5 research outputs found

    Report on the Workshop on Transversal Variables. (Linking economic and biological effort data (call) design). 19th -23rd January 2015

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    The Workshop on the Transversal Variables took place in Zagreb from the 19th to 23rd of January, 2015 mainly to tackle the issues related to the increasing need of having fisheries fleet economic data and fisheries biologic data on a level of disaggregation that would allow a proper interoperability between datasets to underpin bioeconomic modelling. For that, several analyses were carried out and conclusions taken. These analyses were : 1. comparison of economic and biological effort data calls both with respect to their level of resolution and the landings and effort values obtained from equivalent aggregations was performed. This was compared to what would be needed in order to undertake bioeconomic modelling for a chosen management plan. 2. The description of how MS are calculating effort variables and a proposal on the way forward to harmonize approaches, 3. Conclusions on how to harmonize levels of resolution, the variable definitions and the codification in use amongst data calls, in order to make them comparable and based on coherent standard codifications.JRC.G.3-Maritime affair

    Improvement of the Production Process in Aquaculture

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    Maģistra darba „Ražošanas procesa uzlabošana akvakultūrā” mērķis ir nodrošināt Latvijas zivsaimniecības nozares akvakultūras sektora pilnvērtīgu attīstību. Pēc nozares problēmu analīzes tika izvēlēta viena problēma - akvakultūras sektora zema ražošanas efektivitāte. Problēmas novēršanai maģistra darbā autore izstrādā projektu, kura ietvaros akvakultūras uzņēmumiem tiek iegādātas un uzstādītas ūdens recirkulācijas sistēmas, kas spēs palielināt zivju krājumus ūdenstilpnēs ar kopējo platību 100 ha. Darbs sastāv no: 82 lappusēm, 15 attēliem, 23 tabulām un 39 pielikumiem. Atslēgas vārdi: projekts, projektu vadīšana, zivsaimniecība, akvakultūra, zivju sugas.The objective of master's “Improvement of the Production Process in Aquaculture” the aim is to develop Latvian fisheries aquaculture sector. Master includes analysis of existing problems in the fisheries sector and provides the solutions. Aquaculture which is one of the fishery sector activities have been taken as the base. After the analysis of the problems was chosen one of it – the aquaculture sector has low effectiveness of the production process. For the problem solution author of master propose to organize the project. In the frame of the project will be purchased and established water recirculation system for the aquaculture companies. The water recirculation systems will be able to increase fish stocks in the water basin with a total area of 100 ha. Master paper consists of 82 pages, 15 pictures, 23 tables and 39 annexes. Key words: project, project management, fishery, aquaculture, fish species

    The economic performance of the EU fishing fleet during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent public health interventions have depressed demand and disrupted supply chains for many fishing businesses. This paper provides an analysis of the COVID-19 impacts on the profitability of the EU fishing fleets. Nowcasting techniques were used to estimate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic performance for the EU fishing fleet in 2020 and 2021. Our results show that the economic impact of COVID-19 on this sector was smaller than initially expected and overall profits remained positive. This was in part due to low fuel prices that reduced operating costs of fishing, and the early response from governments to support the sector. The results vary by fishing fleet, revealing that small-scale fleets and the fleets in the Mediterranean and Black seas have been more impacted than large-scale fleets and the fleets in the Northeast Atlantic

    The economic performance of the EU fishing fleet during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent public health interventions have depressed demand and disrupted supply chains for many fishing businesses. This paper provides an analysis of the COVID-19 impacts on the profitability of the EU fishing fleets. Nowcasting techniques were used to estimate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic performance for the EU fishing fleet in 2020 and 2021. Our results show that the economic impact of COVID-19 on this sector was smaller than initially expected and overall profits remained positive. This was in part due to low fuel prices that reduced operating costs of fishing, and the early response from governments to support the sector. The results vary by fishing fleet, revealing that small-scale fleets and the fleets in the Mediterranean and Black seas have been more impacted than large-scale fleets and the fleets in the Northeast Atlantic