8 research outputs found

    Sistema d'intel·ligència de negoci per a parcs eòlics

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    En aquest projecte es vol explorar en el mercat per trobar una bona solució open source de business intelligence (BI) que possibiliti l'anàlisi de la informació generada per aerogeneradors de diferents marques/models situats a alguns parcs eòlics de diferents zones i donar resposta a algunes preguntes que han estat plantejades. La finalitat del treball ha estat crear un data warehouse que permetés transformar les dades mitjançant processos ETL i crear cubs OLAP per explotar-les amb eficàcia des de la plataforma de BI escollida.This project aims to explore the market to find a good open source business intelligence (BI) solution that enables the analysis of information generated by wind turbines of different brands/models some wind farms located in different areas and to respond to some questions have been raised. The purpose of the work was create a data warehouse that would transform data using ETL processes and create OLAP cubes to exploit them effectively from the BI platform chosen.En este proyecto se quiere explorar en el mercado para encontrar una buena solución open source de business intelligence que posibilite el análisis de la información generada por aerogeneradores de diferentes marcas/modelos situados en algunos parques eólicos de diferentes zonas y dar respuesta a algunas preguntas que han sido planteadas. La finalidad del trabajo ha sido crear un data warehouse que permitiera transformar los datos mediante procesos ETL y crear cubos OLAP para explotarlas con eficacia desde la plataforma de BI escogida

    Disseny i implementació de la base de dades d'un sistema de gestió d'informació de jugadors de bàsquet

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    El projecte és el desenvolupament d'una base de dades de jugadors de bàsquet.El proyecto es el desarrollo de una base de datos de jugadores de baloncesto.Bachelor thesis for the Computer Science program on Databases

    Detector predictivo de conexiones fraudulentas

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    La finalidad principal de este trabajo es el diseño e implementación de un detector predictivo de conexiones fraudulentas eficiente, que cumpla con las necesidades manifestadas por el cliente (Ancert). Para llevar a cabo el proyecto, primero se han estudiado a fondo las necesidades reales a cubrir. Después se han obtenido tramas de red suficientes y de calidad para cubrir con las fases de modelado del clasificador predictivo. Posteriormente, se han investigado sistemas para estructurar los ficheros, que faciliten su exploración y tratamiento masivo. Una vez que los datos han quedado estructurados en la BD NoSQL Cassandra, se ha hecho una investigación de los diferentes métodos de Machine Learning i sus ámbitos de aplicación, escogiendo el que se ha estimado más idóneo para el proyecto. Una vez decido que el diseño del detector se hará mediante redes neuronales profundas (Deep Learning) con Python y las librerías TensorFlow, se ha empezado con el modelado del algoritmo predictivo, que incluye las etapas de diseño, entrenamiento, validación, prueba y guardado del modelo para su reutilización posterior. La precisión obtenida con los datos de entrenamiento ha sido de ~99% y ~92% con los datos de test. Todo ello, con un porcentaje ínfimo (~0,05%) de falsos positivos, relevante para evitar la no disponibilidad del servicio a los usuarios lícitos del sistema. El detector predictivo se ha utilizado para clasificar un conjunto de tramas de red sin etiquetar y realizar su posterior inserción en la BD Cassandra. El tiempo total empleado para completar clasificación de ~300.000 tramas e insertarlas en la BD ha sido inferior a 3' en todas las pruebas realizadas.The main purpose of this work is the design and implementation of an efficient fraudulent predictive detector that meets the needs expressed by the client (Ancert). To carry out the project, the real needs to be covered have been studied in depth. After that, sufficient and quality network frames have been obtained to cover the modeling phases of the predictive classifier. Subsequently, systems have been investigated to structure the files, which facilitate their exploration and massive treatment. Once the data has been structured in the Cassandra NoSQL DB, an investigation has been made of the different methods of Machine Learning and its application areas, choosing the one that has been considered most suitable for the project. Once I have decided that the design of the detector will be made through deep neural networks (Deep Learning) with Python and the TensorFlow libraries, we have started with the predictive algorithm modeling, which includes the stages of design, training, validation, testing and saving of the model for its subsequent reuse. The accuracy obtained with the training data was ~ 99% and ~ 92% with the test data. All this, with a negligible percentage (~ 0.05%) of false positives, relevant to avoid the non-availability of the service to the legal users of the system. The predictive detector has been used to classify a set of unlabeled network frames and perform their subsequent insertion into the Cassandra database. The total time spent to complete the classification of ~ 300,000 frames and insert them into the database has been less than 3 'in all tests performed.L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és dissenyar i implementar un detector predictiu de connexions fraudulentes eficient, que respongui a les necessitats expressades pel client (Ancert). Per dur a terme el projecte, s'han estudiat en profunditat les necessitats reals que s'han de cobrir. Després d'això, s'han obtingut bastidors de xarxa suficients i de qualitat per cobrir les fases de modelatge del classificador predictiu. Posteriorment, s'han investigat sistemes per estructurar els fitxers, que faciliten la seva exploració i tractament massiu. Una vegada que les dades s'han estructurat a la Cassandra NoSQL DB, s'ha realitzat una investigació dels diferents mètodes d'Aprenentatge automàtic i les seves àrees d'aplicació, escollint el que s'ha considerat més adequat pel projecte. Una vegada que decidit que el disseny del detector es realitzi a través de xarxes neuronals profundes (Deep Learning) amb Python i les biblioteques TensorFlow, s'ha començat amb el modelatge algorítmic predictiu, que inclou les etapes de disseny, formació, validació, prova i estalvi del model per a la seva posterior reutilització. La precisió obtinguda amb les dades de formació ha estat de ~ 99% i ~ 92% amb les dades de prova. Tot això, amb un percentatge insignificant (~ 0.05%) de falsos positius, rellevants per evitar la no disponibilitat del servei als usuaris lícits del sistema. El detector predictiu s'ha utilitzat per classificar un conjunt de trames de xarxa no etiquetades i realitzar la inserció posterior a la base de dades Cassandra. El temps total dedicat a completar la classificació de ~ 300.000 trames i inserir-les a la base de dades ha estat inferior a 3' en totes les proves realitzades

