273 research outputs found

    E-education, information investors in people for relaunch economy

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    The paper addresses the issue of modern concepts of "e-education and e-learning", plus the models and the recovery of investment. The following are educational approach focusing on e-learning, using principles androgogic system E-learning, models for implementation of e-learning, plus a comparative analysis of standards and norms of global e-learning. Insertion peculiarities of international standards for e-learning(defining the standards and norms of international e-learning, the use of e-learning on the job market and the realization of e-learning focused on the correlation between strategic business objectives, infrastructure and evaluation system preparing staff). End of paper plays Six-Sigma methodology and the recovery of investment specific e-learning, the level of competence of the actors in the e-learning paradigm and implementation and benefits of online learning.e-education, web-based learning, open and distance learning, androgogic model of e-learning

    A New Life for SQL SELECT Statement

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    An important percent from information systems use databases and in the majority of cases for developing such systems are used object oriented programming languages. From this point of view a key aspect is represented by the database querying features. The authors has observed a major gap between querying features of persistence mechanisms and the requirements for developing true object oriented software applications. Consequently, authors propose a new syntax for SQL SELECT statement, syntax that will allow to client applications to retrieve objects graphs.object-oriented database, query, objects graph, SQL, syntax.


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    In the day by day life most of us spend a lot of time and effort in order to help our peers. By various actions like: offering some information to a person, working as a team member, being close to a person that is in grief, donating goods or money for charity, we demonstrate solidarity to our peers

    Estimating the size of Romanian shadow economy using Gutmann’s simple currency ratio approach

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    Currency is widely assumed to have a comparative advantage over checks for the payment of purchases of goods and services that individuals wish to conceal from the authorities. A rise in currency stocks and payments may be taken as a rough indicator of the extent to which these transactions may not be reported to government authorities.The paper aims to estimate the size of subterranean economy using the simple currency ratio method of Gutmann for quarterly data covering the period 2000-2010. Thus, the study analyzes the ratio of currency to demand deposits in order to estimate the amount of economic activity in the subterranean economy.The empirical results point out that the illegal economic activities are about four billion RON at the middle of 2000; it constitutes 17.4 percent of the official GNP. During the period 2001-2004, illegal economic activities follow a downward path reaching 9.5% of official GNP at the end of 2004. For the period 2004-2006, unofficial economic activities fit a slow upward trend until the second quarter of 2006, for which the size of subterranean economy reaches the value of 12.3% of official GNP.Beginning with 2007, the amount of illegal activities as % of official GNP begin to decrease until the third quarter of 2008, which is the base year in which no shadow economy is supposed to exist. For the last years, the ratio of subterranean economy to official economy increased slowly, reaching about 9.3% in the second quarter of 2010


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis adverbial verba bahasa Rusia berdasarkan: 1) bentuk, 2) makna, 3) kategori modifikator, 4) posisi adverbia verba dan implikasi semantiknya, dan 5) bentuk pengungkapan maknanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode distribusional dengan teknik substitusi, intrusi, dan paraphrase. Data diambil dari tiga novel Rusia dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa bentuk adverbia verba adalah 1) perfektif: (a) aktif dan (b) refleksif, dan 2) imperfektif: (a) aktif dan (b) refleksif. Makna adverbia verba adalah sebagai berikut: 1) temporal: (a) temporalitas dan (b) aspektualitas, 2) cara, 3) kausal, 4) kondisional, 5) tujuan, 6) konsesif, 7) komparatif, 8) komitatif, dan 9) atributif. Kategori modifikator adverbia verba yang ditemukan : 1) kata : (a) nomina, (b) verba, (c) adjektifa, (d) pronominal, (e) numeralia , dan 2) frasa : (a) frasa nomina, (b) frasa pronominal, (c) frasa verba, (d) frasa adjektifa, (e) frasa numeralia, (f) frasa preposisional. Adverbia verba dapat diposisikan dalam pre-posisi, inter-posisi, dan post-posisi. Implikasi semantik letak adverbia verba adalah: 1) ketika berada dalam pre-posisi , kehadiran adverbial verba adalah wajib dan yang ditekankan adalah kegiatan, 2) dalam interposisi kehadiran adverbial verba adalah opsional, dan 3) dalam post-posisi kehadiran adverbia verba adalah wajib, tekanan berada pada cara melakukan kegiatan. Bentuk pengungkapan makna adverbia verba dalam Bahasa Indonesia adalah : 1) bentuk morfologis : (a) verba aktif, (b) verba pasif, (c) verba reduplikatif, (d) verba ter-D, (f) verba P-I, dan 2) dua bentuk sintaksis : (a) frasa dan b) klausa subordinatif. Kata kunci: adverbial verba, bentuk, makna, modifikator, posisi

    Identifying the main determinants of retention in Jordanian hospitals. An empirical analysis based on McCloskey/Mueller Satisfaction Scale

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    The paper aims to identify the main determinants of job satisfaction and intention of retention in Jordanian hospitals using a sample of 325 employees from six hospitals at the level of the year 2015. In order to do that, we used McCloskey/Mueller Satisfaction Scale (MMSS), applying logistic regression models for measuring the intention of stay among health employees. The study also analyzed the differences between socio-demographic variables and the retention and satisfaction factors using t-test and ANOVA analysis. The empirical results revealed that the main job satisfaction factors that could be considered as predictors of the intention of retention are satisfaction related with recognition, satisfaction with extrinsic rewards and satisfaction with professional opportunities. A significant impact on the decision of remaining employed has also the socio-demographic variables like type of hospital, age, and graduation degree and time experience in hospitals. The findings revealed that the financial incentives are very important but also non-financial incentives are fundamental in enhancing motivation among health employees


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    Kelas kata dan unsur kalimat, korelasi antara keduanya dan kemungkinan adanya suatu ketetapan bahwa setiap kelas kata mengisi fungsi sintaksis tertentu di dalam kalimat menjadi topik yang menarik bagi para ahli bahasa Rusia. Sebagian berpendapat bahwa dominasi suatu kelas kata terhadap suatu fungsi sintaksis ditemukan dalam bahasa Rusia, sebagian lagi mensinyalir korelasi antara kelas kata dan fungsi sintaksis tanpa memberikan suatu ketegasan terhadap keberadaan paralelisme kelas kata dengan fungsi sintaksis. Kelas kata yang disoroti sebagai bentuk tersendiri dapat menduduki fungsi sintaksis apa saja dalam kalimat tetapi tidak mendominasi salah satu fungsi, sedangkan fungsi sintaksis dalam kalimat ditentukan oleh hubungan bentuk kata itu dengan katakata lain. Bukan hanya adjektiva yang bisa mengisi fungsi atribut melainkan juga nomina, bukan hanya nomina yang dapat mengisi fungsi objek tetapi juga verba infinitif, bukan saja adverbia yang bisa mengisi fungsi keterangan melainkan juga nomina berpreposisi. Kata Kunci : kelas kata; fungsi sintaksis; paralelism
