for the summer maximum of MSA, but the large impact of anthropogenic sulfate precludes any conclusion for the spring maximum. The seasonal pattern observed for these species in a snowpit sampled according to stratigraphy indicates a deficit in the accumulation of winter snow at the summit of the Greenland Ice Sheet, in agreement with some direct observations. A deeper snowpit covering the years 1985–1992 indicates the consistency of the seasonal pattern for MSA over the years, which may be linked to transport and deposition processes

    A comparison of soil moisture characteristics predicted by the Arya-Paris model with laboratory-measured data

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    Soil moisture characteristics predicted by the Arya-Paris model were compared with the laboratory measured data for 181 New Jersey soil horizons. For a number of soil horizons, the predicted and the measured moisture characteristic curves are almost coincident; for a large number of other horizons, despite some disparity, their shapes are strikingly similar. Uncertainties in the model input and laboratory measurement of the moisture characteristic are indicated, and recommendations for additional experimentation and testing are made

    Secular Changes in Eta Carinae's Wind 1998-2011

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    Stellar wind-emission features in the spectrum of eta Carinae have decreased by factors of 1.5-3 relative to the continuum within the last 10 years. We investigate a large data set from several instruments (STIS, GMOS, UVES) obtained between 1998 and 2011 and we analyze the progression of spectral changes in the direct view of the star, in the reflected polar-on spectra at FOS4, and at the Weigelt knots. We find that the spectral changes occurred gradually on a time scale of about 10 years and that they are dependent on the viewing angle. The line strengths declined most in our direct view of the star. About a decade ago, broad stellar wind-emission features were much stronger in our line-of-sight view of the star than at FOS4. After the 2009 event, the wind-emission line strengths are now very similar at both locations. High-excitation He I and N II absorption lines in direct view of the star strengthened gradually. The terminal velocity of Balmer P Cyg absorption lines now appears to be less latitude-dependent and the absorption strength may have weakened at FOS4. Latitude-dependent alterations in the mass-loss rate and the ionization structure of eta Carinae's wind are likely explanations for the observed spectral changes.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Global limits on kinetic Alfv\'{e}non speed in quasineutral plasmas

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    Large amplitude kinetic Alfv\'{e}non (exact Alfv\'{e}n soliton) matching condition is investigated in quasineutral electron-ion and electron-positron-ion plasmas immersed in a uniform magnetic field. Using the standard pseudopotential method, the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations are exactly solved and a global allowed matching condition for propagation of kinetic solitary waves is derived. It is remarked that, depending on the plasma parameters, the kinetic solitons can be sub- or super-Alfv\'{e}nic, in general. It is further revealed that, either upper or lower soliton speed-limit is independent of fractional plasma parameters. Furthermore, the soliton propagation angle with respect to that of the uniform magnetic field is found to play a fundamental role in controlling the soliton matching speed-range.Comment: To be published in Physics of Plasma
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