    Tbx5 variants disrupt Nav1.5 function differently in patients diagnosed with Brugada or Long QT Syndrome.

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    Abstract Aims The transcription factor Tbx5 controls cardiogenesis and drives Scn5a expression in mice. We have identified two variants in TBX5 encoding p. D111Y and p. F206L Tbx5, respectively, in two unrelated patients with structurally normal hearts diagnosed with long QT (LQTS) and Brugada (BrS) syndrome. Here, we characterized the consequences of each variant to unravel the underlying disease mechanisms. Methods and results We combined clinical analysis with in vivo and in vitro electrophysiological and molecular techniques in human-induced pluripotent stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs), HL-1 cells, and cardiomyocytes from mice trans-expressing human wild-type (WT) or mutant proteins. Tbx5 increased transcription of SCN5A encoding cardiac Nav1.5 channels, while repressing CAMK2D and SPTBN4 genes encoding Ca/calmodulin kinase IIδ (CaMKIIδ) and βIV-spectrin, respectively. These effects significantly increased Na current (INa) in hiPSC-CMs and in cardiomyocytes from mice trans-expressing Tbx5. Consequently, action potential (AP) amplitudes increased and QRS interval narrowed in the mouse electrocardiogram. p. F206L Tbx5 bound to the SCN5A promoter failed to transactivate it, thus precluding the pro-transcriptional effect of WT Tbx5. Therefore, p. F206L markedly decreased INa in hiPSC-CM, HL-1 cells and mouse cardiomyocytes. The INa decrease in p. F206L trans-expressing mice translated into QRS widening and increased flecainide sensitivity. p. D111Y Tbx5 increased SCN5A expression but failed to repress CAMK2D and SPTBN4. The increased CaMKIIδ and βIV-spectrin significantly augmented the late component of INa (INaL) which, in turn, significantly prolonged AP duration in both hiPSC-CMs and mouse cardiomyocytes. Ranolazine, a selective INaL inhibitor, eliminated the QT and QTc intervals prolongation seen in p. D111Y trans-expressing mice. Conclusions In addition to peak INa, Tbx5 critically regulates INaL and the duration of repolarization in human cardiomyocytes. Our original results suggest that TBX5 variants associate with and modulate the intensity of the electrical phenotype in LQTS and BrS patients.Depto. de Farmacología y ToxicologíaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu

    The p.P888L SAP97 polymorphism increases the transient outward current (Ito,f) and abbreviates the action potential duration and the QT interval.

