370 research outputs found

    Hydrochemical determination of source water contributions to Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile (central Italy)

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    Lake Lungo and Lake Ripasottile are two shallow (4-5 m) lakes located in the Rieti Basin, central Italy, that have been described previously as surface outcroppings of the groundwater table. In this work, the two lakes as well as springs and rivers that represent their potential source waters are characterized physio-chemically and isotopically, using a combination of environmental tracers. Temperature and pH were measured and water samples were analyzed for alkalinity, major ion concentration, and stable isotope (δ2H, δ18O, δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon, and δ34S and δ18O of sulfate) composition. Chemical data were also investigated in terms of local meteorological data (air temperature, precipitation) to determine the sensitivity of lake parameters to changes in the surrounding environment. Groundwater represented by samples taken from Santa Susanna Spring was shown to be distinct with SO4 2- and Mg2+ content of 270 and 29 mg/L, respectively, and heavy sulfate isotopic composition (δ34S=15.2‰ and δ18O=10‰). Outflow from the Santa Susanna Spring enters Lake Ripasottile via a canal and both spring and lake water exhibits the same chemical distinctions and comparatively low seasonal variability. Major ion concentrations in Lake Lungo are similar to the Vicenna Riara Spring and are interpreted to represent the groundwater locally recharged within the plain. The δ13CDIC exhibit the same groupings as the other chemical parameters, providing supporting evidence of the source relationships. Lake Lungo exhibited exceptional ranges of δ13CDIC (±5‰) and δ2H, δ18O (±5 ‰ and ±7 ‰, respectively), attributed to sensitivity to seasonal changes. The hydrochemistry results, particularly major ion data, highlight how the two lakes, though geographically and morphologically similar, represent distinct hydrochemical facies. These data also show a different response in each lake to temperature and precipitation patterns in the basin that may be attributed to lake water retention time. The sensitivity of each lake to meteorological patterns can be used to understand the potential effects from long-term climate variability

    La constitution du secteur du handicap : un processus d'isomorphisme exemplaire La convergence de deux organisations vers le modèle de l'association gestionnaire (1945-1965)

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    Le secteur de la prise en charge des personnes handicapées (proposant une offre de services : éducation, hébergement, soins médicaux, insertion par le travail dans le cadre d'établissements spécialisés) présente aujourd'hui une forte homogénéité organisationnelle. Plus de neuf organisations sur dix composant ce secteur sont en effet de statut associatif. On peut qualifier ces associations "d'entreprises associatives gestionnaires" dans le sens où, agissant comme des auxiliaires de l'Etat-Providence (Marchal, 1992; Hely, 2004), leur gestion budgétaire est encadrée par les pouvoirs publics qui leur délivrent des autorisations de fonctionnement et des financements publics. Elles disposent de budgets importants, composés principalement de ressources publiques et emploient, bien davantage que d'autres associations, des salariés qualifiés, exerçant à temps plein. Cette forme organisationnelle est par ailleurs celle de la majorité des associations en faveur des personnes handicapées (Tchernonog, 2000).histoire, association, handicap

    La construction sociale du marché du handicap : entre concurrence associative et régulation politique (1943-2009)

