246 research outputs found

    Detection of Braking Tracks using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (LIBS + LIFS)

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    Předmětem této práce je ověření potenciálu analytické metody Spektroskopie laserem buzeného plazmatu (LIBS) pro detekci vizuálně nezřetelných brzdných stop. Tyto stopy jsou detekovány na základě odlišnosti chemického složení běhounu pneumatiky ve srovnání s povrchem vozovky. Samotné ověření probíhá v několika postupných krocích – volbou vhodného prvku a jeho spektrální čáry pro identifikaci brzdné stopy; určením limitů detekce resp. prahové hodnoty intenzity signálu dané spektrální čáry prvku; ověřením detekce na reálné brzdné stopě. Brzdná stopa byla vytvořena za přesně definovaných a popsaných podmínek. Detekce brzdné stopy byla provedena dvěma způsoby – odběrem pomocí adhesní pásky a analýzou v laboratoři; pomocí mobilního zařízení přímo na místě. Výsledky měření ukázaly, že oba způsoby jsou pro identifikaci brzdné stopy použitelné a mají své klady a zápory. Pro oba tyto způsoby byly navrženy koncepce přístrojů, které by umožnily rutinní měření.The aim of this work is to investigate the potential of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for identification of visually unrecognizable braking tracks. Identification of these tracks is based on different chemical composition of tire tread in comparison to road surface. The investigation was divided in several sequential steps – selection of suitable chemical element and its spectral line for break tracks identification; determination of the limits of detection and threshold intensity respectively for the selected chemical element; verification of LIBS ability to detect braking tracks on a real braking track. This testing braking track was prepared by exactly defined and described conditions. The detection was performed in two ways – laboratory analysis of tire treads particles collected via adhesive tape and in situ analysis via mobile apparatus. Results of both measurements showed that LIBS is able to detect visually unrecognizable braking tracks. Concepts of the devices capable of routine braking tracks identification for both possibilities were introduced.

    Augmented reality usage for prototyping speed up

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    The first part of the article describes our approach for solution of this problem by means of Augmented Reality. The merging of the real world model and digital objects allows streamline the work with the model and speed up the whole production phase significantly. The main advantage of augmented reality is the possibility of direct manipulation with the scene using a portable digital camera. Also adding digital objects into the scene could be done using identification markers placed on the surface of the model. Therefore it is not necessary to work with special input devices and lose the contact with the real world model. Adjustments are done directly on the model. The key problem of outlined solution is the ability of identification of an object within the camera picture and its replacement with the digital object. The second part of the article is focused especially on the identification of exact position and orientation of the marker within the picture. The identification marker is generalized into the triple of points which represents a general plane in space. There is discussed the space identification of these points and the description of representation of their position and orientation be means of transformation matrix. This matrix is used for rendering of the graphical objects (e. g. in OpenGL and Direct3D).Comment: Keywords: augmented reality, prototyping, pose estimation, transformation matri

    Augmented Reality Implementation Methods in Mainstream Applications

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    Augmented reality has became an useful tool in many areas from space exploration to military applications. Although used theoretical principles are well known for almost a decade, the augmented reality is almost exclusively used in high budget solutions with a special hardware. However, in last few years we could see rising popularity of many projects focused on deployment of the augmented reality on different mobile devices. Our article is aimed on developers who consider development of an augmented reality application for the mainstream market. Such developers will be forced to keep the application price, therefore also the development price, at reasonable level. Usage of existing image processing software library could bring a significant cut-down of the development costs. In the theoretical part of the article is presented an overview of the augmented reality application structure. Further, an approach for selection appropriate library as well as the review of the existing software libraries focused in this area is described. The last part of the article outlines our implementation of key parts of the augmented reality application using the OpenCV library

    Does International Trump Domestic Trade? The Seed Potato Market in Canada

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    trade, potato, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Development,

    Does International Trump Domestic Trade? The Seed Potato Market in Canada

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    trade, potato, Canada, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Development, International Relations/Trade,

    Providing Customised Information Panel Content Based on User Behavioral Patterns

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    Although mobile applications are commonly using user location and behavior to provide relevant content, public information panels usually lack the ability to adjust the content for a particular user or a group of users. Therefore, we focused on the development of information panels that are able, in combination with a mobile application, to collect anonymous location data about the users, identify key behavioral patterns and provide content that is relevant for the users in the panel vicinity. The key property of our solution is the anonymity of the collected information and privacy in general. The proposed algorithm consists of the data clustering and subsequent analysis. Described solution can be used in any public building or campus that the users visit regularly

    Role of Tobacco Use in the Etiology of Acoustic Neuroma

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    Two previous studies suggest that cigarette smoking reduces acoustic neuroma risk; however, an association between use of snuff tobacco and acoustic neuroma has not been investigated previously. The authors conducted a case-control study in Sweden from 2002 to 2007, in which 451 cases and 710 population-based controls completed questionnaires. Cases and controls were matched on gender, region, and age within 5 years. The authors estimated odds ratios using conditional logistic regression analyses, adjusted for education and tobacco use (snuff use in the smoking analysis and smoking in the snuff analysis). The risk of acoustic neuroma was greatly reduced in male current smokers (odds ratio (OR) = 0.41, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.23, 0.74) and moderately reduced in female current smokers (OR = 0.70, 95% CI: 0.40, 1.23). In contrast, current snuff use among males was not associated with risk of acoustic neuroma (OR = 0.94, 95% CI: 0.57, 1.55). The authors’ findings are consistent with previous reports of lower acoustic neuroma risk among current cigarette smokers than among never smokers. The absence of an association between snuff use and acoustic neuroma suggests that some constituent of tobacco smoke other than nicotine may confer protection against acoustic neuroma