3,804 research outputs found

    Demography and Management of the Invasive Plant Species Hypericum perforatum. II. Construction and Use of an Individual-Based Model to Predict Population Dynamics and the Effects of Management Strategies

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    1. Hypericum perforatum , St John's wort, is an invasive weed of natural and agro-ecosystems in south-eastern Australia. In previous work we used a long-term data set to determine which plant traits and environmental factors influence population growth and persistence in this species. These results were then used to parameterize an individual-based model of the population dynamics of H. perforatum , and this model was used to make predictions about what control strategies will be most effective for populations in open and shaded sites. 2. The model was constructed using multi-level, mixed-effects statistical models of growth, survival, fecundity and damage, incorporating intrinsic plant variables, environmental variables, herbivory and spatial and temporal stochasticity. 3. We found that populations in shaded and open sites had different dynamics and responses to control strategies. Shaded populations took longer to reach infestation densities and were less affected by herbivory and reductions in survival than open populations. Open populations increased faster in response to increases in rainfall, but this was not so for shaded populations. 4. We used sensitivity testing and management simulations to predict that the most successful control strategies will involve a reduction in vegetative size in both open and shaded sites. Reductions in flowering stem size and survival in shaded and open sites, respectively, are predicted to be the next most successful strategies. Dry conditions in the austral autumn/winter adversely affect populations in both open and shaded sites. 5. Synthesis and applications . These models have enabled us to rank management strategies based on quantitative analysis of their potential effects on population size. This is an important tool not only for ecologists concerned with control of invasive species but for conservation biologists trying to understand the factors limiting a rare or endangered species

    Demography and Management of the Invasive Plant Species Hypericum perforatum. I. Using Multi-Level Mixed-Effects Models For Characterizing Growth, Survival and Fecundity in a Long-Term Data Set

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    1. Hypericum perforatum , St John's wort, is an invasive perennial herb that is especially problematic on waste ground, roadsides, pastures and open woodland in south-eastern Australia. We use detailed data from a long-term observational study to develop quantitative models of the factors affecting growth, survival and fecundity of H. perforatum individuals. 2. Multi-level or hierarchical mixed-effects statistical models are used to analyse how environmental and intrinsic plant variables affect growth and reproduction within a complex nested spatial and temporal context. These techniques are relatively underused in ecology, despite the prevalence of multi-level and repeated-measures data generated from ecological studies. 3. We found that plant size (rosette or flowering stems) was strongly correlated with all life stages studied (growth, probability of flowering, asexual reproduction, survival and fruit production). Environmental variables such as herbivory, ground cover and rainfall had significant effects on several life stages. 4. Significant spatial variation at the quadrat level was found in the probability of flowering, flowering stem growth and fruit production models; variation at all other spatial levels in all models was non-significant. Yearly temporal variation was significant in all models where multi-year data were available. 5. Plants in shaded habitats were smaller but had higher survival probabilities than plants in open habitats. They are therefore likely to have slightly different population dynamics. 6. Synthesis and applications. Analysis of these models for H. perforatum has provided insights into which plant traits and environmental factors determine how populations increase and persist in exotic ecosystems, enabling population management strategies to be most effectively targeted. Spatially and temporally correlated data are often collected in long-term ecological studies and multi-level models are a way in which we can fully exploit the wealth of data available. Without these tools data are either underexploited or crucial assumptions of independence on which many statistics are based are contravene

    A study of anodic films on n-InP by spectroscopic ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy

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    The growth of anodic films on n-InP in 1 mol dm-1 KOH is investigated under potential sweep conditions. At lower potentials a thin surface film is formed and a peak is observed on the current-voltage curve. Ellipsometric measurements show that this film increases in thickness with increasing potential but the observed thickness values are significantly less than the corresponding coulometrically estimated values. This indicates that much of the charge passed is not involved in the formation of a surface film but presumably in the formation of soluble anodic reaction products. Cyclic voltammograms show that a current peak is also observed on the reverse sweep and ellipsometric measurements show that the anodic film thickness also increases during the reverse sweep until the peak potential is reached. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) shows that the surface becomes smoother as the potential is increased. We attribute this to the formation of nuclei at lower potentials, which coalesce as the layer becomes thicker. Electron diffraction and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis show that the surface film is predominantly In2O3 with no evidence of InPO4

    Anodic behavior of InP: film growth, porous structures and current oscillations.

