8 research outputs found

    Odnosi silvijevog kanala sa okolnim delovima mozga i lobanje mereni anatomski i magnetnom rezonancom

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    Introducton/Objective: Insufficiency of relevant anatomic data and great neurological and neurosurgical significance were the reasons for this study with scientific and practical implications. The purpose was to determine, at the transverse in situ section of the head, the position and relations of the sylvian aqueduct of the mesencephalon by measuring its distances from particular brain and calvaria structures. Also, the aim was to determine the same distances according to axial sections by using MRI. Methods: The material consisted of twenty autopsy human heads. The section of the head was made at the level of the tentorial hiatus and the midbrain. After that, we measured the distances between the cerebral aqueduct and a) posterior border of the optic chiasm, b) upper border of the dorsum sellae, c) terminal bifurcation of the basilar artery, d) beginning of the straight sinus, e) internal occipital protuberance, f ) tentorial edge (lateral from the aqueduct), and g) internal surface of the calvaria (lateral to the aqueduct). We determined the same distances by the MRI system. The measurements were made in 37 subjects. Results: The numerical data obtained by this study will be of benefit to neurosurgeons in choosing a surgical approach to the contents of the incisural space, and to neurologists for the exact localization of the lesion and interpretation of certain signs and symptoms. Conclusion: The results of a detailed examination of the sylvian aqueduct position and relations have shown that the use of MRI is the morphometric method of choice, because it is more precise for all the parameters monitored than in situ measurements.Uvod/Cilj: Nedostatak odgovarajućih anatomskih podataka i veliki neurološki i neurohirurški značaj su bili razlozi za pokretanje ove studije sa naučnim i praktičnim značajem. Cilj rada je bio da se, na poprečnom preseku glave, odrede položaj i odnosi Silvijevog kanala srednjeg mozga merenjem razdaljina do određenih struktura mozga i lobanje. Takođe, cilj je i da se odrede iste razdaljine korišćenjem poprečnih preseka magnetne rezonance (MR) glave. Metode rada: Materijal su činili preseci 20 glava dobijeni tokom rutinske obdukcije. Preseci glave i mozga su pravljeni u nivou zjapa šatora malog mozga i srednjeg mozga. Merili smo rastojanja između Silvijevog kanala i a) zadnje ivice optičke raskrsnice, b) gornje ivice leđnog dela hipofizne jame, v) završne račve bazilarne arterije, g) početka pravog sinusa, d) unutrašnje potiljačne kvrge, đ) ivice tentorijuma (upolje od kanala srednjeg mozga) i e) unutrašnje površine krova lobanje (upolje od kanala srednjeg mozga). Merili smo iste razdaljine korišćenjem MR. Merenje je obavljeno na 37 osoba. Rezultati: Numerički podaci dobijeni ovom studijom biće od koristi neurohirurzima u pronalaženju hirurškog pristupa sadržaju prostora između slobodnih ivica tentorijuma, kao i neurolozima za preciznu lokalizaciju lezija i interpretaciju nekih znakova i simptoma. Zaključak: Rezultati detaljnog proučavanja položaja i odnosa Silvijevog kanala pokazali su da je korišćenje MR morfometrijska metoda izbora jer je mnogo preciznije za sve posmatrane parametre od merenja tokom obdukcije

    A score derived from routine biochemical parameters increases the diagnostic accuracy of chromogranin A in detecting patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms

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    BACKGROUND: Chromogranin A (CgA) is a valuable biomarker for detection and follow-up of patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs). However, various comorbidities may influence serum CgA, which decreases its diagnostic accuracy. We aimed to investigate which laboratory parameters are independently associated with increased CgA in real-life setting and to develop a scoring system, which could improve the diagnostic accuracy of CgA in detecting patients with NENs. ----- METHODS: This retrospective study included 55 treatment naïve patients with NENs and160 patients with various comorbidities but without NEN (nonNENs). Scoring system (CgA-score) was developed based on z-scores obtained from receiver operating curve analysis for each parameter that was associated with elevated serum CgA in nonNENs. ----- RESULTS: CgA correlated positively with serum BUN, creatinine, α2-globulin, red-cell distribution width, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, plasma glucose and correlated inversely with hemoglobin, thrombocytes and serum albumin. Serum CgA was also associated with the presence of chronic renal failure, arterial hypertension and diabetes and the use of PPI. In the entire study population, CgA showed an area under the curve of 0.656. Aforementioned parameters were used to develop a CgA-score. In a cohort of patients with CgA-score 156.5 ng/ml had 77.8% sensitivity and 91.5% specificity for detecting NENs (AUC 0.841, 95% CI 0.713-0.969, P 12.0 (AUC 0.554, 95% CI 0.405-0.702, P = 0.430). ----- CONCLUSIONS: CgA-score encompasses a wide range of comorbidities and represents a promising tool that could improve diagnostic performance of CgA in everyday clinical practice