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    Synapse-Associated Protein 97 (SAP97) is an anchoring protein that in cardiomyocytes targets to the membrane and regulates Na+ and K+ channels. Here we compared the electrophysiological effects of native (WT) and p.P888L SAP97, a common polymorphism. Currents were recorded in cardiomyocytes from mice trans-expressing human WT or p.P888L SAP97 and in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-transfected cells. The duration of the action potentials and the QT interval were significantly shorter in p.P888L-SAP97 than in WT-SAP97 mice. Compared to WT, p.P888L SAP97 significantly increased the charge of the Ca-independent transient outward (Ito,f) current in cardiomyocytes and the charge crossing Kv4.3 channels in CHO cells by slowing Kv4.3 inactivation kinetics. Silencing or inhibiting Ca/calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) abolished the p.P888L-induced Kv4.3 charge increase, which was also precluded in channels (p.S550A Kv4.3) in which the CaMKII-phosphorylation is prevented. Computational protein-protein docking predicted that p.P888L SAP97 is more likely to form a complex with CaMKII than WT. The Na+ current and the current generated by Kv1.5 channels increased similarly in WT-SAP97 and p.P888L-SAP97 cardiomyocytes, while the inward rectifier current increased in WT-SAP97 but not in p.P888L-SAP97 cardiomyocytes. The p.P888L SAP97 polymorphism increases the Ito,f, a CaMKII-dependent effect that may increase the risk of arrhythmias.This work was funded by: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [SAF2017-88116-P; BFU2016-75144-R (JAB)]; Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid [B2017/BMD-3738; 2018-T2/BMD-10724 (JC)], Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid and Universidad Complutense de Madrid [PR65/19-22358 (JC)] European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF); Instituto de Salud Carlos III [PI16/00398]; The Spanish Society of Cardiology.S

    The p.P888L SAP97 polymorphism increases the transient outward current (Ito,f) and abbreviates the action potential duration and the QT interval

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    Synapse-Associated Protein 97 (SAP97) is an anchoring protein that in cardiomyocytes targets to the membrane and regulates Na+ and K+ channels. Here we compared the electrophysiological effects of native (WT) and p.P888L SAP97, a common polymorphism. Currents were recorded in cardiomyocytes from mice trans-expressing human WT or p.P888L SAP97 and in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-transfected cells. The duration of the action potentials and the QT interval were significantly shorter in p.P888L-SAP97 than in WT-SAP97 mice. Compared to WT, p.P888L SAP97 significantly increased the charge of the Ca-independent transient outward (Ito,f) current in cardiomyocytes and the charge crossing Kv4.3 channels in CHO cells by slowing Kv4.3 inactivation kinetics. Silencing or inhibiting Ca/calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) abolished the p.P888L-induced Kv4.3 charge increase, which was also precluded in channels (p.S550A Kv4.3) in which the CaMKII-phosphorylation is prevented. Computational protein-protein docking predicted that p.P888L SAP97 is more likely to form a complex with CaMKII than WT. The Na+ current and the current generated by Kv1.5 channels increased similarly in WT-SAP97 and p.P888L-SAP97 cardiomyocytes, while the inward rectifier current increased in WT-SAP97 but not in p.P888L-SAP97 cardiomyocytes. The p.P888L SAP97 polymorphism increases the Ito,f, a CaMKII-dependent effect that may increase the risk of arrhythmias.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadComunidad Autónoma de MadridUniversidad Complutense de MadridEuropean Structural and Investment FundsInstituto de Salud Carlos IIISociedad Española de CardiologíaDepto. de Farmacología y ToxicologíaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu