513 research outputs found

    A to Z of the Muon anomalous magnetic moment in the MSSM with Pati-Salam at the GUT scale

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    We analyse the low energy predictions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) arising from a GUT scale Pati-Salam gauge group further constrained by an A4 × Z5 family symmetry, resulting in four soft scalar masses at the GUT scale: one left-handed soft mass m0 and three right-handed soft masses m1, m2, m3, one for each generation. We demonstrate that this model, which was initially developed to describe the neutrino sector, can explain collider and non-collider measurements such as the dark matter relic density, the Higgs boson mass and, in particular, the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g − 2)μ. Since about two decades, (g − 2)μ suffers a puzzling about 3σ excessoftheexperimentallymeasuredvalueoverthetheoreticalprediction,whichour model is able to fully resolve. As the consequence of this resolution, our model predicts specific regions of the parameter space with the specific properties including light smuons and neutralinos, which could also potentially explain di-lepton excesses observed by CMS and ATLAS

    Latent regulatory potential of human-specific repetitive elements

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    At least half of the human genome is derived from repetitive elements, which are often lineage specific and silenced by a variety of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Using a transchromosomic mouse strain that transmits an almost complete single copy of human chromosome 21 via the female germline, we show that a heterologous regulatory environment can transcriptionally activate transposon-derived human regulatory regions. In the mouse nucleus, hundreds of locations on human chromosome 21 newly associate with activating histone modifications in both somatic and germline tissues, and influence the gene expression of nearby transcripts. These regions are enriched with primate and human lineage-specific transposable elements, and their activation corresponds to changes in DNA methylation at CpG dinucleotides. This study reveals the latent regulatory potential of the repetitive human genome and illustrates the species specificity of mechanisms that control it

    The role of the reef flat in coral reef trophodynamics: past, present, and future

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    The reef flat is one of the largest and most distinctive habitats on coral reefs, yet its role in reef trophodynamics is poorly understood. Evolutionary evidence suggests that reef flat colonization by grazing fishes was a major innovation that permitted the exploitation of new space and trophic resources. However, the reef flat is hydrodynamically challenging, subject to high predation risks and covered with sediments that inhibit feeding by grazers. To explore these opposing influences, we examine the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) as a model system. We focus on grazing herbivores that directly access algal primary productivity in the epilithic algal matrix (EAM). By assessing abundance, biomass, and potential fish productivity, we explore the potential of the reef flat to support key ecosystem processes and its ability to maintain fisheries yields. On the GBR, the reef flat is, by far, the most important habitat for turf‐grazing fishes, supporting an estimated 79% of individuals and 58% of the total biomass of grazing surgeonfishes, parrotfishes, and rabbitfishes. Approximately 59% of all (reef‐wide) turf algal productivity is removed by reef flat grazers. The flat also supports approximately 75% of all grazer biomass growth. Our results highlight the evolutionary and ecological benefits of occupying shallow‐water habitats (permitting a ninefold population increase). The acquisition of key locomotor and feeding traits has enabled fishes to access the trophic benefits of the reef flat, outweighing the costs imposed by water movement, predation, and sediments. Benthic assemblages on reefs in the future may increasingly resemble those seen on reef flats today, with low coral cover, limited topographic complexity, and extensive EAM. Reef flat grazing fishes may therefore play an increasingly important role in key ecosystem processes and in sustaining future fisheries yields

    The spectrum of mutations and molecular pathogenesis of hemophilia A in 181 Portuguese patients

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    Disease-causing alterations within the F8 gene were identified in 177 hemophilia A families of Portuguese origin. The spectrum of non-inversion F8 mutations in 101 families included 67 different alterations, namely: 36 missense, 8 nonsense and 4 splice site mutations, as well as 19 insertions/deletions. Thirty-four of these mutations are novel. Molecular modeling allowed prediction of the conformational changes introduced by selected amino acid substitutions and their correlation with the patients' phenotypes. The relatively frequent, population-specific, missense mutations together with de novo alterations can lead to significant differences in the spectrum of F8 mutations among different populationsThis study was partially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia: research grant PBIC/C/SAU/1588/92 and Programa de Financiamento Plurianual do CIGM

    The role of the reef flat in coral reef trophodynamics: Past, present, and future

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    The reef flat is one of the largest and most distinctive habitats on coral reefs, yet its role in reef trophodynamics is poorly understood. Evolutionary evidence suggests that reef flat colonization by grazing fishes was a major innovation that permitted the exploitation of new space and trophic resources. However, the reef flat is hydrodynamically challenging, subject to high predation risks and covered with sediments that inhibit feeding by grazers. To explore these opposing influences, we examine the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) as a model system. We focus on grazing herbivores that directly access algal primary productivity in the epilithic algal matrix (EAM). By assessing abundance, biomass, and potential fish productivity, we explore the potential of the reef flat to support key ecosystem processes and its ability to maintain fisheries yields. On the GBR, the reef flat is, by far, the most important habitat for turf‐grazing fishes, supporting an estimated 79% of individuals and 58% of the total biomass of grazing surgeonfishes, parrotfishes, and rabbitfishes. Approximately 59% of all (reef‐wide) turf algal productivity is removed by reef flat grazers. The flat also supports approximately 75% of all grazer biomass growth. Our results highlight the evolutionary and ecological benefits of occupying shallow‐water habitats (permitting a ninefold population increase). The acquisition of key locomotor and feeding traits has enabled fishes to access the trophic benefits of the reef flat, outweighing the costs imposed by water movement, predation, and sediments. Benthic assemblages on reefs in the future may increasingly resemble those seen on reef flats today, with low coral cover, limited topographic complexity, and extensive EAM. Reef flat grazing fishes may therefore play an increasingly important role in key ecosystem processes and in sustaining future fisheries yields.Fish counts were conducted under a Great Barrier Reef Marine Parks Permit (Permit number: G04/12937.1) and funded by the Australian Research Council (DRB)

    The Burden of Progressive Fibrosing Interstitial Lung Disease: A DELPHI Approach

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    Introduction: The term progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease (ILD) describes patients with fibrotic ILDs who, irrespective of the aetiology of the disease, show a progressive course of their disease despite current available (and non-licensed) treatment. Besides in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, little is known about management and the burden of patients with fibrotic ILD, particularly those with a progressive behaviour. Methods: Using the Delphi method, 40 European experts in ILD management delivered information on management of (progressive) fibrosing ILD and on the impact of the disease on patients’ quality of life (QoL) and healthcare resource utilisation (HCRU). Annual costs were calculated for progressive and non-/slow-progressive fibrosing ILD for diagnosis, follow-up management, exacerbation management, and end-of-life care based on the survey data. Results: Physicians reported that progression in fibrosing ILD worsens QoL in both patients and their caregivers. Progression of fibrosing ILD was associated with a greater use of HCRU for follow-up visits and maintenance treatment compared with the non-/slow progression. The number of patients who suffered at least one acute exacerbation was reported to be more than three times higher in progressive fibrosing ILD patients than in patients with non-/slow-progressive fibrosing ILD. On average, annual estimated costs of progressive fibrosing ILD per patient were 1.8 times higher than those of the non-/slow-progressive form of the disease.

    Pediatricians and nutritionists knowledge about treatment of cow milk allergy in infants

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the knowledge of pediatricians and nutritionists regarding the exclusion diet of cow milk and derivates, with emphasis on questions related to the nutrition of children submitted to such diet. METHODS: Cross-sectional study that enrolled pediatricians (n=53) and nutritionists (n=29) from public hospitals in São Paulo, Brazil, during 2005. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires. RESULTS: The age of the professionals varied from 21 to 50 years old. Regarding professional experience, 41.2% were graduated for less than five years and 91.6% had a specialization course, masters and/or PhD degree. The vast majority of professionals (97.5%) confirmed that they regularly evaluated the diet of children that needed exclusion of cow milk. However, only 48% of the professionals conducted a more detailed evaluation of the diet, including calculations of food ingestion. Only 38.7% of the professionals compared child s food ingestion with some recommended pattern. Recommendations for daily ingestion of calcium by children up to the age of 36 months were properly mentioned by 22% of the pediatricians and 60.7% of the nutritionists (p=0.001). Inadequate cow milk substitute products were recommended by 66% of the pediatricians and by 48.3% of the nutritionists. Regarding labels of industrialized products, 81.6% of the pediatricians and 96.4% of the nutritionists advised the parents to look for all terms that could indicate the presence of cow milk protein. CONCLUSIONS: Pediatricians and nutritionists made conceptual errors in their main recommendations regarding the treatment of cow milk protein allergy.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o conhecimento de pediatras e nutricionistas sobre a dieta de exclusão do leite de vaca e seus derivados, com ênfase em questões relacionadas à nutrição da criança. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal descritivo, do qual participaram pediatras (n=53) e nutricionistas (n=29), vinculados a hospitais públicos do Município de São Paulo, no ano de 2005. Os dados foram coletados por questionário auto-administrado. RESULTADOS: A idade dos profissionais variou de 21 a 50 anos. Quanto ao tempo de graduação, 41,2% eram formados a menos de cinco anos e 91,6% possuíam especialização, mestrado e/ou doutorado. A maioria (97,5%) afirmou avaliar a dieta de crianças submetidas à exclusão do leite de vaca, entretanto, somente 48% o faziam de forma mais detalhadas, incluindo o cálculo da ingestão alimentar. Apenas 38,7% comparam a ingestão alimentar da criança com algum padrão de recomendação. A recomendação diária da ingestão de cálcio para crianças com até 36 meses foi corretamente assinalada por 22% dos pediatras e 60,7% dos nutricionistas (p=0,001). Produtos não adequados como substitutos do leite de vaca seriam recomendados por 66% dos pediatras e 48,3% dos nutricionistas. Com relação à leitura de rótulos de produtos industrializados, 81,6% dos pediatras e 96,4% dos nutricionistas orientam os pais a ler todos os termos que indicam a presença das proteínas do leite de vaca. CONCLUSÕES: Os pediatras e nutricionista demonstraram erro conceitual no que se refere às principais recomendações terapêuticas na alergia às proteínas do leite de vaca.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPUNIFESPSciEL