742 research outputs found

    Lifelong learning and lifelong education: a critique

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    It is suddenly fashionable in political circles in the United Kingdom (and elsewhere) to talk about lifelong learning and lifelong education. This seems to be the direct result of the present economic climate which has called into question many previous assumptions: job security has become an effective myth for most of those who can actually get work; long-term unemployment seems to have become structural and permanent. Consequently, the notions of lifelong learning and lifelong education have taken on dimensions far removed from the almost Utopian ideals of their supporters in the years following the publication of the report Learning to Be. Given the current economic gloom, the popularity of the terms with politicians and the fact of being in the European Year of Lifelong Learning, it is perhaps appropriate to take stock of the whole notion of lifelong learning and lifelong education and to see just what meaning (if any) lies behind these words and where they might take us in the future. This essay lays its foundations in the historical background to the ideas of lifelong learning and lifelong education before moving onto a critique of the post-Faure advocates of the principles. It discusses various problems inherent in the concepts (such as lifelong inadequacy) before concluding that, although many of the difficulties in the concepts are due to the confused nature of adult education itself (e.g. is it education or leisure?), there is a greater need than ever for sustained efforts in favour of lifelong education to help to restore the hope which seems to have become a rare commodity among an all too large section of society

    Narrowing the Gap: Random Forests In Theory and In Practice

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    Despite widespread interest and practical use, the theoretical properties of random forests are still not well understood. In this paper we contribute to this understanding in two ways. We present a new theoretically tractable variant of random regression forests and prove that our algorithm is consistent. We also provide an empirical evaluation, comparing our algorithm and other theoretically tractable random forest models to the random forest algorithm used in practice. Our experiments provide insight into the relative importance of different simplifications that theoreticians have made to obtain tractable models for analysis.Comment: Under review by the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 201

    “The Adaptanators” and “The Geode:” a Single-Case Study Of Narrative Co-wonderfulness Interviews And The Relationship in Supervision During The First Practicum Experience

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    Wonderfulness Interviews (WI) have been discussed as a meaningful entry point into the counseling relationship in Narrative Therapy with children and families (Ingamells, 2016; Marsten et al., 2016). Wonderfulness Interviews are designed to uncover and story a person’s Wonderfulnesses and reclaim “the person and the territory of the conversation from the problem” in work with children and families in Narrative Therapy (Ingamells, 2016, p. 61). WI allow individuals to enter into the therapeutic relationship through telling stories of the qualities that make them the most exemplary as human beings (Marsten et al., 2016). WI and their potential contributions had not been researched in the supervisory relationship. The literature on supervision models and the importance of quality supervisory relationships is vast (Bernard & Luke, 2015; Ratts, 2009; Shepard & Brew, 2013). Supervision is an essential aspect of counselor training and development. The first experiences counselors-in-training (CIT) and supervisors-in-training (SIT) have in supervision occurs during practicum courses within graduate degree programs. CIT and SIT can struggle while adapting to the pressures and responsibilities of new professional roles (Borders et al., 2017; Nelson et al., 2006.) This single-design case study utilized Co-Wonderfulness Interviews (CWI) with one supervisory dyad, a CIT and a SIT, and examined their supervisory relationship throughout a practicum course. The results of this study can contribute to the literature concerning supervisory practices and the potential reciprocal benefits CWI has for CIT and SIT and their supervisory relationship. This research also informs new and creative efforts in training and practice for counselor educators and supervisors

    Experiences with designing and managing organic rotation trials

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    This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference. Practical problems encountered in two long-term organic rotation trials at Aberdeen and Elgin are discussed. Compromises have had to be made in designing and managing the trials: how to include livestock and measure output, plot size, marking and fencing, discards and paths, replication, rotation length, randomisation of crop sequence, site uniformity, manoeuvrability of machines, soil compaction and exposure to pest damage

    Effect of organic crop rotations on long-term development of the weed seedbank

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    Changes in the weed seedbank were monitored between 1991 and 1998 in two experiments that were established to compare organic crop rotations at two sites in NE Scotland. Two rotations, replicated twice at each site, were compared and all courses of both rotations were present every year. There were relatively minor changes in weed species diversity over time, but major changes in seedbank abundance. Weed seed numbers were relatively low in rotations with a high proportion of grass/clover ley. Differences in level of seedbank across the rotation were relatively predictable at Tulloch but much less so at Woodside where factors such as the effect of the grass/clover ley seemed to play a lesser role. Other factors, such as weather and its influence on the effectiveness of weed control operations, and higher populations of ground-living arthropods, may be affecting the Woodside seedbanks

    The views of doctors in their first year of medical practice on the lasting impact of a preparation for house officer course they undertook as final year medical students

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The UK General Medical Council recommends that medical students have the opportunity of shadowing the outgoing new doctor whose post they will soon undertake. At the University of Nottingham the two-week shadowing period was preceded by two weeks of lectures/seminars wherein students followed sessions on topics such as common medical/surgical emergencies, contracts, time management, surviving the first two years of clinical practice, careers advice and so on.</p> <p>The present study aimed to gain a better knowledge and understanding of the lasting impact of a four-week preparation course for new Foundation Year 1 doctors [F1 s - interns]. The objectives chosen to achieve this aim were:</p> <p>1/ to determine the extent to which the lecture/seminar course and shadowing period achieved their stated aim of smoothing the transition from life as a medical student to work as a new doctor;</p> <p>2/ to evaluate perceptions of the importance of various forms of knowledge in easing the transition between medical student and new doctor</p> <p>Method</p> <p>In the spring of 2007, 90 graduates from Nottingham were randomly selected and then emailed a link to a short, online survey of quantitative and qualitative questions. Of these 76 responded. Analysis of quantitative data was carried out using SPSS 16.0 and employed McNemar's test. Analysis of the qualitative data was carried out using the constant comparative method.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only 31% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that the lecture/seminar part of the course prepared them well for their first FY1 post; 14% agreed that during their first job they drew on the knowledge gained during the lecture/seminar course; 94% strongly agreed or agreed that the shadowing part of the course was more useful than the lecture/seminar part.</p> <p>Experiential knowledge gained in the shadowing was the most highly valued, followed by procedural knowledge with propositional knowledge coming far behind.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study shows that new doctors retrospectively value most the knowledge they are able to transfer to the workplace and value least material which seems to repeat what they had learned for their final exams.</p
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