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    Les équipements du secteur du handicap sont gérés en France par des acteurs associatifs, qui représentent les trois quarts des opérateurs. Essentiellement financées par des fonds publics, ces organisations privées agissent selon des règles propres au secteur. Mais l'introduction des appels à projets (loi HPST de 2009) cristallise les débats sur la création d'un " marché du handicap " et l'instauration d'une logique concurrentielle entre les associations. Prenant de la distance à l'égard de ces débats, l'objectif de la recherche est de proposer une analyse des processus de transformations des comportements économiques des associations dans le secteur du handicap que nous avons considéré comme un champ organisationnel. Adoptant une approche longitudinale à l'aide d'une part d'une enquête sur les données de l'évolution de l'équipement dans deux départements de la région Rhône-Alpes depuis les années quarante et d'autre part d'une enquête par entretiens auprès d'une soixantaine d'acteurs du champ, cette recherche met en évidence trois résultats. (1) Les luttes concurrentielles, même si elles ont toujours existé dans le champ connaissent des évolutions dans le temps. D'une part elles s'intensifient dans le sens où les opérateurs associatifs s'implantent sur des territoires de concurrence occupés par d'autres et que des ententes implicites protégeaient jusque là de toute nouvelle intrusion. D'autre part, de nouvelles stratégies de lutte concurrentielle émergent : actions sur les coûts et la qualité et prise de contrôle directe sur d'autres opérateurs dans le cadre de fusions-acquisitions (2) Ces nouvelles formes de luttes économiques se diffusent car elles sont soutenues par une nouvelle conception de contrôle " managériale " en émergence qui valorise les comportements de recherche d'efficience, de rationalisation et de rapprochement associatifs. Cette conception de contrôle est soutenue par de nouveaux acteurs clés du champ, issus eux-mêmes des transformations des rapports de pouvoir interne aux opérateurs associatifs (la prise de pouvoir des dirigeants salariés, professionnels de la gestion, sur les dirigeants bénévoles) et des transformations des modes d'intervention des autorités publiques (instruments de contrôle à distance mobilisés par les représentants des autorités publiques). (3) Ces nouvelles formes de lutte économiques ont des effets de stabilisation des rapports de pouvoir dans le champ, autrement dit des positions acquises au cours de la première phase de structuration du champ. Ce travail pourrait ouvrir plusieurs perspectives de recherche. La principale consiste en une exploitation approfondie des données statistiques que nous avons recueillies pour constituer une base de données longitudinales sur l'offre d'équipement dans deux départements de manière à mieux rendre compte des transformations qui affectent les luttes concurrentielles entre opérateurs associatifs. Ce travail soulève par ailleurs des questions sur la façon dont l'information sur l'équipement dans le secteur du handicap est construite et utilisée par les acteurs. Des recherches sur la construction et les usages des nomenclatures officielles (de type FINESS) et leur articulation avec les classements " indigènes " produits par les acteurs de terrain peuvent notamment aider à comprendre certains décalages entre les " besoins " et les équipements créés

    Aerodynamic optimization of the exhaust system of an aft-mounted boundary layer ingestion propulsor

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    Novel aircraft propulsion configurations require a greater integration of the propulsive system with the airframe. As a consequence of the closer integration of the propulsive system, higher levels of flow distortion at the fan face are expected. This distortion will propagate through the fan and penalize the system performance. This will also modify the exhaust design requirements. Hence, the aerodynamic design of the exhaust system becomes crucial to reduce the penalties of the distortion on the system performance. This work defines a methodology for the optimization of exhaust systems for novel embedded propulsive systems. As the case study a 2D axisymmetric aft mounted annular boundary layer ingestion (BLI) propulsor is used. An automated CFD approach is applied with a parametric definition of the design space. A throughflow body force model for the fan is implemented and validated for 2D axisymmetric and 3D flows. A multi-objetive optimization based on evolutionary algorithms is used for the exhaust design. A maximum benefit of approximately 0.32% on the total aircraft required thrust was observed by the application of compact exhaust designs. Furthermore, for the embedded system, is observed that the design of the compact exhaust and the nacelle afterbody have a considerable impact on the aerodynamic performance. To the author’s knowledge, this is the first detailed optimization of an exhaust system on an annular aft-mounted BLI propulsor