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    We review our recent work on the anodization of InP in KOH electrolytes. The anodic oxidation processes are shown to be remarkably different in different concentrations of KOH. Anodization in 2 - 5 mol dm-3 KOH electrolytes results in the formation of porous InP layers but, under similar conditions in a 1 mol dm-3 KOH, no porous structure is evident. Rather, the InP electrode is covered with a thin, compact surface film at lower potentials and, at higher potentials, a highly porous surface film is formed which cracks on drying. Anodization of electrodes in 2 - 5 mol dm-3 KOH results in the formation of porous InP under both potential sweep and constant potential conditions. The porosity is estimated at ~65%. A thin layer (~ 30 nm) close to the surface appears to be unmodified. It is observed that this dense, near-surface layer is penetrated by a low density of pores which appear to connected it to the electrolyte. Well-defined oscillations are observed when InP is anodized in both the KOH and (NH4)2S. The charge per cycle remains constant at 0.32 C cm-2 in (NH4)2S but increases linearly with potential in KOH. Although the characteristics of the oscillations in the two systems differ, both show reproducible and well-behaved values of charge per cycle

    The Effects of Video Instruction Versus Verbal Instruction on High Intensity Interval Exercise Performance: A Pilot Analysis

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    It has been indicated that music and motivational videos can have a positive impact on high-intensity treadmill performance in trained athletes. It has also been shown that live or recorded video exercise instructions have an overall positive effect on exercise performance accuracy in upper extremity exercises compared to written or verbal instructions in adults with no shoulder pathologies. It is unclear whether exercise instructions given via a home workout video has any effects on non-equipment based high-intensity interval exercise performance. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether exercising along with pre-recorded video instructions positively impacts overall exercise performance in a single bout of Tabata exercise compared to verbal and handout instructions alone. Methods: In this cross-over design, 8 (2F; 6M) sedentary, college-aged (171.5±40.7 lbs; 67.6±3in; 21.3±1.5yrs) individuals participated in two randomized intervention groups: 1) Tabata with video instructions on a computer screen (V) and 2) Tabata without video instruction (NV). The Tabata workout consisted of five total sessions. Each session was composed of two rounds, with each round containing four exercises each lasting 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. Following the completion of a session, participants were given a 60 second rest period. The total duration of the exercise was 25 minutes. During the recovery period, the participants’ heart rate (HR) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded. Prior(pre) and immediately following the completion of exercise(post), participants were given the felt arousal scale (FAS) and the 10-centimeter visual analog fatigue scale (FS) to assess participants arousal and overall fatigue. Significant differences (p\u3c0.05) for average RPE for each trial along with the pre and post FAS and FS for each trial was determined using a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test. Significant differences between HR were analyzed using a Student\u27s T-test (p\u3c0.05). Results: The results of the dependent samples Wilcoxon test did not reveal any significant differences between NVFASPre and VFASpre (p=0.783), NVFASpost and VFASpost (p=0.71), NVFSpre and VFSpre (p=.401), NVFSpost and VFSpost (p=0.401) and NVRPE and VRPE (p=0.779). The student\u27s t-test also did not reveal any significant differences between NVHR and VHR (174.3 ± 18.4 & 174.3 ± 13.2 BPM; p=.359). Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that there was no significant difference in exercise performance, arousal, intensity, and fatigue between instructions given visually or verbally. However, the preference of the participants for instruction was verbal rather than visual. Comments from the participants included that the person demonstrating the exercises in the video reduced their self-efficacy, because they could not keep up. Limitations of this study were the small sample size, not counting the number of repetitions for each exercise, and population of the participants. Future research should address these limitations

    On the accretion mode of the intermediate polar V1025 Centauri

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    The long white-dwarf spin periods in the magnetic cataclysmic variables EX Hya and V1025 Cen imply that if the systems possess accretion discs then they cannot be in equilibrium. It has been suggested that instead they are discless accretors in which the spin-up torques resulting from accretion are balanced by the ejection of part of the accretion flow back towards the secondary. We present phase-resolved spectroscopy of V1025 Cen aimed at deducing the nature of the accretion flow, and compare this with simulations of a discless accretor. We find that both the conventional disc-fed model and the discless-accretor model have strengths and weaknesses, and that further work is needed before we can decide which applies to V1025 Cen.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, To appear in MNRAS, includes low-res figures to reduce siz

