3 research outputs found

    A Prophet in Golconda: Bishop Gerardo Valencia Cano

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    The life and work of Bishop Gerardo Valencia Cano, was marked not only by his missionary work in the Vaupés and Buenaventura, beside the poor and needy, but by his active participation in the priestly movement Golconda, first visible expression of what would be the Theology of Liberation in Colombia. His leading role and the reactions of the Colombian episcopate are the central theme of this work

    Gerardo Valencia Cano, obispo de los pobres

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    The life and work of Gerardo Valencia Cano is well known in Colombian places where he was present, like Yarumal, Mitu and Buenaventura. Despite his prolific pastoral and missionary work in these communities, just few works explore his projects and his intellectual, literary, theological and ecclesial works in a deep and thoughtful way. However, new approaches, different perspectives and a serious documentary work show that the figure of Bishop Valencia Cano offers a multiplicity of approaches and also that his hectic life as a member of the Catholic Church of the 20th Century entails unspoiled gaps for the social sciences.La vida y obra de Gerardo Valencia Cano es bien reconocida en los lugares donde su figura delgada se hizo presente, es decir, Yarumal, MitĂș y Buenaventura. A pesar de que su obra pastoral y misional fue prolĂ­fica en estas comunidades, son pocos los textos que exploran de manera profunda y reflexiva sus proyectos, asĂ­ como su trabajo intelectual, literario, teolĂłgico y eclesial. Sin embargo, nuevas aproximaciones, diferentes perspectivas y un trabajo documental serio permiten evidenciar que la figura de monseñor Valencia Cano ofrece una multiplicidad de acercamientos y que su vida agitada como miembro de la Iglesia CatĂłlica del siglo XX supone intersticios todavĂ­a vĂ­rgenes para las ciencias sociales

    Gerardo Valencia Cano, obispo de los pobres

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    The life and work of Gerardo Valencia Cano is well known in Colombian places where he was present, like Yarumal, Mitu and Buenaventura. Despite his prolific pastoral and missionary work in these communities, just few works explore his projects and his intellectual, literary, theological and ecclesial works in a deep and thoughtful way. However, new approaches, different perspectives and a serious documentary work show that the figure of Bishop Valencia Cano offers a multiplicity of approaches and also that his hectic life as a member of the Catholic Church of the 20th Century entails unspoiled gaps for the social sciences.La vida y obra de Gerardo Valencia Cano es bien reconocida en los lugares donde su figura delgada se hizo presente, es decir, Yarumal, MitĂș y Buenaventura. A pesar de que su obra pastoral y misional fue prolĂ­fica en estas comunidades, son pocos los textos que exploran de manera profunda y reflexiva sus proyectos, asĂ­ como su trabajo intelectual, literario, teolĂłgico y eclesial. Sin embargo, nuevas aproximaciones, diferentes perspectivas y un trabajo documental serio permiten evidenciar que la figura de monseñor Valencia Cano ofrece una multiplicidad de acercamientos y que su vida agitada como miembro de la Iglesia CatĂłlica del siglo XX supone intersticios todavĂ­a vĂ­rgenes para las ciencias sociales