    Aerodynamics of a short intake in crosswind

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    The next generation of turbofan aero-engines are likely to have an increase in fan diameter to reduce the specific thrust and increase the overall propulsive efficiency. More compact nacelles with possibly shorter intakes may be used to reduce weight and drag and achieve a net reduction of fuel consumption. For these compact nacelles a key consideration is the design of the short intake at the off-design conditions such as crosswind and high incidence operations. The close coupled interaction between a short intake and the fan at these off-design conditions is one of the key challenges. Previous work focused on the impact of short intake aerodynamics on the fan but there is a similar requirement to understand the impact of the fan on the viable short intake design space. This paper addresses the influence of the fan on the separation onset of the flow within a short intake under crosswind conditions. The effect of the fan on the separation characteristics of the intake boundary layer was considered both from a steady and an unsteady point of view. A hierarchy of fan computational models was used to separately assess the different aerodynamic contributions and to evaluate a net effect of the fan on the intake critical condition. Steady computational fluid dynamics analyses showed a notable positive effect of the fan on total pressure loss at post-separation conditions relative to a configuration without the fan. However, unsteady analyses revealed that fan unsteadiness has an adverse impact on the intake separation characteristics which reduces the intake critical conditions by about 15%. The main mechanisms behind the unsteady interaction were identified. Overall this work addresses, for the first time, the role of fan unsteadiness on the separation characteristics of the boundary layer within a short intake in crosswind

    Aerodynamic optimization of the exhaust system of an aft-mounted boundary layer ingestion propulsor

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    Purpose Novel aircraft propulsion configurations require a greater integration of the propulsive system with the airframe. As a consequence of the closer integration of the propulsive system, higher levels of flow distortion at the fan face are expected. This distortion will propagate through the fan and penalize the system performance. This will also modify the exhaust design requirements. This paper aims to propose a methodology for the aerodynamic optimization of the exhaust for novel embedded propulsive systems. To model the distortion transfer, a low order throughflow fan model is included. Design/methodology/approach As the case study a 2D axisymmetric aft-mounted annular boundary layer ingestion (BLI) propulsor is used. An automated computational fluid dynamics approach is applied with a parametric definition of the design space. A throughflow body force model for the fan is implemented and validated for 2D axisymmetric and 3D flows. A multi-objective optimization based on evolutionary algorithms is used for the exhaust design. Findings By the application of the optimization methodology, a maximum benefit of approximately 0.32% of the total aircraft required thrust was observed by the application of compact exhaust designs. Furthermore, for the embedded system, it is observed that the design of the compact exhaust and the nacelle afterbody have a considerable impact on the aerodynamic performance. Originality/value This paper presents a novel approach for the exhaust design of embedded propulsive systems in novel aircraft configurations. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first detailed optimization of the exhaust system on an annular aft-mounted BLI propulsor

    Unsteady swirl distortion in a short intake under crosswind conditions

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    In crosswind operating conditions, an aero-engine intake can be affected by notable unsteady flow distortions at the fan face. These distortions are typically associated with the ingestion of the ground vortex as well as with flow separation within the intake and can have a detrimental effect on the intake performance and therefore on the operability of the downstream compression system. Measurements of the unsteady velocity field within a model-scale intake under crosswind conditions were conducted using Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (S-PIV) to characterize the velocity field and hence the intake flow distortion across the Aerodynamic Interface Plane (AIP) inside the duct. The intake distortion metrics were calculated for three operating conditions at a fixed crosswind velocity and increasing Mass Flow Capture Ratio (MFCR). The conditions at which the flow separates depend on crosswind velocity, ground clearance, the design of the intake and the MFCR. Flow characteristics of both low MFCR diffusion-driven, and high MFCR shock-induced separation were identified. The circumferential extent and intensity of the swirl distortion were found to be highly dependent on the crosswind velocity and MFCR. The swirl distortion caused by the diffusion-driven separation is greater than that due to shock-induced separation. The diffusion-driven separation was found to affect a bigger position of the intake AIP with higher time-average and peak values. An intermittent separation, that was observed for one value of MFCR in the range investigated, was found to cause peak levels of distortion twice the time-averaged values. Localized high swirl levels at a radial position near the intake surface correspondent to the tip region of a notional fan were observed. These can be expected to be detrimental to the operating stability of the downstream compression system

    Traumatic dental injury research: on children or with children?

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    Background and aim: It is widely acknowledged that children should participate in healthcare decisions, service development and even setting research agendas. Dental traumatology is a major component of paediatric dentistry practice and research. However, little is known about young patients’ contribution to new knowledge in this field. The aim of the study was to establish the extent to which children are involved in contemporary dental trauma research and to evaluate the quality of the related literature. Material and methods: A systematic review of the dental trauma literature was conducted from 2006-2014. The electronic databases, MEDLINE and Scopus, were used to identify relevant studies. The selected papers were independently examined by five calibrated reviewers. Studies were categorised by the degree of children’s involvement and appraised using a validated quality assessment tool. Results: The initial search yielded 4,374 papers. After application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria only 96 studies remained. Research on children accounted for 87.5% of papers and a proxy was involved in 4.2%. Children were engaged to some degree in only 8.3% of studies and there were no studies where children were active research participants. In the quality assessment exercise papers scored, on average, 57% (range=14-86%). Conclusion: There is scope to encourage more active participation of children in dental trauma research in the future. Furthermore, there are some areas where the quality of research could be improved overall

    Time spent with cats is never wasted: Lessons learned from feline acromegalic cardiomyopathy, a naturally occurring animal model of the human disease

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>In humans, acromegaly due to a pituitary somatotrophic adenoma is a recognized cause of increased left ventricular (LV) mass. Acromegalic cardiomyopathy is incompletely understood, and represents a major cause of morbidity and mortality. We describe the clinical, echocardiographic and histopathologic features of naturally occurring feline acromegalic cardiomyopathy, an emerging disease among domestic cats.</p><p>Methods</p><p>Cats with confirmed hypersomatotropism (IGF-1>1000ng/ml and pituitary mass; n = 67) were prospectively recruited, as were two control groups: diabetics (IGF-1<800ng/ml; n = 24) and healthy cats without known endocrinopathy or cardiovascular disease (n = 16). Echocardiography was performed in all cases, including after hypersomatotropism treatment where applicable. Additionally, tissue samples from deceased cats with hypersomatotropism, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and age-matched controls (n = 21 each) were collected and systematically histopathologically reviewed and compared.</p><p>Results</p><p>By echocardiography, cats with hypersomatotropism had a greater maximum LV wall thickness (6.5mm, 4.1–10.1mm) than diabetic (5.9mm, 4.2–9.1mm; Mann Whitney, p<0.001) or control cats (5.2mm, 4.1–6.5mm; Mann Whitney, p<0.001). Left atrial diameter was also greater in cats with hypersomatotropism (16.6mm, 13.0–29.5mm) than in diabetic (15.4mm, 11.2–20.3mm; Mann Whitney, p<0.001) and control cats (14.0mm, 12.6–17.4mm; Mann Whitney, p<0.001). After hypophysectomy and normalization of IGF-1 concentration (n = 20), echocardiographic changes proved mostly reversible. As in humans, histopathology of the feline acromegalic heart was dominated by myocyte hypertrophy with interstitial fibrosis and minimal myofiber disarray.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>These results demonstrate cats could be considered a naturally occurring model of acromegalic cardiomyopathy, and as such help elucidate mechanisms driving cardiovascular remodeling in this disease.</p></div

    High-resolution turbofan intake flow characterization by automated stereoscopic-PIV in an industrial wind tunnel environment

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    Unsteady inlet flow distortion can influence the stability and performance of any propulsion system, in particular for more novel, short and slim intakes of future aero-engine configurations. As such, the requirement for measurement methods able to provide high spatial resolution data is important to aid the understanding of these flow fields. This work presents flow field characterisations at a crossflow plane within a short aeroengine intake using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (SPIV). A series of tests were conducted across a range of crosswind and high angle of attack conditions for a representative short and slim aspirated intake configuration at two operating points in terms of mass flow rate. The velocity maps were measured at a crossflow plane within the intake at an axial position L/D = 0.058 from where a fan is expected to be installed. The diameter of the measurement plane was 250 mm, and the final spatial resolution of the velocity fields had a vector pitch of 1.5 mm which is at least two orders of magnitude richer than conventional pressure-based distortion measurements. The work demonstrates the ability to perform robust non-intrusive flow measurements within modern intake systems in an industrial wind tunnel environment across a wide range of operating conditions; hence, it is suggested that SPIV can potentially become part of standard industrial testing. The results provide rich datasets that can notably improve our understanding of unsteady distortions and influence the design of novel, closely coupled engine-intake systems
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