    Growth and characterization of anodic Films on InP in KOH and (NH4)2S

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    The current-voltage characteristics of InP were investigated in (NH4)2S and KOH electrolytes. In both solutions, the observation of current peaks in the cyclic voltammetric curves was attributed to the growth of passivating films. The relationship between the peak currents and the scan rates suggests that the film formation process is diffusion controlled in both cases. The film thickness required to inhibit current flow was found to be much lower on samples anodized in the sulphide solution. Focused ion beam (FIB) secondary electron images of the surface films show that film cracking of the type reported previously for films grown in (NH4)2S is also observed for films grown in KOH. X-ray and electron diffraction measurements indicate the presence of In2O3 and InPO4 in films grown in KOH and In2S3 in films grown in (NH4)2S

    Comparison of oscillatory behavior on InP electrodes in KOH solutions

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    The observation of current oscillations under potential sweep conditions when an n-InP electrode is anodized in a KOH electrolyte is reported and compared to the oscillatory behavior noted during anodization in an (NH4)2S electrolyte. In both cases oscillations are observed above 1.7 V (SCE). The charge per cycle was found to increase linearly with potential for the InP/KOH system but was observed to be independent of potential for the InP/(NH4)2S system. The period of the oscillations in the InP/KOH was found to increase with applied potential. In this case the oscillations are asymmetrical and the rising and falling segments have a different dependence on potential. Although the exact mechanism is not yet know for either system, transmission electron microscopy studies show that in both cases, the electrode is covered by a thick porous film in the oscillatory region

    X-ray properties of the white dwarf pulsar eRASSU J191213.9-441044

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    We report X-ray observations of the newly discovered pulsating white dwarf eRASSU J191213.9-441044 with Spectrum Roentgen Gamma and eROSITA (SRG/eROSITA) and XMM-Newton. The new source was discovered during the first eROSITA all-sky survey at a flux level of fX (0.2 - 2.3 keV) = 3.3 e-13 erg cm-2 s-1 and found to be spatially coincident with a G = 17.1 stellar Gaia-source at a distance of 237 pc. The flux dropped to about fX = 1 e-13 erg cm-2 s-1 during the three following eROSITA all-sky surveys and remained at this lower level during dedicated XMM-Newton observations performed in September 2022. With XMM-Newton, pulsations with a period of 319 s were found at X-ray and ultraviolet wavelengths occurring simultaneously in time, thus confirming the nature of eRASSU J191213.9-441044 as the second white-dwarf pulsar. The X-ray and UV-pulses correspond to broad optical pulses. Narrow optical pulses that occurred occasionally during simultaneous XMM-Newton/ULTRACAM observations have no X-ray counterpart. The orbital variability of the X-ray signal with a roughly sinusoidal shape was observed with a pulsed fraction of ~28% and maximum emission at orbital phase ~0.25. The ultraviolet light curve peaks at around binary phase 0.45. The X-ray spectrum can be described with the sum of a power law spectrum and a thermal component with a mean X-ray luminosity of Lx(0.2-10 keV) = 1.4 e30 erg s-1. The spectral and variability properties could indicate some residual accretion, in contrast to the case of the prototypical object AR Sco.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, A&A Letter accepte

    Anodic oxidation of InP in KOH electrolytes

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    The anodic behavior of InP in 1 mol dm-3 KOH was investigated and compared with its behavior at higher concentrations of KOH. At concentrations of 2 mol dm-3 KOH or greater, selective etching of InP occurs leading to thick porous InP layers near the surface of the sustrate. In contrast, in 1 mol dm-3 KOH, no such porous layers are formed but a thin surface film is formed at potentials in the range 0.6 V to 1.3 V. The thickness of this film was determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry as a function of the upper potential and the measured film thickness corresponds to the charge passed up to a potential of 1.0 V. Anodization to potentials above 1.5 V in 1 mol dm- 3 KOH results in the growth of thick, porous oxide films (~ 1.2 µm). These films are observed to crack, ex-situ, due to shrinkage after drying in ambient air. Comparisons between the charge density and film thickness measurements indicate a porosity of approximately 77% for such films
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