    Motivation for learning English and the importance of informal learning

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    Magistrsko delo obravnava motivacijo, učenje in neformalne oblike učenja. Z raziskavo smo ugotavljali, kakšna je povezanost med motivacijo za učenje angleščine pri pouku, znanjem angleščine in neformalnimi oblikami učenja angleščine na vzorcu slovenskih osnovnošolcev. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 145 učencev (62,8 % deklet) sedmega in osmega razreda s treh osnovnih šol v jugovzhodni Sloveniji. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, s katerim smo preverili učenčeve zaključne ocene pri predmetu angleščina kot tuji jezik v šol. l. 2016/17, učenčevo samooceno na področju angleščine, pogostost neformalnega učenja angleščine in motivacijo za učenje angleščine pri pouku. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da na vzorcu slovenskih osnovnošolcev obstajajo statistično pomembne povezave med motivacijo za učenje angleščine pri pouku, znanjem angleščine in neformalnimi oblikami učenja angleščine. Ugotovitve raziskave imajo uporabno vrednost predvsem za področje poučevanja angleščine, ki jo na nekaterih osnovnih šolah izvajajo kot obvezen predmet že od prvega razreda osnovne šole. Angleščina ima status globalnega jezika in smo ji v vsakdanjem življenju pogosto izpostavljeni. Pridobljene raziskovalne ugotovitve so lahko učiteljem angleščine v pomoč pri razumevanju učenčevih zunajšolskih dejavnosti, ki potekajo v angleščini in se povezujejo z znanjem ter motivacijo pri angleščini. Razumevanje teh povezav lahko pripomore k ustreznemu oblikovanju pouka angleščine.This master\u27s thesis discusses motivation, learning and informal learning. A study was done to examine the correlation between motivation for learning English in class, knowledge of English and informal learning of English on a sample of Slovenian primary school pupils. The study included 145 pupils (62.8 % of whom were female) attending the seventh and eighth grade in three primary schools in the south-eastern part of Slovenia. The data were collected using a questionnaire, which examined the pupils\u27 final grades in English as a foreign language in school year 2016/17, the pupils\u27 self-assessment of English, the frequency of informal learning of English and the motivation for learning English in class. The study shows that there are statistically significant correlations between motivation for learning English in class, the knowledge of English and informal learning of English on a sample of Slovenian primary school pupils. The findings of the study have a useful valueespecially in learning and teaching English as a foreign language, which in some Slovenian primary schools is being taught as a compulsory subject from the first grade onwards. English is considered a global language and we are often exposed to it in everyday life. The obtained findings can help teachers of English to understand pupils\u27 extracurricular activities that are connected to knowledge and motivation in English. Understanding these connections can aid in the adequate planning of English lessons

    Primjeri uključivanja servisa i repozitorija u EOSC

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    Projekt NI4OS-Europe (National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe) jedan je od projekata koji doprinose uspostavi Europskog oblaka za otvorenu znanost (engl. European Open Science Cloud, EOSC). Cilj projekta je pružiti doprinos razvoju portfelja usluga EOSC-a, unaprijediti upravljački model i osigurati implementaciju EOSC-a na europskoj razini te podržati koordinaciju, konvergenciju i federaciju nacionalnih i tematskih inicijativa za otvorene istraživačke podatke i usluge EOSC-a razvijanjem zajedničkih alata, mehanizama i upravljačkih modela. Tijekom predavanja predstavljeni su procesi i aktivnosti koje je potrebno provesti kako bi se provelo uspješno uključivanje generičkih i tematskih usluga te repozitorija u EOSC. Predstavljen je postupak uključivanja generičkog servisa Isabella u EOSC pomoću alata Agora – kataloga usluga u koji pružatelji upisuju sve relevantne informacije. Nadalje, predstavljen je proces uključivanja usluge Reduce and Visualize Gene Ontology (REVIGO) te sve prednosti koje proces uključivanja u EOSC donosi pružateljima usluga, korisnicima i cijeloj zajednici. Naposljetku, u izlaganju je predstavljeno što je sve potrebno pripremiti za uspješno uključivanje repozitorija u EOSC, poput izrade obavijesti o privatnosti, politika repozitorija, uputa za korištenje usluge, uključivanje repozitorija u OpenAIRE te usklađivanje s OpenAIRE smjernicama

    Primjeri uključivanja servisa i repozitorija u EOSC

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    Projekt NI4OS-Europe (National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe) jedan je od projekata koji doprinose uspostavi Europskog oblaka za otvorenu znanost (engl. European Open Science Cloud, EOSC). Cilj projekta je pružiti doprinos razvoju portfelja usluga EOSC-a, unaprijediti upravljački model i osigurati implementaciju EOSC-a na europskoj razini te podržati koordinaciju, konvergenciju i federaciju nacionalnih i tematskih inicijativa za otvorene istraživačke podatke i usluge EOSC-a razvijanjem zajedničkih alata, mehanizama i upravljačkih modela. Tijekom predavanja predstavljeni su procesi i aktivnosti koje je potrebno provesti kako bi se provelo uspješno uključivanje generičkih i tematskih usluga te repozitorija u EOSC. Predstavljen je postupak uključivanja generičkog servisa Isabella u EOSC pomoću alata Agora – kataloga usluga u koji pružatelji upisuju sve relevantne informacije. Nadalje, predstavljen je proces uključivanja usluge Reduce and Visualize Gene Ontology (REVIGO) te sve prednosti koje proces uključivanja u EOSC donosi pružateljima usluga, korisnicima i cijeloj zajednici. Naposljetku, u izlaganju je predstavljeno što je sve potrebno pripremiti za uspješno uključivanje repozitorija u EOSC, poput izrade obavijesti o privatnosti, politika repozitorija, uputa za korištenje usluge, uključivanje repozitorija u OpenAIRE te usklađivanje s OpenAIRE smjernicama

    The role of the acute octreotide suppression test in detecting patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms

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    Background: Serum chromogranin A (CgA) is routinely used as a biomarker in patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs). Several conditions and comorbidities may be associated with falsely elevated CgA, often leading to extensive diagnostic evaluation, which may be costly and harmful. The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the acute octreotide suppression test (AOST) in differentiating falsely elevated serum CgA. ----- Methods: Our prospective study enrolled 45 patients from two different patient cohorts: (1) 29 patients with suspicion or presence of NENs (extensive workup and subsequent biopsy confirmed 16 NENs); (2) 16 consecutive patients admitted via the Emergency Department without NENs (non-NENs). AOST was performed after an overnight fast. Baseline CgA was measured, after which 0.25 mg of octreotide was administered subcutaneously. CgA was measured 3 and 6 h after administration. ----- Results: Baseline CgA levels were similar in NENs and non-NENs. At the end of the AOST, CgA decreased by a median of 83.3% (41.0-127.4) in non-NENs and 13.8% (0.0-43.6) in NENs (p < 0.001). In patients with increased baseline CgA, a decrease in CgA at the 6th hour of < 51.3% had 90.0% sensitivity and 88.9% specificity in detecting NENs. In patients with normal baseline serum CgA, a decrease in CgA at the 3rd hour of < 17.6% had 83.3% sensitivity and 81.8% specificity in detecting patients with NENs. The diagnostic accuracy of the AOST in the entire study population was 86.7%. ----- Conclusions: AOST is a promising tool to increase the diagnostic accuracy of serum CgA

    Anatomical and MRI relations of the cerebral aqueduct to the adjacent parts of the brain and calvaria

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    Introducton/Objective. Insufficiency of relevant anatomic data and great neurological and neurosurgical significance were the reasons for this study with scientific and practical implications. The purpose was to determine, at the transverse in situ section of the head, the position and relations of the sylvian aqueduct of the mesencephalon by measuring its distances from particular brain and calvaria structures. Also, the aim was to determine the same distances according to axial sections by using MRI. Methods. The material consisted of twenty autopsy human heads. The section of the head was made at the level of the tentorial hiatus and the midbrain. After that, we measured the distances between the cerebral aqueduct and a) posterior border of the optic chiasm, b) upper border of the dorsum sellae, c) terminal bifurcation of the basilar artery, d) beginning of the straight sinus, e) internal occipital protuberance, f) tentorial edge (lateral from the aqueduct), and g) internal surface of the calvaria (lateral to the aqueduct). We determined the same distances by the MRI system. The measurements were made in 37 subjects. Results. The numerical data obtained by this study will be of benefit to neurosurgeons in choosing a surgical approach to the contents of the incisural space, and to neurologists for the exact localization of the lesion and interpretation of certain signs and symptoms. Conclusion. The results of a detailed examination of the sylvian aqueduct position and relations have shown that the use of MRI is the morphometric method of choice, because it is more precise for all the parameters monitored than in situ measurements. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. 175030